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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:133 题号:14487797

Ask a man in the street what education is for, and an immediate response might be “for equipping young people with the skills to get a job”. Well, yes,but is education not about a lot more than that?

Indeed, I would argue that it is because our British education holds a higher ideal (理想)- equipping young people with self-confidence and an understanding of the world around them-that it is booming internationally.

Yet I believe that what makes our education great is being threatened by the ever increasing focus on teaching to the test. The focus has arisen because only by testing children can we know what progress they have made. It's a paradox(自相矛盾),since the curriculum(课程)changes that are taking effect were designed to widen young people's knowledge of the world around them.

But please do not misunderstand me. I am not suggesting that tests should be withdrawn. I am saying that schools need to have the confidence to aim much higher and wider than teaching to the test. They should put a rich learning experience for students first; the test should be used to validate(证实) learning, not an end in itself.

Teachers count. A good many subject teachers know their departments have been short-changing their students, but they lack the self-confidence and support to move away from teaching to the test. So, what is the secret to getting back on track? What good schools have known all along is that a staffroom full of teachers with a good knowledge of what they are teaching, together with a passion and skill for communicating it, lies at the heart of the best education. Teachers' insistence on putting their love of subjects first will produce more engaged(参与) students. And with more engaged students often come better examination results, greater self- confidence and so on.

Schools should also find the self-confidence to put a focus on inspiring teachers who are keen to broaden what they teach. In this way, I believe educational achievement will improve.

1. Which belongs to the purpose of education according to the author?
A.Helping young people to have a job.
B.Preparing students for all kinds of tests.
C.Making young people behave confidently.
D.Enabling young people to succeed in life.
2. What does the author think of tests at present?
A.Formal and competitive.B.Necessary but imperfect.
C.Standard but worthless.D.Important and functional
3. What should teachers do to face the challenge according to the author?
A.Arrange interesting classes to students' taste.
B.Train students according to new teaching standards.
C.Encourage students to express their love of subjects,
D.Feel confident to care about more than examinations.
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.What is the future of British education?
B.What is the true purpose of British education?
C.Schools must aim higher than teaching to the test
D.Schools should withdraw tests for the sake of students
【知识点】 学习 议论文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Far from the traditional image of a culture of aggressive masculinity (阳刚) in which students either sink or swim, the absence of girls gives boys the chance to develop without pressure to conform (符合) to a stereotype, a US study says. Boys at single-sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their emotional expressiveness, rather than feeling they had to conform to the “boy code” of hiding their emotions to be a “real man”.

The findings of the study go against received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls.

Tony Little, headmaster of Eton, warned that boys were being faded by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls. He criticized teachers for failing to recognize that boys are actually more emotional than girls. The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their female peers do better earlier in speaking and reading skills.

But in single-sex schools teachers can tailor lessons to boys’ learning style, letting them move around the classroom and getting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom, wrote the study’s author, Abigail James, of the University of Virginia.

Teachers could encourage boys to enjoy reading and writing with specifically “boy-focused” approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them. Because boys generally have more acute vision, learn best through touch, and are physically more active, they need to be given “hands-on” lessons where they are allowed to walk around. “Boys in mixed schools view classical music as feminine (女性的) and prefer the modern style in which violence and sexism are major themes,” James wrote.

Single-sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel they had to conform to a stereotype that men should be “masterful and in charge” in relationships. “In mixed schools boys feel forced to act like men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means,” the study reported.

1. What does Tony Little say about the British education system?
A.It makes girls less emotional than boys.
B.It fails more boys than girls academically.
C.It fails to give boys the attention they need.
D.It places more pressure on boys than on girls.
2. According to Abigail James, boys perform better in single-sex schools because ________.
A.boys can choose to learn whatever they are interested in
B.boys focus more on their lessons without being disturbed
C.teaching quality is relatively higher than in mixed schools
D.teaching can be designed to suit the characteristics of boys
3. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of boys?
A.Boys have sharper vision.B.Boys enjoy being in charge.
C.Boys like “hands-on” lessons.D.Boys prefer physical activities.
4. What is mainly discussed in the passage?
A.Problems boys may have in mixed schools.
B.Boys’ physical and mental growth in school.
C.Advantages of single-sex education for boys.
D.Boys’ disadvantages over girls in mixed schools.
2017-03-31更新 | 207次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】A recent story in the Wall Street Journal newspaper looked at students who went to celebrated universities such as Columbia and New York University, for advanced degrees in subjects like art, film and even social work. Many of the students said they learned a lot. However, when they graduated, they were deep in debt and did not think they would find work that would let them pay back their loans.

Students said they spoke with Columbia about the high cost of advanced arts degrees but never received a reasonable answer. Education experts say the school is very wealthy, with large funds. The University, however, prefers to ask the students to pay the full cost.

Kevin Carey is a higher education expert for New America, a public policy research center. He called master’s degrees “a scam” in a conversation. “Charging people a ton of money to go into any artistic career is often super problematic,” he said.

Castillo is an actor in New York City. He earned an MFA from The Actors Studio in New York City. Was his MFA worth the cost? “I do think it was worth it. I don’t put a price tag on my education or my experience. I think it’s sort of unfortunate that so many people take education for granted.” Castillo said students who are thinking about an advanced degree in art should be sure they are doing it because they value the education, not because they want money or to be famous.

Plazinska is a filmmaker in New York City. She attended graduate school both at Baylor University in Texas and at the University of low a. Arts graduate programs can help students meet and make friends with fellow artists with whom they can work throughout their careers. For school to be of value, students need to remember why they started making art in the beginning. “It’s just for the pure pleasure of creating and fulfilling myself this way.”

1. What’s the problem for students in famous universities for art advanced degrees?
A.They can’t take loans.B.They can’t find any work.
C.They may be heavily in debt.D.They may drop out of university.
2. What does the underlined word “scam” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What does Castillo think of his MFA?
A.He thinks highly of it.B.It’s money consuming.
C.He takes it for granted.D.It brings him fame and money.
4. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.Arts graduate programs ensure a promising future.
B.Students had better consider whether they can afford the fee.
C.Students should stick to their original objectives while learning.
D.Arts graduate programs introduce celebrity artists to their students.
2022-01-26更新 | 217次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Many scholarships require that you write an essay in order to be considered for the prize money. However, if you are the sort of person that has a headache whenever you have to complete a writing assignment, this may not be the best news. Luckily for you, there is no reason to fear the scholarship essay. The following tips could help you conquer this not-so-easy aspect of the scholarship application process.

You should always outline your essays. This does not just apply to the scholarship essays, either. An outline helps lend focus to your thoughts and helps you create a picture of the “whole” that the essay will become. Judges cannot to stand when your writing is loose, lacks coherence(连贯性)or when you fail to connect your main points together. They want to see that you can support your argument well with clear and brief examples and that these examples do, in fact, relate to the topic at hand.

If you have a choice in the topic you get to write about, always try to select something you are personally interested in. Don't write what you think the judges want to hear. This will only amount in an essay that reads like someone else’s, which is not a great way to make yourself stand out.

If you feel bored with the topic, then your essay will be boring as well. Make sure your idea follow a clear and a logical path. This means they are connected well and the transitions(过渡) easily flow from one idea to the next. Likewise, try to stay away from the obvious or the sad story. Yes, college will be a life-changing experience, but can you think of an interesting reason why this is so? And yes, it is terrible that you lost a family member at a young age, but what does it have to do with winning this scholarship? Judges can smell sad stories from a mile away, so only pull at the heartstrings(动人心弦) if you have a proper reason for doing so.

1. When writing a scholarship essay, an outline is necessary because it helps you_____.
A.focus on the details of the essay
B.think more about the scholarship
C.make a picture of the whole essay
D.support your argument well
2. Your essay will be appreciated by judges if it _______.
A.turns out to be loose
B.is short of coherence
C.is unable to connect to the main points
D.supports your argument with brief examples
3. What is the author’s opinion on choosing the topic for a scholarship essay?
A.The essay should include the obvious or the sad story.
B.You must keep your mind clear and logical.
C.You had better try to put an interesting story in it.
D.Try to say as much as you can about your family.
4. The intended readers of the passage are probably________.
A.college studentsB.judges in colleges
C.essay readersD.company leaders
2017-05-31更新 | 153次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般