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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:116 题号:14507041

“Your mind is a garden; your thoughts are the seeds. The harvest can either be flowers or weeds,” wrote William Wordsworth, who suggested that the process of gardening mirrors human life. Depending on what we “plant” in our lives, we bloom (生长茂盛) or don’t.

Before you start to work in your garden, it is necessary to have a vision for it. Thinking of what you want to grow in your garden and how to lay it out is a good first step in making your vision a fruitful reality. In life, you should consider what you want to create and what you want to achieve, because your mind-garden is like the white paper and the possibilities are endless.

No matter what plants to choose, poor soil isn’t suitable for growth. This is why gardeners take the time and energy to improve the soil before planting. So, creating the right soil is important to the realization of your goals and dreams. Fortunately, there are countless ways to make your personal bedrock (基石) better. Getting an education is one of the most effective ways, which can help you enrich your life’s soil.

You don’t have to be an expert gardener to understand the meaning of “You harvest what you sow.” When a gardener wants tomatoes, they just need to plant tomato seeds. It is a very clear act that produces an expected result. Each of us has the power to decide which “life seeds” to plant. For example, if you plant ill seeds, it’s likely that you’ll experience pain in return. Contrarily, if you plant seeds of kindness and understanding, your life will bloom with happiness and love.

A gardener’s truly hard work begins after the seeds are in the ground because a garden requires a lot of care and attention. Regular watering and weeding are required for a healthy garden. So, to ensure your dreams take root, you should be devoted, aware, and present. After countless hours and energy spent, the crops have grown well and are finally ready to be harvested.

1. Why does the author use William’s Wordsworth saying in Paragraph 1?
A.To sing praise to gardening.B.To encourage everyone to plant seeds.
C.To stress the importance of results.D.To compare gardening to people’s life.
2. What is important before gardeners start to work in their gardens?
A.Receiving some training in planting.
B.Drawing up a good plan for their gardens.
C.Having the courage to accept the worst result.
D.Doing research on the common local garden plants.
3. What does the author want to express in Paragraph 3?
A.Your quality of life depends on your positive action.
B.Your experience can help you understand plants better.
C.Your choice of soil is an important part in your gardening.
D.Your knowledge of planting will make you a successful gardener.
4. Where can you read this article?
A.In a science report.B.From news coverage.
C.In a book on life wisdom.D.From a lecture on agriculture.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】In some islands north of Scotland, head lice, which live on the hair or skin of people or animals, were a part of life. If the lice left their host, he became sick and feverish. Therefore, sick people had lice put in their hair intentionally. There was a method to their madness: As soon as the lice had settled in again, the patient improved. The story explains the confusion of cause and effect. If the lice leave the sick, it is because he has a fever and they simply get hot feet. When the fever breaks, they return. We may laugh at this story, but false causality misleads us practically every day.

Consider the headline: “Fact: Women Who Use Shampoo XYZ Every Day Have Stronger Hair.” This statement says very little — least of all, that the shampoo makes your hair stronger. It might simply be the other way round: Women with strong hair tend to use Shampoo XYZ-and perhaps that’s because it says “especially for thick hair” on the bottle.

A further example: Scientists found that long periods in the hospital did harm to patients. This was music to health insurers’ ears, who, of course, are keen to make stays as brief as possible. But, clearly, patients who are dismissed immediately are healthier than those who must stay on for treatment.

Recently I read that students get better grades at school if their homes contain a lot of books. This study was surely a shot in the arm for booksellers, but it is also an example of false causality. This simple truth is that educated parents tend to value their children’s education more than uneducated ones do. Plus, educated parents often have more books at home. In short, a dust-covered copy of War and Peace alone isn’t going to influence anyone’s grades; what counts is parents’ education levels, as well as their genes.

Another example of false causality was the supposed relationship between the birth rate and the numbers of stork (鹳) pairs in Germany. Both were in decline, and if you plot them on a graph, the two lines of development from 1965 to 1987 appeared almost the same. Does this mean the stork actually does bring babies? Obviously not, since this was a purely accidental connection. In conclusion: Connection is not causality. Take a closer look at linked events: Sometimes what is presented as the cause turns out to be the effect, or just the other way around. And sometimes there is no link at all — just like with the storks and babies.

1. Which is an example of false causality?
A.The birth rate and stork population in Germany are connected.
B.The women with strong hair tend to use a certain shampoo.
C.Longer periods in the hospital benefit patients.
D.Lice can make a person sick and feverish.
2. The underlined phrase “a shot in the arm” in Paragraph 4 means ________.
3. According to the author, students get better grades probably because ________.
A.their homes are full of booksB.they have read War and Peace
C.their educated parents value educationD.their parents are successful booksellers
4. It can be concluded from the passage that ________.
A.connections are pure accidentsB.cause and effect are interdependent
C.connections are mostly cause and effectD.linked events may turn out to be unrelated
2022-08-11更新 | 360次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】The dirty, homeless man sat on the pavement, staring at the stones. He thought back more than twenty years to when he was a boy living in a small red brick house on this very street. He recalled the flower garden, the swing his dad made, and the bike he had saved up for months to buy.

The man shrugged impatiently, for the brightness of those pictures hurt him, and his memory traveled on another ten years. He had a job by then, plenty of friends and started to come home less. He did not really want to remember those years, nor the day when, because of debts, he had gone home planning to ask for money. He felt embarrassed, but he knew exactly where his dad kept the money. When his parents stepped out of the room, he took what he wanted and left.

That was the last time he had seen them. Ashamed, he went abroad, and his parents knew nothing about the years of wandering or time in prison. But locked in his cell he often thought of home. Once free, he would love to see his parents again, if they were still alive, and still wanted to see him.

When his prison time was up, he found a job, but couldn’t settle. Something was drawing him home. He did not want to arrive penniless, so he hitchhiked most of the long journey back. But less than a mile from his destination he started to feel sick with doubt. Could they ever accept this man who had so bitterly disappointed them?

He spent most of that day sitting under a tree. That evening he posted a letter which, although short, had taken him hours to write. It ended with:

I know it is unreasonable of me to suppose you want to see me ... so it’s up to you. I’ll come early Thursday morning. If you want me home, hang a white handkerchief in the window of my old bedroom. If it’s there, I’ll come in; if not, I’ll wave good-bye and go.

And now it was Thursday morning and he was sitting on the pavement at the end of the street. Finally he got up and walked slowly toward the old house. He drew a long breath and looked.

His parents were taking no risks.   1  

The man threw his head back, gave a cry of relief and ran straight through the open front door.
1. Why did the man shrug impatiently (paragraph 2) while he was thinking of his childhood?
A.The thoughts made him angry.
B.He felt he had wasted time.
C.He was anxious to go home.
D.The sweet memory caused him much pain.
2. Why did it take him hours to write the letter?
A.He doubted if his parents still lived in that house.
B.He had much news to tell his parents.
C.He felt ashamed to ask for forgiveness.
D.He was longing to return home and felt excited.
3. In what order did the following events take place?
a. He took the money from his parents.
b. He bought a bicycle with his savings.
c. He was sentenced to prison.
d. He wrote the letter home.
e. He sat on the pavement.
f. He hitchhiked back home.
A.b, a, c, d, e, fB.b, a, c, f, d, e
C.a, c, b, d, f, aD.a, d, b, c, e, f
4. Which of the following best fits into paragraph 8?
A.Every inch of the house was covered in white. Sheets, pillowcases and table clothes had been placed on every window and door, making it look like a snow house.
B.The house before him was just as he remembered: the red bricks, the brown door and nothing else.
C.A colorful blanket was over the front door. On it, in large letters, was written, “Welcome home, son”.
D.A police car was parked in the drive way, and two officers stood at the front door.
5. The best title of the passage is _______.
A.Sweet MemoryB.White Handkerchief
C.Abandoned SonD.Leaving Home
2016-11-26更新 | 236次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】“Regrets, I’ve had a few. But then again, too few to mention,” Frank Sinatra chanted in his 1969 hit “My Way”. The song’s idea is attractive: that anyone can just declare what’s done is done and move on. Some take the declaration a step further and claim they have no regrets at all. Whether a boast or an actual attitude, “no regrets” suggests that life can and should be lived without looking through the rear-view mirror.

Easier said than done, though. In 2020, author Daniel H. Pink launched the World Regret Survey, the largest ever survey on the topic. With his research team, Pink asked more than 15,000 people in 105 countries, “How often do you look back on your life and wish you had done things differently?” 82% said regret is at least an occasional part of their life; roughly 21% said they feel regret “all the time.” Only 1% said they never feel regret.

If you are of the “no regrets” type, you might think that all this regret is a recipe for unhappiness. But that isn’t the case. True, being overwhelmed(不知所措) by regret is indeed bad for you. But going to the other extreme may be even worse. To rid yourself of regrets doesn’t free you from shame or sorrow; it leads you to make the same mistakes again and again. To truly get over our guilt requires that we put regret in its proper place.

As uncomfortable as it is, regret is an amazing cognitive(认知的)achievement. If today your relationship with your partner has worsened, your regret might mentally take you back to last year. You would remember your being mean and sensitive, and then imagine yourself showing more patience, being kind instead of hurtful at key moments. Then you would fast-forward to today and see how your relationship could be progressing instead of languishing.

But regret doesn’t have to be left unmanaged. The trick is to acknowledge it and use it for learning and improvement. You can be honest with yourself about what went wrong and use that knowledge to enjoy better relationships in the future.

1. What should we do if we have had a bitter quarrel with a close friend according to Frank Sinatra?
A.Attract more people to your argument.
B.Send him/her a letter of apology.
C.Boast about being more reasonable.
D.Forget about it and just let it go.
2. Which of the following statements about “regret” may the writer agree with?
A.We can do nothing about regret.
B.Unhappiness results from regret.
C.Ignoring regrets is missing the opportunity to improve.
D.Ridding yourself of regrets helps free you from sorrow.
3. What does the underlined word “languishing” in paragraph 4 most probably mean?
C.Showing up.D.Breaking up.
4. What might be a suitable title for the text?
A.Regret to become smarter—if you let it.
B.Long for a different past? Regret it!
C.Regret? Not my way!
D.Stay away! Regret will heal itself.
2023-07-29更新 | 267次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般