组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:87 题号:14655200

When I see my children avoiding the food on dirty plates in the sink or cringing at the wet sand sticking to her hands, I’m reminded of a time when I was unwilling to get my hands a little dirty.

My parents owned a 500-acre ranch (牧场) in Montana when I was young. We had the usual group of animals to care for: cows, sheep, horses, chickens, dogs and barn cats. There were always fences to fix and things to plow or burn. I probably didn’t help as much as I should have, could have or would have if I’d been a little older.

One cold day, I was checking on the sheep with my mother when she spied a sheep in trouble. The poor thing was trying to deliver her lamb and needed our help. My mother calmly held the sheep’s head and instructed me to grab hold of two tender legs.

I hesitated, and must have had quite a look of panic on my young face. The little things were definitely not something I wanted to touch. But I worked up my courage and put my fingers around them. My heart beat in fear and excitement as I pulled with all my strength. I can still remember the feel of the unexpectedly soft legs and their sharp little hooves (蹄) as if it happened yesterday. I remember feeling happy to see “my lamb” being licked (舔) clean by her mother.

Looking back, I’m so glad that I didn’t refuse to get my hands a little dirty. If I had, a wonderful memory would have been lost. Sometimes you need to get your hands a little dirty to experience something amazing and pure.

1. What does the underlined phrase “cringing at” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.Paying attention to.B.Feeling uneasy about.
C.Breaking away from.D.Getting curious about.
2. What can we know from Paragraph 2?
A.The author owned a big ranch.
B.There were many ranches in Montana.
C.The author had to fix a lot of fences.
D.The author was too young to help much.
3. How did the author help the sheep to deliver her lamb?
A.By pulling the sheep baby out.
B.By touching the little hooves.
C.By holding the sheep’s head.
D.By cleaning the baby.
4. What does the author want to tell children?
A.It is better for kids to help parents earlier.
B.Keeping your hands clean is a good habit.
C.It is certain to get dirty working on the ranch.
D.Getting hands dirty is to explore something unusual.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I was sitting in my high school classroom, nervously tapping my pencil against the desk as I awaited the start of the English exam.

As the clock struck, signaling the beginning of the exam, my heart began to race. I opened the exam booklet and scanned the questions, and I felt a wave of panic over me. The questions seemed foreign, and the topics unfamiliar. In a state of panic, I hurriedly wrote down my answers, hoping that somehow, by some stroke of luck, they would be correct. But as the minutes went by, I realized I couldn’t seem to make sense of the questions before me. As the final bell rang, I handed in my paper with a heavy heart.

In the days that followed, I couldn’t shake the feeling of failure that hung over me like a dark cloud. I replayed the exam over and over in my mind, analyzing every question, every answer, searching for clues as to where I had gone wrong.

But in the depression, a realization began to dawn on me — I had failed, yes, but I had also learned valuable lessons along the way. Armed with this newfound wisdom, I ensured that I would do better next time. I threw myself into my studies with renewed determination, devouring books and practicing past exams with an eagerness I had never known before.

When the time came to retake the exam, I was ready. I approached each question with confidence and clarity, drawing upon the lessons I had learned from my previous missteps.

When the results were announced, I held my breath as I scanned the list of names. And there it was — my name, shining brightly among the list of successful candidates. At that moment, all the hard work, all the late nights and early mornings, were worth it.

And as I look back on that sunny afternoon in the high school classroom, I am grateful for the lessons it taught me, and the person it helped me become.

1. Why did the author panic when he first took the exam?
A.He sat with a pounding heart.
B.He found the questions too difficult.
C.He was not familiar with the foreign language.
D.He was in a hurry when answering the questions.
2. What did the author do after he failed in the exam?
A.He attended valuable lessons in school.
B.He retook the exam over and over again.
C.He promised to arm himself with eagerness.
D.He determined to engage himself in learning.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “devouring” (paragraph 4)?
A.being targeted atB.being obliged for
C.being absorbed inD.being credited to
4. According to the passage, this experience helped the author become _____.
A.cheerful and considerateB.objective and demanding
C.tough and perseveringD.proud and tolerant
2024-04-30更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】For years, I have advocated the importance of hard work, determination, persistence, and practice as key ingredients of success. Malcolm Gladwell, who has written The Story of Success, seems to support my theory. He says it takes about 10,000 hours of practice to attain true expertise.

“The people at the very top don’t just work harder than everyone else,” Gladwell writes. “They work much, much harder.” Achievement, he says, is talent plus preparation. Preparation seems to play a bigger role.

For example, he describes the Beatles: They had been together seven years before their famous arrival in America. They spent a lot of time playing in clubs, sometimes for as long as eight hours a night. Overnight success? Not exactly. Estimates are that the band performed 1,200 times before their big success in 1964. By comparison, most bands don’t perform 1,200 times in their careers.

Neurologist Daniel Levitin has studied the formula for success extensively and shares this finding: “The emerging picture from such studies is that 10,000 hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert in anything. In study after study of composers, basketball players, fiction writers, ice skaters, concert pianists, chess players, the number comes up again and again. Of course, this doesn’t address why some people get more out of their practice sessions than others do. But no one has yet found a case in which true world-class expertise was accomplished in less time. It seems it takes the brain a long time to digest all that it needs to know to achieve true mastery.”

Two computer giants, Bill Joy, who co-founded Sun Microsystems, and Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, also were proof of the 10,000-hour theory.

The abilities these people possessed were far-ranging, yet the formula for success was the same: hard work and lots of it. Some people just make it look easy. Of course, you probably didn’t see the first 9,999 hours of hard work.

1. According to the passage, what made Beatles different from most other bands?
A.Their great talent.B.Their persistent effort.
C.Their charming looks.D.Their outstanding achievements.
2. How does the author support the theme of the text?
A.By stating arguments.B.By giving examples.
C.By providing statistical data.D.By making comparisons.
3. According to the passage, the opinions that Malcolm Gladwell may agree with include the following EXCEPT that____ .
A.life is full of ups and downs
B.work transforms talent into genius
C.success takes hard work and devotion
D.the way to learn to do things is to do things
2020-10-10更新 | 142次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Earlier this year, my husband and I were presented with the chance to make our home in an urban “micro” space. As we initially considered it, it seemed crazy. Would we even make it a week without going mad? Living room, kitchen, office, dining room, all in one small four-walled space.

There were a number of other potential options. We could move out into the suburbs like most people do in our extraordinarily expensive city and have a small yard maybe even a basement. But there was something about this neat “tiny” home that aroused our interest, which challenged us. We like to live differently from the crowd, to avoid what everyone else is doing “just because” everyone else is.

“Let’s try it for six months. If it makes us crazy, we’ll move. We can do anything for 6 months,” my husband said. It was challenging squeezing into the space at first, but then something caught us by surprise. We started having a ton of fun with our tiny space.

In the past, sometimes we had quite different ideas about which art or decorating style we found appealing. But here, in this tiny space, we found ourselves having a ton of fun exploring possible options. There’s no room for clutter(凌乱的东西), either. This is a gift!

It’s been 8 months, and we’re staying. Perhaps forever. When a space is this small, you don’t need to spend much in furnishing it, and you can’t keep endlessly buying things. There’s nowhere to put them!

This leaves us more financial resources and more time to go out into the much bigger world and enjoy life. For us, living in a “tiny” home has filled us with a feeling of abundance. It’s so much better than feeling weighed down, paying for a big space and more and more things. I highly recommend it.

1. What can we learn from the words of the author’s husband?
A.He didn’t like to stay in the small space.
B.He made up his mind to stay in the small space.
C.He was uncertain about living in the small space.
D.He encouraged the author to live in the small space.
2. What do we know about the author’s experience from the text?
A.It was depressing but inspiring.
B.It was challenging but interesting.
C.It was disappointing but touching.
D.It was embarrassing but rewarding.
3. What’s the main advantage of living in the small room to the author?
A.She could enjoy life more.B.She could avoid the crowds.
C.She could clean the room easily.D.She could enjoy a feeling of freedom.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A new trend of livingB.The joy of living “tiny”
C.Save space, save moneyD.Make good use of space
2020-04-28更新 | 188次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般