组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:704 题号:14711707

Kathy's family vacation to the beach was usually the highlight of her summer. This year, however, her parents announced a new rule: no phones for the entire week.

“But my friends will be expecting updates about the trip, "Kathy complained. Kathy's mom gave her a serious look. Unwillingly, Kathy handed her phone over and her mom locked it away.

The drive to the beach house took most of the day. As they turned off the highway onto country back roads, the clouds darkened. Rain started to pour. "Even more beautiful in the rain," her mother said. " What do you think, Kathy?" Kathy glared at her mom. "Beautiful, "she muttered.

That night after dinner, Kathy wandered into the kitchen, where her father was washing dishes. She gave her father a loving look and said in her sweetest voice, "Couldn’t I have my phone back, just for one second? Just so I can tell everyone what an amazing time I'm having?”

“Can't, "he said. "It's not here. Remember?" Kathy was very annoyed. Having nothing better to do, she examined the dusty bookcase in the living room. The books looked as dull as the weather. On the top shelf, however, she spotted a puzzle. She took it, emptied the pieces on the table, and began to sort them.

After what seemed like a few minutes, she looked up. It was past ten o'clock. She had been working for almost two hours! She yawned. The puzzle was less than half done, but she was exhausted. So, she went to bed.

When Kathy awoke the next morning, she jumped out of bed and threw open the curtains. A blazing sun was rising over the blue ocean. The sky was cloudless. The scene reminded Kathy of a photo that her friend betty had recently sent her.

This view was even better. It would leave everyone speechless. Kathy dashed to her bedside table and reached for her phone. But there was nothing there. She sighed. Still, she wandered in front of the window, admiring the sunrise.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

After a quick breakfast, Kathy headed to the beach.


Appreciating the finished puzzle, she realized she hadn't thought of her cellphone for hours.



书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Grandma tried to straighten out her fingers. “Jessica, I think I am done knitting (编织),” she said. “My fingers just won’t do what I tell them any more.” I looked at Grandma’s hands, remembering that she had taught me how to knit gloves for my dolls since I was little and that her hands had been sure and strong whatever she had knitted. Grandma had always said that I was very good with her knitting needles and balls of yarn (纱线).

But this winter she could hardly bend her fingers. The doctor said Grandma had arthritis (关节炎), suggesting she should keep her hands warm. I made her cups of tea to hold and moved her chair closer to the fire. However, her fingers were still difficult to move.

I wasn’t used to seeing Grandma’s hands so still. In the morning, her hands were still in her lap. In the evening, her quiet hands even made her voice stay still. I tried to help her find her voice. “Grandma, tell me about when you were a little girl like before,” I begged, knowing she loved to tell interesting stories of her nine brothers and sisters and herself during their childhood. “That was so long ago, Jessica,” whispered Grandma. “I can barely remember.”

This winter there were no hats with matching gloves or soft sweaters knitted by Grandma. But I missed her voice more than those. What about her sister Olga giving their snowman a bath in hot water? What about her brother Peti cutting off her doll’s beautiful hair and then hiding it? Were those words still moving silently in her head?

After dinner, Grandma fell asleep in her rocking chair. Mom sorted through our knitting items, among which an old pair of gloves caught my attention. The gloves were Grandma’s favorite ones with the names of Grandma and her nine brothers and sisters on the fingertips. Each time she wore them, all her happy childhood memories would become very interesting stories in her mouth.


The gloves gave me an idea.


“Grandma, shall we knit a new pair of gloves?” I asked hopefully.

2024-01-12更新 | 231次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Those walks were more than just physical exercise. They were a journey into my grandfather’s wisdom. He’d wove tales of his colorful youth, painting vivid pictures of adventures and lessons learned. His advice was like a compass guiding me through life’s maze (迷宫), highlighting the importance of being kind and understanding in a world that often appeared uncaring. I often looked forward to those walks with eager anticipation.

Our bond grew stronger within the simple embrace of routine. The weathered bench beneath the oak tree became our safe place, a harbor of shared moments. Grandpa, with his worn yet cherished lunchbox, would unpack a simple feast comprising a sandwich, a piece of fruit, and a bottle of tea.

In those instances, it felt like time stopped, allowing laughter to dance in the air and silent understanding to say so much. Our connection didn’t rely on fancy things; it grew strong in the simple way we were friends.

The unavoidable leaving came, making me feel a huge sense of loss. Grandpa’s passing away left a big emptiness, a silence that couldn’t be filled. In the sadness, I felt upset that the family focused more on getting things from him rather than remembering the values and memories he gave us. It was like they forgot how he held us together, beyond just what he owned.

Looking for comfort, I went back to the park that held the pieces of our shared happiness. Away from the mourning crowd, the bench beneath the oak tree stood as a silent witness to our past moments. As I approached, my heart ached with the realization that those cherished moments were now memories. But something caught my eye-a small box and a letter, both addressed to me.


With a mixture of curiosity, I picked up the letter and read it.


Overcame with emotions, I opened the box.

2024-02-12更新 | 22次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

A Surprise for Grandfather

From high up in his apartment building, Peter could see the canal stretching in both directions. Every Saturday, Peter watched for grandfather riding toward the building on his bicycle. But today, Peter knew that his grandfather wouldn’t come and he would not hear the ring-ring of grandfather’s bicycle bell. What’s worse, there would be no Saturday afternoon picnic in the park.

Last week, his grandfather had hip surgery (髋部手术). Now he rested at home needing a walking stick to walk-and Peter didn’t know if grandfather would ever ride his bike again. Peter sighed. The sky looked beautiful today, but Peter missed his grandfather. Would he ever again hear the ring-ring as grandfather approached? That’s when Peter had an idea. He grabbed his birthday money-10 euros-from the top dresser drawer. Then he hurried to tell mom his plan.

A few minutes later, Peter ran down the stairs of his building and burst into the afternoon sunshine. His bike was waiting for him. Peter fastened his helmet and pedaled down (踩踏板) the rough road.

Ring-ring sang his bicycle bell to alert walkers that he was coming.

He pedaled past the corner bicycle accessories (配件) shop. He pedaled past the window washer who whistled as he worked. And he pedaled over a bridge.

“Hello,” he called to a girl fishing in the canal.

“Hello,” he called to a baby in a stroller.

Peter pedaled two more blocks and then arrived at the. market. He loved the market’s sights and smells. Buckets were filled with bright bouquets of tulips. Tables were full of rounds of cheese. Colorful vegetables were piled high-red tomatoes, white asparagus, orange carrots, green lettuce, purple potatoes, and yellow peppers. And Peter’s favorite-baskets overflowed with freshly baked breads, rolls, and pastries. He inhaled the smell, and his mouth watered.

Peter’s euros jingled in his pocket as he walked through the market, examining each table. He stopped at a fruit stand and chose two shiny apples. “Thank you,” Peter said to the farmer and handed him one euro. He stopped at the cheese table and asked for half a pound of cheese. ”Thank you,” Peter said to the cheesemaker, handing him three euros. Finally, he stopped in front of the bread baskets and chose a crusty oblong loaf (大面包).“Thank you,”he said to the baker,handing him two euros. Peter placed the items in his bicycle basket and pedaled back.

Ring-ring sang his bicycle bell to alert walkers that he was coming.

Paragraph 1:

He pedaled over the bridge.

Paragraph 2:

But instead of heading for home, Peter pedaled in a different direction.

2023-04-22更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般