组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.15 引用次数:193 题号:14846360

Teenagers around Steve were interested in playing video games and they often shared their experience about how to play well. Steve was a very clever boy. He was good at playing games. He would win at any game he played. He won so many times that everyone around him saw him as champion.

In fact, Steve not only became an expert at all kinds of skills but he was also good at cheating because he couldn’t stand losing to anyone. He became so skilled at cheating that he could play practically and win any game by cheating without even being noticed. Every time he beat other boys, he would be proud to see others admiring him and praising his excellent skills. He enjoyed that feeling.

No one wants to play with someone who is always going to win. As time went by, almost no one around Steve wanted to play with him. But there was one poor boy named Tom who would always play with him. At first, Tom had few skills and Steve beat him easily. Gradually, Tom learnt more skills. It was still a piece of cake for Steve to beat him. One day Steve found that Tom became more skilled and it was a challenge to win the game with Tom. In order to win, Steve used his tricks. Tom was defeated. Since then, the tricks helped Steve win any game. Although Tom lost face, he would always accept Steve’s challenge. Champion Steve enjoyed himself at poor Tom’s expense and always made that poor boy look funny as he lost.

One day, Steve got bored with just playing around and thought that he could win bigger games. So he decided to apply for video game championship as he thought that there he would find some top players that could match him.

At the Cham pionship, he was excited to have a chance to show off his skills.
Finally the competition ended and the champion name was called out.
【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

I loved school, and I really did. But since May came in, it had become an uncomfortable place. May was the tallest kid in our fifth grade class. However, her height wasn’t a problem-her attitude was. No part of the student population was beyond the reach of May’s threats.

Many students thought that May was all bark and no bite. But I wasn’t so sure. I had managed to keep away from her. But all that changed when I showed up for school one morning with a new hairstyle. Apparently, by wearing my hair in a French braid (辫), I had managed to change my fate.

It all started when my best friend, Jaime, said my hair looked nice. I noticed May’s cold glare and it made me uncomfortable-but I remained focused on my math worksheet. Then came May’s frightening words as she passed me in the cafeteria: “Nice braid. Somebody might cut it off.”

I was scared, especially when May moved her fingers like a pair of scissors. My stomach dropped to my knees, and I immediately came up with a plan, which included hiding out in the bathroom at the end of the school day so as to avoid running into May on the walk home.

I told the crisis (危机) to my mother the next morning. She said to me, “She tries to make others scared, that’s all. Don’t be afraid of her. If she can see that you’re not afraid, she will stop. I’ll bet she’s like everybody else-she just wants to fit in and make friends. Perhaps she just doesn’t know how.”

I thought over my mother’s words. They were reasonable. May wasn’t so great at making friends. Maybe-just maybe-under all that toughness was a regular fifth grader who simply wanted to be liked. Did I have what it would take to befriend May? I wasn’t sure, but I wanted to find out.

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After lunch, I invited May to come to my house after school.


May and I became pretty good friends.

2022-05-25更新 | 80次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

Mash Assadollah was the grocer at our corner store. Standing behind his glass display case, he tore out a page from a book. He twisted the page into a cone-shaped envelope and then filled it with tobacco. He then weighed the tobacco. He folded the envelope of tobacco closed and handed it to me. I was also buying sugar cubes and tea. Mash Assadollah calculated the amounts on an abacus (算盘). I paid him and left.

When I got home, Grandmother took the goods I had purchased, emptied the envelopes of their ingredients, handed me the wrappers, and asked me to throw them away.

It was summer vacation, and I didn’t have much to do. To keep myself busy, I sat down in a corner of the room and started to read the wrappers, which had once been eight consecutive (连续的) pages of a book. How well written and attractive the words were! It was a good story. I sat there until I had read all eight pages. Honestly, I had never read a book before, except for my textbooks. But when I read those eight pages, I realized that I now loved reading! The only problem was that the story stopped right at the best part, right at the end of Page 22, which was the most important and exciting point in the story.

It was about a boy who wanted to run away from home and escape his father who was always spanking (打屁股) him, but the boy was afraid. He finally left home but didn’t know where to go. I was excited to find out where he would go and what would happen to him.

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I decided to go back and get the rest of the book from Mash Assadollah.


Mash Assadollah didn’t know what I was talking about.

2024-02-27更新 | 39次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)
【推荐3】阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Ethan Katicie of Edmonton, Canada, has always dreamed of-becoming a firefighter. Recently, the 18-year-old got a taste of what it really feels like to save lives!

It all started when Ethan’s two friends. Ryken Glew and Jackson Brown who called up Ethan and decided to play basketball that day, were heading to a local basketball court. They looked up and saw smoke pouring from the Citadel Mews West Nursing Home.

Instead of simply looking at the disaster-in-progress taking pictures or recording videos, the teens, who are both 17. rushed to the home to see if they could help.

“We knew that the, elderly people were going to struggle to get out,” Jackson said.

The brave teens met the staff members at the entrance who told them that there were still residents inside the building. Learning this, they didn’t hesitate to go in after them. Thinking nothing of their own safety, they ran up to the fourth floor and began to systematically empty the rooms.

“We banged on the door, shouting aloud, ‘There’s a fire! There’s a fire! Everyone needs to get out quickly,’” Jackson recalled. “After that we would open the door and take a quick look through to make sure no one was there and go to the next door.”

Smoke began to fill the hallways, and the roof was soon fully engulfed(淹没)in flames. At times, they would open a door to find a room on fire, but they were so focused on rescuing everyone that they didn’t have time to be afraid. Ryken said they only wanted to get people out “as calmly as possible” and make sure they knocked on every door. “We did our best and that was all we could do,” he said.

Jackson added. “The only thing that was going through my mind was what if I missed someone and they were stuck in the burning building.”

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Ethan arrived at the scene shortly after his friends did.
Richard Belley is one person who is so grateful to the teens for their heroism.
2021-12-02更新 | 97次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般