组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:79 题号:14920676

Throughout my growth, I would ask my dad questions and he told me the answers. Is there really a man in the moon? How do sailboats work? I understood one thing about my dad: he knew everything. My dad was a hero, Mr. Know-it-all.

In my teen years, he taught me things I’d need to know to survive in the real world: How to check your car tire’s pressure. The correct knife to use to cut a watermelon. When I moved out on my own, I called him at least once a week, usually when I needed to know how to fix something in my apartment: the toilet, the air -conditioning, the wall, when I threw a shoe at a terrifying spider. He seemed to have every piece of information I exactly needed.

I don’t know when it happened, I needed him less. Our conversations evolved into six words. Nothing more. Me:“Hi, Dad.”Him:“Hi, sweets. Here’s Mom.”Because of her, I still needed—What’s your chicken soup recipe? Do I need to call the doctor for my daughter’s fever? Can you read this draft of my novel?

I loved my dad of course, but I wondered at times if maybe he had already shared everything I needed to know. I knew all his random jobs. I knew about the apple orchard (果园), the summer at the manufacturing plant that burned his hand, and even the restaurant, where he learned how to make the best omelet (煎蛋卷). Maybe, after knowing a man for 40 years, there’s nothing left to say.

What’s more, I relied mostly on my husband to solve more technical and complicated problems such as water heaters and insect removal. For everything else, we had Google.

Then, this past summer, my husband, our four kids and I moved in with my parents for three weeks while our own house was being decorated.

They owned a shabby lake house and Dad asked me to help him repair it.
A few weeks later, after we moved back into our decorated house, I called my dad.
【知识点】 家人和亲人


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Once upon a time, there was a farmer called Rip Van Winkle. He lived in a village in the mountains with his wife and two young children, a daughter and a son. Rip was a very happy and kind man and he got on well with all the children in the village. They loved him because he played games with them and often told them stories while he was sitting outside the “King George”, the village inn.

He spend a lot of time in the inn because he was a very lazy man. Instead of working on his farm, he would go fishing or hunting, or sit in the village inn talking to his friends. His family was poor and his wife used to get angry with him. “What kind of farmer are you?” She would say. “Why don’t you get down to some work, you lazy man!”

After arguments with his wife, Rip always went off hunting with his dog, Wolf. One day, after another argument, Rip went further than usual in the woods and came to a beautiful valley. Suddenly, he heard a strange voice calling his name. An old man, dressed in old-fashioned clothes, was trying to carry a barrel(木桶) and asked Rip to help him. Rip agreed. They took the barrel to a cave, where there were more people, all dressed in the same strange clothes. After that, the old man gave Rip a drink from the barrel. Rip immediately fell into a deep sleep.


Some time later, he woke up under a tree in the same valley.


When he got to his house, he saw that it was old and abandoned.

2018-12-16更新 | 275次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

My Amazing Brother

Mark was the most popular boy in his class. He had top grades, was a star athlete and was everyone's friend. He was so perfect. He also happened to be my little brother.

My brother and I had always been close, yet I had long felt inferior(自惭形秽) to him. He just seemed to have everything, I, on the other hand, was shy with relatively few close friends, I was sure 95 percent of the class had no idea I even existed,

High school started. Mark and I were at the same school; he was a freshman, and I was a senior, We got closer than ever that year, I didn't know whether it was the rides to school when we sang along to the songs on the radio, or the fact that we were both on the swim team,

I helped him with his math problems, and he read my papers and made sure that they were A+ quality, We listened to CDs every night and danced on the floor. We joked about our parents. We even hung out with each other at the movies.

One night, my brother and I were discussing the upcoming semi-formal dance, Mark, of course, would attend it, I hadn't even planned on going. I never had a friend for anything and I accepted that nothing was likely to change that. When Mark asked who I wanted to go with, I was shocked.

"What do you mean you're not going? You have to go, It's your senior year!" Mark didn't understand why I wasn't going.

"Well, there's not one person who would want to go with me, " I told him, using the reasoning I'd repeated to myself over and over.

"You're joking, Care.There isn't anyone in the whole school that would turn you down. ""How do you know?" I asked, wondering where my brother got such silly ideas.


"Because you're the coolest girl in the world, " Mark answered.


The rest of the year went by in excitement.

2024-04-02更新 | 43次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Kiton and his parents lived near the forest. They didn’t have much money, but they loved each other very much. Every day Kiton’s parents worked hard to earn more money for the family. Kiton did very well in his studies, which made his parents happy. They were sure that one day their son would become a big man. They always told Kiton that hard work was the best way to succeed.

Kiton cared about his parents and always helped them with the housework after he finished his homework. Whenever he saw his parents were tired, he felt very sad. How he wished his family could become rich quickly. Many times, Kiton dreamed of earning a lot of money in his sleep.

One day Kiton heard that there was huge treasure in a cave across the forest. Kiton thought if he found the treasure, his family would become rich. He told his parents about it. But they said he should not believe that and should work hard in his studies instead. But Kiton made up his mind to find the treasure. So he secretly made his plan.

The next day after school, Kiton started off without telling his parents. He reached far into the forest and the night was getting dark. In the dark, he felt as if an animal were following him. So he tried all his best to run. Because he couldn’t see the way clearly, he lost his footing and fell into a pit (坑). He tried but couldn’t get out. He listened, but heard nothing from any animals. He didn’t know how much time had passed. He heard someone calling his name from far away.

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Realizing his parents were looking for him, Kiton started shouting as loudly as possible, “I’m here, Mom, Dad!”


Kiton and his parents got home, where Kiton’s favorite food was on the table, and Kiton decided to explain it to his parents after dinner.

2024-02-18更新 | 33次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般