组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:220 题号:14971222

For nearly four months, the little dog, Indiana, fortunately survived in the woods with a wounded shoulder. She'd been mistaken for a wolf and shot while running wild with her mother, Dakota. An animal control officers said they were the most strongly bonded pair he'd even seen and the two dogs refused to leave each other's side, even while trying to escape being caught.

As a result of the gunshot, Indiana lost both her leg and her mother, for the two were sent to different adoption groups. While Indiana was learning to walk on three legs down south, Dakota was 1,000 miles north in New England. The first adoption family returned her two days later. They said the dog couldn't bond with humans, kept them up all night and wasn't suitable to live in a home. Eventually, Dakota found her forever home with me on Long Island. I have experience with such dogs, and Dakota, a husky (哈士奇犬), just needed attention and someone who understood how to approach her. I always let her come up to me. I gave her the time and space to explore and feel comfortable. She soon let me put a belt on her and would lie on the sofa with me quietly.

When I, accidentally, read the post of Dakota's first adopter, it mentioned that the little dog Dakota had been running with was shot, and, I thought, killed. I'm a broadcast news journalist, so I always did some survey and, by chance, heard a story from a South Carolina TV news outlet about a dog that recently had her front leg cut off because of an old gunshot wound. And anyone who wanted to adopt Indiana was required to have a six-foot fence because she kept jumping over the one at the care shelter in South Carolina. There was no mistaking it—she looked exactly like Dakota. Indiana wasn't killed by the gunshot, just badly injured.


While Dakota loved me and her new home, she still missed her kid.


I decided to bring three-legged Indiana to my home.

【知识点】 人与动植物


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Mia woke up. She opened her eyes and had a quick look at the photos of her and her friends. It was her first morning waking up in her new house after moving.

She moved here yesterday. She left everything and everyone behind, including her friends. She was all alone, only her and her parents, and being an only child, Mia did not have much company since they moved. She knew no one. It was her first day of school. She hoped she would make new friends and wouldn’t be as lonely.

After eating breakfast, Mia felt ready to go. Her mom waited for her in the car. As she walked over, she spotted a little dog. It was all wet and shaking. She felt so sorry for it. Suddenly, she got a strong idea that she wanted to keep it! Despite knowing her mom was never going to let her, she carried the dog and ran to her room quickly.

Her mom assumed she had just forgotten something in her room. Mia did not know what to do with the dog and where to put it. She just found a box lying around and thought it would be a good idea to put the dog inside. Then she got a random (随意的) notebook and ran out as is she forgot that.

The school was normal, nothing very special. Mia missed her friends. She got back from school, and her mom talked to her with lots of questions about how her day was. Expecting to see the dog, Mia answered her mom casually (漫不经心地). Mom thought Mia was tired after the first day ,so she stopped chatting and went cooking.

Mia hurriedly grabbed (抓) some ham for the dog. It finished almost immediately. She named the dog Jasper, Mia thought she had to tell her mom the truth, but she did not know how. She was fearful that Mom may get mad, so she wrote a letter explaining why she wanted to keep Jasper.

“Dinner’s ready”, Mom called.

“OK, I’m coming.”


Mia ran out of her room and sat down at the table.


Looking at Jasper and her angry mom, Mia burst into tears.

2022-05-10更新 | 139次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Jack was awakened by a gunshot. He looked out toward the frozen lake. Near the trees he saw a shining piece of metal. When it moved, Jack saw that it was a long gun. A minute later, a man wearing hunting clothes came out of the woods.

Suddenly a bird flew upward. The man quickly raised the gun and shot at it. Jack watched the bird, praying it had not been hurt. It flew near the ground and went into some tall bushes. The hunter didn’t move for a moment. Then he began to look for the bird.

“No hunting!” Jack came out in his nightclothes and shouted. “No hunting on my land!” The man called back, “Where can I hunt?” Jack said, “Go South!” And then he pointed in the direction behind the man. The hunter started to walk away.

After a while, Jack had just finished putting on his clothes when he heard another gunshot. He walked toward the lake. Fighting was the last thing he wanted, but the man must go. Suddenly he heard a bird s wings beating the dry grass. Jack moved quickly towards the sound. He saw a colored head... the head of a beautiful bird. The bird flapped its wings, one of which was broken completely.

Jack decided to take the bird home and treat its broken wing so that it could fly again. He was almost going through the woods when he heard the hunter behind him. “You have just found that bird?” the hunter asked, stepping closer, and said, “Give me that bird!”

“Leave here and don’t follow me,” Jack told him. The man’s face got red. “Mister,” he said, “I have been hunting here all my life. I grew up here.” Jack looked into the hunter’s gray eyes and raised his voice, “I do not know who you are and I do not care. I own this place and I am telling you to leave!” “Now look, Mister,” the hunter insisted, “be reasonable.” He raised his gun. A cold wind blew across Jack’s face. He felt a chill (冷风) going down his spine (脊柱).


Jack stood there and became calm with the bird in his arms.


The hunter looked back from time to time and Jack signaled to him to leave quickly.

2022-12-15更新 | 83次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)


Teresa, a gentle, soft-spoken woman of seventy, had always managed to view the world with a child’s sense of wonderment. She greeted the dawn of each new day with the brightness of the sun itself and found joy in the smallest of things.

One day while out crossing the road in front of her home, Teresa had been injured in a hit-and-run. The driver left the woman in severe pain, When the mailman found her unconscious nearly an hour later, her injured leg had been bleeding heavily. She’d made it to the hospital just in time and later, the doctor had told Teresa she was lucky to be alive.

Returning home, Teresa didn't feel so lucky. Before the accident, the elderly woman had always been grateful that she was healthy for her age. Now just getting the daily mail required a huge effort. An old woman with nothing to do and nowhere to go, Teresa felt frightened, alone and defeated for the first time in her life.

When Teresa’s friend Vera came to pick her up for her checkup at the medical center, she hardly recognized her old friend. Teresa’s soft brown eyes held a deep sadness.

They were a little early for Teresa’s appointment, so to try to cheer up Teresa, Vera took a longer, more scenic route. They were stopped at a red light when Teresa suddenly shouted in terror. “Look at that cat! It’s trying to run across the street!”

Vera looked up to see a small black-and-white cat bounding(跳) out into the middle of traffic. Both women screamed as they saw one car, then another, and finally a third, hit the cat,The cat lay without moving, its small body flung(猛扔) into the grass. Cars slowed, but no one stopped to help.


“We must save that poor creature,” said Tereas.


While the cat was at the clinic, Teresa checked on him every day.

2023-09-21更新 | 46次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般