组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:120 题号:14984072

Annie was having an awful day. And it had only just begun. Her car had a flat tire in the morning. She spilled coffee on her shirt and even worse, the man behind the counter had given her incorrect change (找零的钱). And now she was running late for work — another shift (轮班工作) at the grocery store.

Annie pulled into the grocery store parking lot, opened her car door and immediately stepped into a puddle (水坑). She let out a loud sigh and angrily headed toward the store.

She paused briefly to wipe off her feet and heard two ladies chatting.

“I’m so sorry to hear about your job, Mary.”

“Thank you, Sarah. So many people have been fired recently. It’s worrying, but I’ll figure something out.”

Briefly, Annie felt slightly jealous of the woman. She would give anything to not have to be at work this morning.

She dropped off her things in the break room and put on her uniform. Then, she made her way to her register for another long day, hoping that her luck would change. But her first customer spilled a bottle of juice on her counter, leaving it sticky well after he had paid and left. Another insisted on paying in all change, holding up her line for ages. Annie was close to just throwing in the towel and asking to leave early. But she figured she would have to wait until she went on break. That way, she’d have time to think of an excuse.

Annie absent-mindedly continued to ring up (记入收款机) her next customer’s groceries, placing them in the bag before reading out the total.

“It comes to $44.97,” Annie said.

There was a brief pause, and when she looked up, she saw Mary — the woman she heard chatting in the parking lot.

Mary pulled her wallet from her large bag and opened it. She bit her lip and blushed (脸红). Annie could see that she didn’t have enough to pay as she reached to start taking some of the items out of a grocery bag.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Annie reached out and stopped her.
Mary’s tears made Annie realize that she had been so selfish.


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was on a tour of Italy with my friends. Our car pulled to a stop at the beach. I got out, carrying my guitar and saw the blue Adriatic Sea. Waves smashed(撞击) against large rocks that formed a jetty(防波堤). People said this beach was known for its fierce undertow(回流). I trembled. Nothing frightened me as much as water.

I’d always loved water and been a good swimmer until last summer, when I’d decided to climb up to the highest diving board at a city pool. I’d jumped into the water. The next thing I knew was my brother was pulling me out of the pool. From then on, I stayed away from the water.

“Kevin, are you coming? ” My friend Brad called.

“Yeah, ” I said. “Just enjoying the view. ” From dry land, I added silently.

Just then I heard shouting. People were running into the sea.

I saw something moving up and down amid the waves. There was a little boy out there! The rescuers were fighting against the tide(潮水). They’d never get to him in time. They might not get to him at all with the undertow.

I looked back at the boy. His head popped up, then a wave crashed over him and he disappeared for a moment. I had to do something.

The jetty! The boy was close to it. From there maybe I could help. I raced down the beach, out onto the jetty, and it hit me: Water! My hands got sweaty and I felt sick to my stomach. I stopped short.

The people in the water weren’t making any headway against the waves. I was the only one who saw that going out onto the jetty was the fastest way to reach the drowning boy. Though I was as terrified as he, I tried to remember the life guard training I’d had as a teenager.

Sucking in(吸气) a deep breath, I threw myself into the water. As soon as I went under it, I felt like I was back in that city pool, breathless, struggling. Focus, I shouted in my head. Where is he?

注意: 续写词数应为150左右。

Then I saw it—a thin arm waving weakly a few yards away.


Brad jumped into the water.

2023-04-27更新 | 25次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Widower Adam, single dad of 3, couldn’t imagine his kind help several days ago was rewarded (奖励) by a truck from the lady he helped.

It was seven in the morning. Adam was jogging in a local park. Adam had a strict schedule that started with this run. In 30 minutes, he would run back home, a place filled with chaos (混乱) in the morning, especially with getting Amanda, his naughty 13-year-old, and Jared, his energetic 8-year-old, ready for school. They missed their mom, Cynthia. Her death was a gap (缺口) that Adam couldn’t fill, no matter how hard he tried. She had been gone 6 years, yet the pain was all too fresh. Luckily his daughter at 22 could help cooking.

As he ran the last round, Adam took a deep breath. This park and these morning runs were his connection to Cynthia. She loved running, and he could almost see her jogging alongside him, her laughter ringing in his ears. It was peaceful. He checked his watch, quickening his pace. It was almost time to head back and dive into the last-minute school project panics.

Suddenly, in the middle of his thoughts, Adam saw something unusual. An old woman, probably around 60 or 65, was struggling up the park stairs. Just as she neared the top, she lost her footing. Adam watched in shock as she fell down, rolling awkwardly. Giving up his strict schedule, he rushed over.

“Ma’am, are you okay?” Adam asked, out of breath, as he carefully helped her sit up. She was a bit shaken, brushing dirt off her clothes, trying to calm down. “I’m fine, just a little fall,” she said in pain.


1.续写词数应为 150左右;


Adam knew she wasn’t as fine as she said.


Several days later, a truck left by the old woman’s husband arrived at his house.

2024-01-03更新 | 76次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

On a normal day at the Brooklyn Center Liquor store, one of the things any customer would be greeted with is a warm smile from Ta Leia Thomas. She is also known as “Ace” by her co-workers.

Her kindness is something that people know about her, and this side of her was fortunately caught on film after she did an act of real concern that made people online feel inspired to share her story.

After going out for lunch, store manager Tom Agnes found Ta Leia serving customers wearing only her socks. It was an unusual sight for him, and knowing the cold weather outside, the manager was a bit concerned about what happened to her.

He decided to carefully examine the security camera footage(监控录像) to find out why Ta Leia was in her socks and had no shoes to protect her feet. That was when he found out the kind act his staff(员工) did for a homeless person.

In the security camera footage, a homeless man can be seen dragging boxes as he passed by the store. The only thing is that he wasn’t actually bringing the said boxes, but he wore them on his feet to serve as his shoes.

Ta Leia saw the man walk by and within seconds, the woman took off her own shoes and approached the homeless man. She gave her shoes to him and returned to work with only her socks on.

“I see his feet and I just took my shoes off,” Ta Leia said.

Ta Leia did not hesitate to give away her prized possession(私人物品) to help others in need. Her kindness is clearly inspiring and something that people online have found to be very uplifting(令人振奋的). Knowing that someone as kind as her is out there helping those in need is quite comforting.

1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。

Tom bought Ta Leia a new pair of shoes.


Ta Leia kept posting on social media about her mom that she wants to take care of her mom.

2023-04-27更新 | 19次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般