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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:227 题号:15052927

American gymnast Simone Biles flies through the air as though she was made for it. She has won more World Championship gold medals than any other female gymnast in history. She is also the first women gymnast to win three World all-around titles in a row. A complicated flip (翻转动作) she introduced in the 2013 World Championships is one of four skills that are named after her, and some consider her the greatest of all time.

Athletes are under pressure, and a small mistake can result in serious injury. At the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, Biles experienced something gymnast call “the twisties,” which is when a gymnast has no idea where his or her body is in the air. Instead of putting herself and her team at risk, Biles gave up the competition. However, she worked out in a private gym and was able to compete in the last-scheduled individual event: the balance beam, winning the bronze medal.

When she was young, Biles was raised by her grandfather Ron, and was introduced to gymnastics at the age of 6 on a school field trip to a gym. She saw some gymnasts practicing, began copying their moves and insisted that her parents send her for gymnastics lessons. A coach at the gym also recognized her talent and sent a letter home asking her parents to send her for lessons.

Throughout her career, Biles has kept her passion for the sport, which can be seen clearly in the huge smile she often wears while competing. But she also wants people to know the importance of putting mental health first and not ignoring how stress can influence them.

In Biles’ 2016 memoir (回忆录), titled Courage to Soar, the book tells in her words “how my faith and my family made my wildest dreams come true. And how embracing a dream can give you courage to soar.” Biles’ ability to perform at the highest level has inspired new generations of athletes, but her willingness to be honest about her struggles inspires everyone.

1. What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us about Biles?
A.Her high spirit.B.Her wide fame.
C.Her great achievements.D.Her wonderful skills.
2. What happened to Biles at the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games?
A.She was seriously injured.B.She had a hard time.
C.She got a gold medal.D.She put her team at risk.
3. What do we know about Biles from the text?
A.She has got the most gold medals in history.
B.Four skills were named after her in 2013.
C.She showed her talent for gymnastics at an early age.
D.Her grandfather insisted that she take gymnastics lessons.
4. Which of the following can best describe Biles?
A.Strong-willed and talented.B.Confident and warm-hearted.
C.Determined and generous.D.Hard-working and curious.
【知识点】 说明文 体育名人


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A survey of university students shows that those who place more online orders for food seem more likely to feel depressed. The Panel Study of Chinese University Students released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences surveyed students at 18 universities.

The survey found that time spent online in general had a significant impact on students' mental health. The longer a student spent online each day, the worse was the self-evaluation and the higher the likelihood of depression. For sleep quality, about 45 percent of student respondents gave themselves a score of 6 points out of 10. Data showed that 6.4 percent of university students order takeaway food online almost every day, followed by 16 percent who place orders 3 to 5 times a week and 21 percent who use the services 1 to 2 times weekly. Dr. Zhang Zhenyu, who participated in the research, said students on average had a self-assessment that rated their physical and mental health at 8.45 points. Over 36 percent scored more than 10 points on the CESD-10 depression scale. Zhang also found that 29.9 percent of students thought themselves "fat" or "very fat" and 54.3 percent said their appearance scored 6 out of 10.

According to the survey, 2.5 percent have had facial plastic surgery(整形手术) and 5.8 percent have plans to improve their appearance through surgery in the next three years. Among students who want plastic surgery and those willing to do it, girls take up to 64 percent and 79.8 percent respectively(依次).

The survey also showed that 22.6 percent of students were left-behind children when they were kids, which research defines as children separated from their parents for six months in a row who had to be looked after by others. Zhang said the early experience of separation from parents had a negative impact on students’ mental health and self-assessment scores. They also had higher depression scores than those who lived with parents.

The research team also found that students with good family economic conditions scored higher in all dimensions than students from poor families. Students with a good physical and mental status had strong time management and self-management abilities.

1. According to the surveyed students, how many of them make online orders for daily food?
2. How is the second paragraph developed?
A.By making comparisons.B.By giving clear explanation.
C.By giving data.D.By following time order.
3. If a student spent a lot of time online, he (or she) would be ___________.
A.better in the self-evaluation
B.more likely to feel depressed
C.in high spirits in daily life
D.mentally and physically healthy
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Nine out of ten students regard themselves as fat or very fat people.
B.Many a girl shows no interest in facial plastic surgery.
C.Students who lived with their parents longer had lower depression scores.
D.A student with a strong body usually comes from a well off family.
2019-08-12更新 | 94次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It could be the return of “The Blob (变形怪体),” and scientists are worried. A mass of warm water extending from Baja California in Mexico all the way to Alaska and the Bering Sea could result in death for many sea lions and salmon, as well as poisonous algae (藻) blooms that can poison mussels (贻贝), crabs and other sea life. When it happened in 2014 it was known as “The Blob” and disturbed sea life between Southern California and Alaska. Now it’s back. The ocean heat wave began to form in June.

The surface temperatures in the affected areas are 5 to 7 degrees above the long-term average. The so-called blob (团)covers an area of 4 million square miles, or three times the size of Alaska. It’s 165 to 325 feet deep. The warming comes from some high pressure that keeps winds calm.

Whether it will last as long as the 2014 heat wave is impossible to know. “If the weather patterns that led to its development change all of the sudden and we get some cold weather and storms, then it could disappear pretty quickly,” said Stephanie Moore.

The heat waves are unprecedented. Satellite records go back about 40 years and ship observations 100 years, but nothing in the historical record has matched either of these two events.

Along the California coast, the blob-like warm areas are still about 1,000 miles away from shore.

In Washington state, the warm area has reached the shore, where it is causing a poisonous algae bloom that has prompted health officials to warn against eating mussels from state beaches.

Mussels have been collected on Washington shores that contained more than 10 times the regulatory limit of the toxin for human consumption. The warm area that continued to exist off the West Coast in 2014 and 2015 wasn’t something scientists had seen before.

1. What do we know about “The Blob”?
A.It occurred frequently in the USA.B.It made sea products unfit to eat.
C.It was the most severe pollution.D.It struck the Bering Sea per summer.
2. What resulted in “The Blob”?
A.Ocean surface.B.Warm wind.
C.High air pressure.D.Alaskan’s climate.
3. What does the underlined word “prompted” in Para. 6 mean?
4. In which column may the text appear in a paper?
2020-10-19更新 | 25次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Some caterpillars’ warning signals (信号) may have evolved (进化) from walking. A team, writing in the journal Nature Communications, reported that the hair-like structures the living things use to make sounds evolved from legs.

The team studied caterpillars which use these structures to communicate their ownership of leaves. This means the caterpillars are able to “tell” strangers to go away without risking injury in fighting. “These are really interesting caterpillars,” said Dr. Jayne Yack from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, who led the research. “They make signals using hair-like structures which are on their back ends.”

The caterpillars drag these structures across the leaf to make scraping (刺耳的) sounds when strangers enter the area of their leaves. “When they make this signal, the strangers leave,” explained Dr. Yack. “It’s like saying ‘I’m here, get out of here — I already own this leaf’.”

The scientists looked at other species (物种) within the same group of caterpillars and created their “family tree”. They used chemical markers (标记物) to work out the relationship between the animals, showing which in the group were the more ancient species and which species evolved more recently. “Those more ancient species actually don’t have these sound-producing structures. They have legs that they use to walk towards strangers,” said Dr. Yack. These more ancient species, she explained, walk towards strangers and try to fight against them. “They can kill each other in the fighting,” Dr. Yack added. She said that the evolution of the scraping show had allowed the caterpillars to solve their fighting without injury. “So our idea is that these signals actually avoid harm to both sides — they solve fighting in a more ‘friendly’ way.”

The study also provides a map of an evolutionary process that many other biologists are researching.

1. What can we learn about caterpillars’ warning structures from the text?
A.They have the same use as hair.
B.They are found in caterpillars’ heads.
C.They are used to fight against strangers.
D.They may have evolved from caterpillars’ legs.
2. According to the text, Dr. Yack’s team did NOT ________.
A.draw a family tree of caterpillars
B.create a map to show how caterpillars evolve
C.study species within the same group of caterpillars
D.make clear the relationship between different species of caterpillars
3. What does the underlined word “They” in the fifth paragraph refer to?
A.The ancient species.B.The chemical markers.
C.The sound-producing structures.D.The more recently evolved species.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.How caterpillars evolved.
B.How caterpillars warn strangers.
C.Communication between caterpillars.
D.Caterpillars’ warning signals evolved from walking.
2020-06-09更新 | 178次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般