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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:94 题号:15111157

The Earth is already 1.1 degrees Celsius hotter than it was 150 years ago. Though a half-degree Celsius difference in temperature increase might seem unimportant, the difference for life on Earth could be huge.

Off the coast of Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is known for being large enough to be seen from space. It’s the size of Germany—a biodiversity hot spot that was once thought to be too big to fail. But over the last few decades, marine(海洋的)biologists like Hoegh-Guldberg have watched its rapid decline.

Oceans are warming along with the atmosphere, since they absorb much of the excess heat from climate change. Repeated marine heat waves over the last five years have turned much of the Great Barrier Reef a terribly white color. When temperatures rise, corals(珊瑚)remove the microscopic algae(海藻)inside them, losing their food source in the process. Sometimes the corals can recover, but increasingly, they’re dying off.

“Something around 50% of the shallow water corals were killed literally over a couple of months, in some cases over a couple of weeks,” Hoegh-Guldberg says. “If you extend that out into the future, we’ll get to a point where the damage overwhelms the ability of corals to bounce back. ”

Marine heat waves have already doubled in number since 1980 and are expected to become more intense as temperatures rise. At 1.5 degrees Celsius, it’s likely that 70% to 90% of coral reefs will die off worldwide. At 2 degrees Celsius of warming, 99% are lost. “If we delay even a year or two more, we really are going down a pathway where there will be no return. We need to act and we need to act decisively, without question and solve this problem. ” Hoegh-Guldberg adds.

1. What do we know about the Great Barrier Reef?
A.It is supposed to never disappear.
B.It used to be indescribably massive.
C.It is too large to be seen from space.
D.It is growing over the last few decades.
2. What are the effects of rising temperatures?
A.Changes in the shape of coral.
B.Increasing risk of coral death.
C.Growing coral recovery capacity.
D.Abundant food sources of corals.
3. What does the underlined word “decisively” in the last paragraph refer to?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The temperature affects the life.
B.Climate change causes warming oceans.
C.Coral reefs face almost complete die-off.
D.Extreme heat waves double greatly in number.
【知识点】 动物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)
Animal training refers to teaching animals specific responses to specific conditions or stimuli (刺激). Training may be for the purpose of companionship, detection, protection, entertainment or all of the above.
An animal trainer may use various forms of reinforcement (强化) or punishment to condition an animal’s responses. There are many ways to train animals and as a general rule no legal requirements or certifications (证书) are required.

Training chickens has become a way for trainers of other animals (primarily dogs) to perfect their training technique.   Bob Bailey, former director of Animal Behavior Enterprises and the IQ Zoo, teaches in chicken training courses where trainers teach chickens to tell different shapes, to navigate an obstacle course and to chain behaviors together.

Fish can also be trained. For example, a goldfish may swim toward its owner and follow him as he walks through the room, but will not follow anyone else. The fish may swim up and down, signaling the owner to turn on its aquarium (鱼缸) light when it is off, and it will skim the surface until its owner feeds it. Pet goldfish have also been taught to perform more complicated tasks, such as doing the limbo (a kind of dance) and pushing a miniature soccer ball into a net.

Among all animals, they are the third cleverest — monkeys, dolphins and pigs. Scientists think the training of pigs is easier than the training of dogs and cats. Pigs have a very good sense of smell. They can find things nearby or faraway. They can also help the police to find out drugs at an airport or at a train station.

1. Which is true according to the passage?
A.Most people train animals because they need friends.
B.Training animals requires some certifications.
C.Training chickens is a way to improve the trainers’ skills.
D.Bob Bailey is a professional animal trainer.
2. According to the passage, a fish can       .
A.be trained to follow anyone
B.turn on its aquarium light when it is off
C.signal its owner to get fed
D.take part in a football game in the field
3. Scientists think the training of pigs is easier because       .
A.pigs do not bite like dogs
B.the pigs are smart animals
C.pigs have a good sense of hearing
D.pigs can help find out 4rugs at an airport
4. The underlined word “miniature” means much        than a normal one.
A.smallerB.more colorful
C.more attractiveD.cheaper
2017-10-17更新 | 111次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】In late summer or early fall the large, yellow seed heads of sunflowers will be ripening. If gardeners can keep off the birds and other wildlife trying to eat the seeds, they can have a large harvest. The bright yellow blooms will make a rainbow garden, brightening up any space.

However, planting the sunflower seeds is a skilled job. Plant seeds no deeper than the full length of itself. Smaller sized sunflowers can be spaced a foot apart. Larger varieties will need to be spaced as far apart as three feet. This allows ripe plants enough space for the seed heads to ripen without knocking the ripe seeds off before gardeners have a chance to harvest them.

Most sunflower seeds, especially those with eatable seeds, are large enough to handle without the need for seed sorters. This is why sunflowers make an excellent choice for a children's garden as well. Gardeners will want to mix plenty of soil fertilizers into the ground as sunflowers tend to be heavy feeders.

Sunflowers can be slow starters and the tiny new plants don't seem to grow very rapidly. Gardeners should protect the new plants as they begin to grow. Once they get going, sunflowers are able to out-grow many weeds, making them easier to grow in the home vegetable garden than many other plants.

Most pests and diseases are not a bother to the sunflower, however, more than one gardener has said that their lovely looking plants were ravaged overnight by hungry squirrels, mice or birds. To preserve their harvest, gardeners can cover the ripening seed head with stockings or net cloth to help keep the destroyers off the seeds.

Planting sunflower seeds is easy and can help even the smallest gardener feel successful in their gardening attempts.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.How to plant sunflowers.B.Different kinds of sunflowers.
C.Ways to preserve sunflowers.D.Tips on making your garden bright.
2. Why should enough space be left between sunflowers?
A.To prevent birds from eating sunflower seeds.
B.To offer the sunflowers enough sunlight.
C.To protect the ripe seed heads before harvest.
D.To help the sunflowers grow stronger.
3. Why do children love to grow sunflowers in their garden?
A.They want to decorate their garden with sunflowers.
B.The seeds are easy to plant and unnecessary to sort.
C.Sunflowers don’t need too much soil fertilizer.
D.Tiny new sunflowers can grow very fast
4. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “ravaged” in Paragraph 5?
2017-04-18更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In some parts of the world, COVID-19 is not the only plague that 2020 has brought. In parts of Asia and east Africa, swarms (成群) of locusts have ruined fields. The UN figures the swarms in India and Pakistan are the largest for a quarter of a century, and that the numbers in Kenya are the highest for 70 years. One swarm in northern Kenya was estimated to be 25 miles long and 37 miles wide.

Locusts are usually inoffensive, solitary creatures that live alone and do not stay far from the place that they were born. But under the right circumstances—namely heavy rain, and plant harvests—they can become “gregarious”. When that happens, the insects gather in hungry swarms which can fly more than 100km in a day.

In a paper published in Nature, Xiaojiao Guo, of the Institute of Zoology in Beijing, and a group of other researchers, shed light on the factor that drives that transformation. They think they have identified the specific pheromone (信息素) that attracts the insects to each other, and thus causes them to swarm.

Dr Guo and her colleagues collected35 chemicals collected from the bodies and faeces (排泄物) of the most widespread locust. When tested, gregarious locusts were strongly attracted to just one, a chemical called 4-vinylanisole (4VA). That attraction was strong for immature and mature locusts alike, and for both males and females.

Dr Guo’s results could be of more than academic interest. Humans have tried everything from insecticides to flame-throwers to deal with locust swarms. If a chemical could be developed that blocks the receptor (接收器), the insects might be made deaf to its call. If 4VA turns out to be a language that all locusts understand, then it may help humans persuade them to abandon their gregarious ways, and return to a solitary life.

1. What does the underlined word “gregarious” in the second paragraph mean?
A.separateB.hungryC.in dangerD.in groups
2. Why does the author mention the swarms in India and Pakistan in the first paragraph?
A.To make a comparison with COVID-19
B.To offer a new perspective to block the locusts
C.To show how serious the locusts plague is
D.To calculate the damages Asian countries have suffered
3. What is the author’s attitude towards the chemical 4VA?
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Why locusts swarm?B.Locust plague in India and Africa
C.A great scientist in BiochemistryD.How to deal with locusts swarms
2022-06-08更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般