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题型:选词填空-短文选词填空 难度:0.4 引用次数:176 题号:15137336
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. touches       B. stage              C. crossed       D. outnumbering       E. present              F. fundraiser
G. account       H. available       I. wandered       J. address                    K. coverage

The night before the March on Washington, on 28 August 1963, Martin Luther King asked his aides for advice about the next day’s speech. “Don’t use the lines about ‘I have a dream’, his adviser Wyatt Walker told him. “You’ve used it too many times already.”

King had indeed employed the refrain(repeated sentences)several times before. It had featured in an address just a week earlier at a     1     in Chicago, and a few months before that at a huge rally in Detroit. As with most of his speeches, both had been well received, but neither had been regarded as momentous.

This speech had to be different. While King was by now a national political figure, relatively few outside the black church and the civil rights movement had heard him give a full     2    . With all three television networks offering live     3     of the march for jobs and freedom, this would be his oratorical(演说的)introduction to the nation.

After a wide range of conflicting suggestions from his staff, King left the lobby at the Willard hotel in DC to put the final     4     to a speech that he hoped would be received, in his words, “like the Gettysburg Address”.

A few floors below King’s suite, Walker made himself     5    . King would call down and tell him what he wanted to say; Walker would write something that he hoped worked, and then head up the stairs to     6     it to King.

King finished the outline at about midnight and then wrote a draft in longhand. One of his aides who went to King’s suite that night saw words     7     out three or four times. He thought it looked as though King were writing poetry. King went to sleep at about 4 am, giving the text to his aides to print and distribute. The “I have a dream” section was not in it.

A few hours after King went to sleep, the march’s organizer, Bayard Rustin,     8     on to the Washington Mall, where the demonstration would take place later that day, with some of his assistants, to find security personnel and journalists     9     demonstrators. Political marches in Washington are now commonplace, but in 1963 attempting to     10     a march of this size in that place was unprecedented.

【知识点】 生活故事


选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐1】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. defensively        B. exited        C. initiatively          D. landscape          E. respond          F. thought
G. towered                  H. unaffected        I. uninhabited        J. welcoming          K. winding

Danger in the desert

That day we were deep in Chile’s Atacama Desert. There the     1       could often be compared to Mars. Our team of four female microbiologists watched as a car full of curious men pulled up beside us. Because we were strangers in a(n)       2     place, our minds immediately jumped to ways we could protect ourselves. So,     3     , our Chilean fellow guide lifted the strong tool she’d been using to dig up plant roots. The rest of us tried to look braver than we felt.

We had come to this desert to conduct DNA studies on giant horsetails that somehow grow well in one of Earth’s driest places. We were searching for plants in the most remote locations, where they would be     4     by human activities such as mining and agriculture.

We’d been warned that the trip could be dangerous. Because we were traveling so far from fuel sources, we were told to take along a can of gas. Our destination was at the end of a(n)     5       single-lane dirt road lined with burned-out vehicles that had not successfully negotiated the steep downslope. Our sample site was near a village, and the people might not, we were told,     6     positively to us. We were instructed to report our travel plans at the nearest police station so that search parties would know where to look for us if we disappeared.

We had found the amazing plants and their bright green stocks       7       over our heads. They aroused the     8       of ancient wetland plants. The men approached as we finished collecting our samples. We waited tensely as a man     9       the car and walked toward us. To our surprise and relief, he politely invited us to visit their village—they wanted to show us a lovely church of which they were proud. That day, we learned about more than the microbiomes that help desert plants grow well. We also met a(n)       10       community who had likewise beautifully adapted to their challenging home.

2022-12-16更新 | 233次组卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐2】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

B. excuse

C. featured   

D. favorE. approachesF. defended
G. access

H. serve

I. regional

J. celebratedK. lengths

When Coca-Cola was first sold in 1886, nobody thought it could be improved. Nearly a century later, in 1985, New Coke was introduced to replace the original recipe of Coke in order to rebrand the product amidst falling sales——Coke was losing customers to Pepsi, whose sweeter taste was finding     1    . Unfortunately, the Coca-Cola Company saw a significant drop in sales soon after the release of New Coke. Some customers just preferred the “classic” recipe. The old adage(格言), “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” seems to apply here.

Something similar is happening with A Bite of China, a     2     food documentary focusing on the stories, traditions and culture surrounding interesting regional dishes from around China. The first two seasons of the show saw great success. However, when the third season began last month, the reviewers were not so “sweet”. With an entirely new production team, Season Three steers away from(偏离) the show’s core focus on     3     dishes and towards intimate life stories, non-food-related subject matter and even product placement(植入广告).

In the first episode of Season Two, a teenager in the countryside collects honey high up in a tree. The scene is stunningly filmed, telling a moving story about the dangerous     4     to which people go to gather food for their families. In the third season, however, the focus is taken almost completely away from the food. In one of its most infamous episodes, DIY lipstick using questionable ingredients bought online is     5    . Viewer response has been swift and severe, with several commentators wondering whether it is still suitable to call the show a food documentary. The production crew have     6     the changes, claiming that the innovation is meant to keep the show fresh and interesting to an expanding audience. While this may     7     in part, to explain the show’s creative differences from previous seasons, it doesn’t     8     the show’s declining professionalism, which has led to some silly mistakes such as mixing up ingredients or confusing the correct names of regional dishes.

Innovation is generally     9     in industries big and small, but a winning formula that has popular     10     is not necessarily something that requires changes. Innovation is a tool often best used when a new direction is called for. By trying to reinvent the wheel, one might just end up with a flat tire. It’s time that A Bite of China took a page out of Coca-Cola’s playbook and returned to the classic recipe, where success has never tasted so sweet.

2022-11-02更新 | 112次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般