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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:172 题号:15168316

Luo Xinlin, 22, experienced her first ride in a self-driving taxi in Changsha, the capital of China's Hunan Province. "I made an     1     (appoint) soon after setting the starting and ending points in the app." said Liu. "A safety supervisor contacted me and the taxi arrived in about 10 minutes."

"The taxi drove very smoothly by     2    (it) and the safety supervisor and technician sitting in the front basically didn't have any manual control of it," said Liu after a 10-minute-long test ride. "The taxi passed through three or four intersections and it was a safe ride     3     any unexpected situations."

The self-driving taxi     4    (operate) by Hunan Apollo Intelligent Transportation Co.. Ltd,     5     base is in Xiangjiang New Area in the city, is named Robotaxi. On April 21, the company announced that a group of 30 self-driving taxis had entered public use in the city and users can call one for a free ride.

"The in-car touch screen can display barriers and dynamic (动态的) predictions within the 360-degree field of vision and     6     (clear) present the conditions of passing vehicles, intersections and traffic lights," said Cheng Li, director of the test and vehicle operation department of the company. Cheng added users can learn information such as the vehicle's speed and     7    (remain) distance through the screen in real time.

In September 2019, the company launched a trial service for a group of citizens, who had to first complete training and other procedures. The technical personnel started testing self-driving taxis in the second half of last year and they     8     (accumulate) a lot of test data since then.

China allowed local governments to arrange road tests for intelligent connected vehicles (ICVs), which cover different degrees of autonomous driving, in April 2018.     9     increasing number of cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing, have issued license     10    (plate) for road tests of ICVs.

【知识点】 交通方式 科学技术


语法填空-短文语填(约120词) | 适中 (0.65)

China’s first panda-themed tourist train     1     (leave) Chengdu Railway Station for Zunyi in neighboring Guizhou Province last Sunday night.

The train is decorated     2     giant panda images. Attendants (乘务员) carry some panda     3     (toy) and passengers can even try panda-shaped food. The three-day trip costs 1,280 yuan. The train can accommodate 252 passengers. It     4     (have) a dining room, bar, karaoke room and dance hall.

The dining rooms might be the     5     (big) attraction for passengers from Sichuan, whose people     6     (know) for their fondness of spicy food.     7     (actual), Chengdu is better known for its love of hotpot     8     its other attractions, according to an online survey     9     (conduct) by sohu.com two decades ago.

Zhong Shu,     10     official from Chengdu Railway International Business Travel Group, said the train may travel to other parts of the country if it proves to be a success.

2024-01-06更新 | 22次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

The future of driverless cars is fast becoming     1     reality. All the major car companies have plans to produce them-BMW, for example, have announced that they are launching a self-driving model in 2021.

But drivers of the first self-driving cars won’t be able to relax and watch a video.     2     (fortune), these cars can still get     3     (confuse) about what they’re “seeing”, and a human driver will need to take control sometimes. This is clearly necessary-the test driver of an early Tesla car on Autopilot     4     (die) in a crash while watching a Harry Potter DVD.

Accidents such as these may cause people to reject the idea of the driverless cars altogether.     5    , it’s predicted that driverless cars will reduce accidents     6     90%, and so millions of deaths could be avoided in future.

Most experts agree that we are not going to have true driverless cars on our roads     7     after 2030. Even then, it won’t be possible to drive anywhere you want. Driverless cars need digital maps with extreme     8     (accurate), and it’s not easy to produce these for all areas, particularly in the countryside.

    9     problem is that self-driving cars can be too careful. They won’t take enough risks and might wait too long for clear     10     (open) in the traffic, which could cause even bigger traffic jams!

2022-01-28更新 | 441次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Booking clerk: Hello, can I help you ?
Customer : Yes, you know, I’d like to fly to Berlin, Germany,    1    the 13th of this month.
Booking clerk : Well, a moment please. I’ll check the    2    (flight). And What time will you come    3    ?
Customer: Let me see. I will attend a book fair    4    (hold) in Berlin, and the next two days a conference about education. Well, I haven’t decided when I’m going to return. Oh, I hope I will have the     5    (cheap) flight. By the way, how much does it cost to go there ?
Booking clerk: Oh, it’s only $870. This is the cheapest.
Customer : It’s fine. Would you like to tell me    6    the flight leaves and arrives?
Booking clerk: No problem. That’s Flight BA975. It    7    (leave) Los Angeles at 11:00 in the morning, and arrives in Boston at 2:35 in the afternoon. Then, you’ll have to change     8    Flight 301 at 4:10, and arrive in Berlin at 7:14 a.m. the next day.
Customer: I think I’ll take    9    . One more thing, I prefer to have a seat in the front and by the window, because I suffer from    10    (airsick) sometimes.
2022-01-07更新 | 72次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般