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题型:阅读理解-阅读表达 难度:0.85 引用次数:50 题号:15175350

The Albatross (信天翁)

A What is an Albatross?

Albatrosses are the largest seabirds in existence, with wingspans (翼幅) which extend to over three metres in width. They represent a small subset of the larger group known as tube-nosed petrels, which have strong, curved sharp beaks which they use for catching fish and squid on the surface of the ocean. While there is some debate about the exact taxonomy of the species, it is agreed that there are somewhere between 21 and 24 species of albatrosses.

B A Special Breeding Site

Of these species, approximately half breed in New Zealand and about 80 percent breed (繁殖) or fish within New Zealand’s territorial waters. Six species breed only in New Zealand or on its offshore islands. One of only two mainland nesting sites for these birds in the world, for the northern royal albatross, is on the Otago Peninsula in the South Island of New Zealand; it is a popular tourist destination. Visitors can view the albatross colony (种群) from a special building which has been established beside the nesting ground and, while the site is closed during breeding season (繁殖季) , at other times it is often possible to see parents and their chicks living and feeding only metres away from human observers. 

C Predators

However, there are risks to albatross chicks (幼鸟) on land. Natural predators (捕食者) such as seagulls can eat eggs and young birds, and in mainland areas there are also threats from dogs, cats and other land animals. On some offshore islands, sea lions have been observed raiding (袭击) nests for eggs. It is thought that this is a new behaviour.

D Threats (危险) for Adult Albatross

The main threats to the adult albatross occur at sea, and most of these are man-made. Albatrosses like to travel close to fishing boats, to eat the leftover scraps of fish that are dropped over the side of the boat. Sometimes, however, they also eat the bait (饵) and accidentally ingest (咽下) fish hooks (钩) , or get dragged (拖,拉) along on fishing lines and drown. The number of albatrosses that any one boat catches is small, but because there are so many fishing boats, this may have a long term impact on population numbers. It is estimated (预估) that at least 100,000 albatrosses die in this way each year. As for all sea bird species, there are other threats, such as drift nets, oil spills and rubbish such as plastic in the ocean. While there are international agreements and fishing conventions to try and protect sea birds, albatrosses are among the million or so sea birds that get caught in drift nets and die each year.

Answer the questions below. Use NO MORE THAN SIX WORDS OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.
1. What is the distance from one wing tip (翅尖) to the other of an albatross?
2. How many kinds of albatrosses are there?
3. What can people see from the special building beside the nesting site?
4. How many albatrosses die each year because of fishing boats?
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the reading passage?
YES 正确
NO 错误
5. ________ Albatrosses are the largest seabirds in the world.
6. ________Cats and dogs may kill young albatross chicks.
7. ________Adult albatrosses are more at risk on the land than at sea.
8. ________Oil spill can threaten (威胁) albatrosses.
9. ________Albatrosses that get caught up in drift nets die from drowning.
【知识点】 动物


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Unlike humans who enter a state of relatively complete unconsciousness while sleeping, birds can more carefully control their sleep. Birds often sleep with one eye open, only half their brain resting at the same time. The other half of the brain is awake, able to note danger if needed.

While the exact way in which birds control their sleep patterns has not been well studied, it has been shown that the safer a bird feels when sleeping, the more likely it is to sleep deeper. If the situation is more uncertain, however, the bird will sleep more lightly.

Sleeping together is another defensive method that many birds use. By living together, some species can create a nighttime place where thousands of individuals sleep. As a result, there are more birds to notice their enemies’ attack, giving each individual bird a greater chance of survival. In winter, many birds, particularly small birds, live together to share body heat and survive lower nighttime temperatures.

When birds sleep, they bury weak body parts in their feathers. A bird’s feathers create air pockets that help it keep warm, and by placing feet or the bill into the feathers, less body heat is lost. When a bird’s bill is buried deeply in its feathers, it is also able to breathe air warmed by its own body heat.

There is little data about how long birds sleep at a time, but studies show that birds may sleep longer during longer nights. This may be because birds are not able to search for food or take part in other activities without enough light and so sleeping is the next natural item on their to-do lists. Birds are able to sleep for a short time during the day, however, and can also sleep longer whenever they are in a safe place.

1. How can birds control their sleep?
A.By opening both of the eyes.B.By ignoring danger frequently.
C.By entering a dream completely.D.By keeping half of the brain awake.
2. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Birds’ condition.B.Birds weight.C.Birds’ feelings.D.Birds’ sleep patterns.
3. Why do birds sleep together according to Paragraph3?
A.They can attack their enemies.B.They can protect themselves well.
C.They can lower body temperatures.D.They can share body heat in summer.
4. Where do birds put their weak body parts while sleeping?
A.Into their feathers.B.Into their feet.
C.Into their mouths.D.Into their skin pockets.
5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Birds can search for food in weak light.
B.Birds should plan their activities more carefully.
C.Birds can usually sleep longer at night in winter.
D.Birds should place sleeping first on their to-do lists.
2023-03-29更新 | 165次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】A new study recently found that elephants in central African forests can encourage the growth of slow-growing trees and increase the ability of the forest to store carbon.

“As a tree, there’s a trade-off you can’t have it all,” explained Fabio Berzaghi, who led the study. “You either invest in growing fast, or in building a lot of structure with carbon to be more resistant.” Elephants prefer to eat fast-growing trees in more open spaces. As they feed and walk, they cause damage to these species, knocking over trees or breaking off branches, which results in an ecosystem that favors large, slow-growing hardwood trees. “As the elephants thin the forest, they increase the number of slow-growing trees and the forest is capable of storing more carbon, ” said Stephen Blake, one of the paper’s authors.

Scientists collected field measurements in the Congo Basin and used a computer model to predict how elephants would affect forest structure, and carbon storage potential in the long term. The data confirmed that when elephants are present, the forest contains larger trees and higher abundances of species with high wood density. Conversely (相反地),should forest elephants go extinct, leaving those slow-growing trees struggling to compete with fast-growing species, it would result in a 7 percent loss of above-ground biomass (生物总量). As a result, central African forests could lose up to three billion tons of carbon, potentially accelerating climate change.

The sad reality is that humans are doing their best to rid the planet of elephants. “This study comes at a time when forest elephants are threatened as never before,” said Iain Douglas Hamilton, founder of Save the Elephants. “It is shocking that just as we are beginning to understand how elephants might have a key role in Africa in storing carbon, they are under real threat of extinction.” One limitation of the study, Mr. Berzaghi said, is that we do not know how much carbon has already been lost because of the elephants’ decline. But it does seem certain, he added, that putting a stop to illegal hunting and restoring forest elephant populations would bring climate benefits.

1. What can we infer about slow-growing trees in Paragraph 2?
A.They are elephants’ favorite food.B.They are easily hurt by elephants.
C.They can help forests store carbon.D.They may reduce elephant populations.
2. What would happen without elephants living in central African forests?
A.Climate change would possibly be sped up.
B.The forest structure would remain unchanged.
C.The forests would lose more fast-growing trees.
D.Larger trees would defeat fast-growing species.
3. What did Mr. Berzaghi suggest people do?
A.Lead a low-carbon life.B.Evaluate the carbon loss.
C.Stop destroying forests.D.Protect forest elephants.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Humans and Nature Live in Harmony
B.Elephants Disappear in Parts of Africa
C.Climate Change Affects Forest Structure
D.Elephants Defend Against Climate Change
2020-05-11更新 | 161次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Suy credits his interest in photography to a French journalist he met in 2000. Since 2012. he has used his love of photography for a good cause: protecting wildlife. As more and more animal species began to disappeer from Kandal Province, he grew worried. So he created a photo project which he hoped would bring more attention to the loss of natural habitats in Cambodia.

He hopes to educate Cambodians about the importance of bird species and the effect they have on nature. He said, “The biggest issue is the damage to habitats and poaching".Besides that, it is due to the demand from the rich who desire wild meat and who consider wild meat chemical-free.

His photography work has shown “how lack of education and law enforcemen” makes the problem worse. Hunting is at the root of Cambodian culture.“Education is very limited,” he said. “And in terms of legal enforcement, only one organization is standing out, and that is the Wildlife Alliance.” He noted that the group had carried out a number of successful crackdowns against hunting. But there were few major campaigns on wildlife hunting.as a whole.

Protected areas within forests have disappeared at the same rate as forests in other parts of the country Poaching and hunting have led to the loss of animal and plant species in Cambodia.

To Chantha Nasak, a wildlife expert, the damage to wildlife habitats is the main reason for the decrease in the number of wild animals.He says the destruction of forests and the use of land for agricultural and other purposes are the biggest threats, as well as the climate change.

However. there are already agreements between some NGOs and the Cambodian government to help wild species. Also. Chantha Nasak says some communities are working together to protect wildlife around the country.

“All Cambodian citizens should join hands in the protection of wildlife, not just the NGOs and the government,” he said. “It should be everyone.”

1. What problem did Suy meet in his photography work?
A.Cambodians have a poor knowledge of protecting wildlife
B.Cambodians are lacking their culture of hunting
C.Cambodians like major campaigns on hunting wildlife
D.Cambodians have limited education about hunting.
2. Why do the rich find wild meat in Cambodia?
A.It contains high nutrition.B.It is free of chemieals.
C.It tastes delicious and fresh.D.It is a symbol of social positions.
3. What is the main factor in leading to the decrease in wild animalsChantha thinks   ?
A.the climate changeB.the wild meat trade
C.the damage to wildlife habitatsD.the still-not-prohibited hunting
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.A Cambodian is teaching the hunting culture.
B.A photographer has a good knowledge of wildlife.
C.A photographer is struggling with poachers
D.A Cambodian photographer urges to protect wildlife
2022-06-01更新 | 218次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般