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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:67 题号:15199097

Your teenage best friend could be good for your long-term mental health, according to a new study published in the journal Child Development. According to the findings, teenagers aged 15 to 16 who had a close friendship rather than a larger group of friends they were less close to had a greater sense of self-worth by the time they were 25 years old. Those people with a very close best friend were also less likely to experience social anxiety, the study found.

A past research has suggested that teen friendships are important. Friendships during the teenage years predict academic success and improved mental health. But the new research further explores the type of friendships teenagers have.

Many study participants did not continue to have a close relationship with their high-school best friend, leading the researchers to wonder what exactly was responsible for the mental health benefits. They thought that the skills and ability to build such a friendship may be more important than the friendship itself.

And as the researchers point out, those skills are not necessarily brought to bear in the world of social media. “As technology makes it increasingly easy to build a social network of shallow friends, focusing time and attention on developing close connections with a few individuals should be a priority,” one of the researchers, Joseph Allen, said in a statement.

1. What is the benefit of having a close teenage friendship?
A.Good performance in high school.
B.Mental health by early adulthood.
C.A large social network in the future.
D.A greater sense of self-worth all the time.
2. What can we learn about the past research?
A.It attached importance to teen friendships.
B.It explored the types of teenage friendships.
C.It helped improve teenagers' mental health.
D.It was totally different from the new research.
3. What did the researchers think might lead to the mental health benefits?
A.Having many best friends in high school.
B.Knowing how to build a close friendship.
C.Understanding the world of social media.
D.Studying hard and getting good grades at school.
4. What did the researcher Joseph Allen suggest?
A.Widening your social circle.
B.Learning to use social media.
C.Concentrating on high-quality friendship.
D.Improving the basic skills of making friends.
【知识点】 友谊 说明文


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Family isn’t always blood. They’re the people in your life who appreciate having you—the ones who encourage you to make progress in healthy ways.     1    

Free yourself from negative people.

Relationships should help you, not hurt you. Choose friends who you are proud to know, who you admire, who love and respect you.     2     When you free yourself from negative people, you free yourself to be YOU—and being YOU is the only way to truly live.

Give people you don’t know a chance.

    3     If you give them a chance, everyone has something amazing to offer. So appreciate the possibility of making new relationships. Trust your judgment. Be ready to learn, be ready for a challenge, and be ready to meet someone that might just change your life forever.


Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Any good relationship is based on sincerity and respect. Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother. People will notice your kindness.

Forgive people and move forward.

Don’t live your life with hate in your heart. You will end up hurting yourself more than the people you hate.     5     It means you’re letting go of the pain, and instead choosing to learn from the incident and move on with your life. Remember, the less time you spend hating the people who hurt you, the more time you’ll have to love the people who love you.

A.Be kind to your family.
B.We meet no ordinary people in our lives.
C.Show everyone kindness and respect.
D.They will make your day a little brighter.
E.However, you should find ways to change your life.
F.Here are four tips to help you find these special relationships.
G.Generosity doesn’t mean you’re erasing the past, or forgetting what happened.
2022-01-13更新 | 165次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约530词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Good communication is vital in modern society. We know that much of the communication is unspoken. Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes. Your good qualities can make good communication. The personal qualities include:physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expressiveness of eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others.

What should we do so that our communication will be effective?Here are my suggestions.

Firstly, you should be yourself. The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. The most effective people never change character from one situation to another. They're the same whether they're having a conversation with their close friends, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job. They communicate with their whole being.

Secondly, whether you're talking to one person or one hundred, always remember to look at them. Don't break eye contact while talking. As you enter a room, move your eyes comfortably, then look directly at those in the room and smile. This shows clearly that you are at ease. Smiling is important. The best type of smile and eye contact is gentle and comfortable, not forced.

You should also absorb other people before showing yourself. You can't learn anything when you talk. When you attend a meeting, a party or an interview, don't immediately start throwing your opinions.Stop for a second.Absorb what's going on.What's the mood of the others?Are they down, up, happy, expectant? Are they eager to learn from you, or do they show resistance? If you can sense what's happening with others, you will be better able to reach them. So, listen before you talk.

The fourth suggestion is that you focus your energy. How do you get your energy up? Before the meeting, collect your thoughts about the goal of the meeting — yours and the others'. Once you go through the doorway, no longer think about yourself. Focus on the person you are meeting to find out what he is interested in. Properly collected energy comes across when we sincerely believe something. When you speak with energy, you are involved with your audience and your message. You create an air of certainty.The audience may disagree with you, but they can't question your belief.

Lastly, I would like to remind you that you should lighten up. Take a good hard look at yourself.Do you say “I” too often? Are you only concentrated on your own problems? Do you complain frequently? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you need to be more relaxed.

Title: How to communicate     1    .
Be yourselfAlways be the same and communicate   with your whole being.Change character in     2    .
Keep eye contact and smile•Make direct eye contact.
•Present a gentle and comfortable     3    
•Break eye contact.
    4     yourself to smile.
Listen before     5    .Stop for a short time to know the others' mood and what is happening with them.Begin your talk immediately
Focus your     6    .    7     about the goal clearly and carefully before the meeting.
•Focus on the person you're meeting.
Think about yourself.
Lighten upTry to be     8    •Say “I” too often.
•Concentrate on your   own problems.
•Make too many    9    .
    10    .Good qualities can make good communication.
2018-03-04更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Communication is the sharing of information or ideas. No matter our age or background, it is important to know communication is a valuable skill. It’s also a skill that everyone can learn. Skillful communication can even turn a potential fight into a productive talk.    1    

Place yourself on even ground. Make sure not to stand over the other person as you are talking.    2    If your listener is sitting, you should sit with them.

Listen to the other party. Let listeners share how they feel and wait until they are finished talking before speaking yourself.

Speak in a calm voice.    3     You can try taking deep breaths to calm down.

    4    Sometimes a conflict takes time to work itself out. Rather than trying to rush a decision, consider stopping the discussion with a plan to revisit it at a later point.

Use “I” messages. When raising concerns, try to start your sentences with “I...” instead of “You,” stating clearly how you feel about the situation rather than blaming others.    5    For instance, instead of saying “You’re messy and it drives me crazy,” you might say, “I’m really uncomfortable surrounded by clutter like this. Is there something we can do to deal with it to keep it from being a problem?”

Good communication is a great tool. Practicing will help you get better at it. Having strong communication skills will improve your relationships. You’ll see a difference at home, at school and anywhere else you go.

A.Speak clearly but simply.
B.Don’t force an agreement.
C.Don’t yell or attack the other person or their behavior or actions.
D.This posture can make people uncomfortable and may even upgrade a conflict.
E.“I messages” improve the chances that listeners will consider your point of view.
F.Whether you mean to or not, disrespecting others will hurt the communication process.
G.There are some steps to take to communicate better when you are in conflict with someone.
2020-08-02更新 | 180次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般