组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:217 题号:15252450

Although a gym membership can be nice, you don't have to have one to get into great shape! All you need is a little bit of time and space at home for yourself.     1    

Spend 5 to 10 minutes warming up before every workout.     2     Try jumping jacks, leg or arm circles, or even dancing. Just get your blood pumping. Do a progressive aerobic activity that uses the same muscles you want to work out. For instance, slowly jog if you are going for a longer run.

    3     Strength training, also called resistance training, makes you stronger and builds endurance. Try to do exercises that work a lot of muscles and add weight to increase your resistance. This helps you do a harder workout every time you exercise.

    4    You might be eager to just stop your workout when you've finished your last set of activity, but take a few minutes to do low-intensity exercises that lower your heartrate. You might drop your run into a walk or slow down your cycling, for instance.

Set achievable goals that you can break into smaller tasks. It's one thing to say you want to get fit, but that means something different for everyone.     5     It should be specific, realistic, and meaningful. Then, break down each goal into small, actionable steps so it feels like you're making progress regularly.

A.Not sure what to do?
B.Want to build muscle without buying equipment?
C.Do strength training twice a week to build muscle.
D.If you're struggling to fit in workout time, don't worry.
E.Spend five to ten minutes cooling down after each workout.
F.Figure out what you plan to achieve and make that your goal.
G.But before everything, you need to create an at-home fitness routine.
【知识点】 方法/策略 体育健身


阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Winter blues (冬季忧郁 )are very common and are marked by experiencing a mood shift as the weather becomes cold and dark. The signs of winter blues can be generally seen around the end of fall and the beginning of winter. These signs include feeling low and sleeping for longer.     1     .

Call on your support system

Loneliness and isolation tend to make the effects of the winter blues worse. That’s why your support system, including friends and family, should be on speed dial.

    2    . You can take walks outdoors, talk on the phone, or have coffee dates.


Being indoors more often means an increase in screen time. And if this time is spent on a non-stop news cycle, you may feel an increase in the winter blues.

To help minimize stress and sadness from the news, try to limit the amount of your screen time.     4    . You can watch this in one sitting or break it up into chunks (段).

Seek out the sun

    5    . Ѕіnсе wіntеr bluеѕ аrе wоrѕеnеd bу а lасk оf ѕun ехроѕurе, ѕоаkіng uр (吸收) the sun’s rays is critical.

If you cannot get outdoors, move a chair next to a window that gets sunlight. Aim to sit in this location for at least one to two hours a day.

A.Keep away from bad news
B.Take a break from the news
C.If possible, schedule one hour for watching news.
D.Let’s develop a “fight off winter blues plan”.
E.Physical activity is always good for health.
F.Getting outside needs to be a priority during the winter months.
G.Spending time with supportive people boosts your mood when you suffer from winter blues.
2023-02-27更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Simple Yet Amazing Ways To Be Wiser

Wisdom is no just a good quality to have but it is also very necessary. There are a lot of ways to become wiser.     1    . Here are some strategies that you can use to get wiser.


You will never grow from being in your comfort zone which is why you need to get out of it. This is the only way you will gain wisdom and become better. You try learning new skills that you never thought of learning or going to places that were on your bucket list. Change your routine and see where life takes you, take control!

Meet new people

Limiting yourself to only one type of people that share the same beliefs as you can be comforting but it doesn’t get you anywhere in life. You need to meet and experience new people and learn what they have to offer. Share what defines you and learn from others. This will make you wise.     3    .

Learn and grow from your mistakes

All of us make mistakes in life, but it is the acknowledgment of mistakes that makes us grow and do better next time. Whenever we make a mistake, we should learn from it, thinking over our shortcomings won’t get us anywhere.     4    . Stop blaming other people for your mistakes and admit where you went wrong. Let me tell you this: your best teacher will always be your last mistake, so learn the best from it.

Share your knowledge with others

If you have accumulated a lot of knowledge then why not share it with others too?     5    . In today’s world, it is very easy to become wise but it isn’t easy to help others, so do the difficult part too. Inspire humanity and see your life change for the better.

A.Try experiencing new opportunities
B.Expose yourself to diverse viewpoints
C.However, you are advised to start small
D.Developing new friendships will be beneficial to you
E.We can reflect upon failure in order to improve ourselves
F.Being ready to help others out will definitely increase your wisdom
G.If something confuses you, try to clear out your problems by yourselves
2024-01-24更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Throw a Party Green-Style

    1    : birthdays, graduations, holidays, passing your academic test, or the end of the term. And as anyone who has ever thrown a party knows, the biggest unpleasant situation after the party is to face lots of waste.    2    ? To the landfills, of course. So, when throwing a party, it’s important to minimize waste. Here are a few suggestions.

    3    . Ok, you probably do this anyway–it’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s less clumsy than paper invites. But it’s also the most environmentally sound choice. If there are people who say it’s uncomfortable to use e-cards, tell them it’s more uncomfortable to pollute water by using traditional methods.

Allow each person only one cup. You know how easy it is to lose your drink when everyone else has the same ones. You put it down for a second, realize you don’t know which cup belongs to you, and then reach for a brand-new one.     4    . Try a new system of handing each guest a cup that you mark with their name to ensure no one will let their cup get lost.

Control the garbage. Reduce waste by buying party foods with less packing to throw out and send guests home with leftover snacks. Instead of handing out paper plates for people’s pizza, use plates you can wash and reuse. If your mom’s porcelain (瓷) dishes are not available, plastic ones can be used over and over again for your and your friends’ parties.    5    . Put out two trash cans and label them clearly, making it obvious that one is for straight trash and the other is for cans, bottles, and other recyclable goods.

A.Where does all of this trash go
B.Make full use of paper invitations
C.What is such a celebration held for
D.There’s always a reason to celebrate
E.Send e-invitations instead of paper ones
F.The result is: A lot of cups are thrown for no reason
G.And most important, make it easy for your guests to recycle
2022-07-14更新 | 101次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般