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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:31 题号:15358983

It was a carefree summer day when a father, Steven Poust, was out boating on the St. John’s River with his 4-year-old daughter Abigail and 4-year-old son Chase. The children were playfully swimming near their anchored boat while their father was fishing, smiling at his kids. Suddenly, Abigail got caught in the powerful current, forcing her to release the handle on the boat. Chase let go of the boat to take hold of his little sister, but he found himself caught in the current. When Steven jumped into the water to rescue his struggling children, he was also pulled in.

As they all drifted farther from the boat, the desperate father pushed his son to a safer place and tried to stick with his daughter as long as he could. However, he wore himself out later, and she drifted away from him. The father had to follow his daughter. So the responsibility to save the family was now on young Chase’ s shoulders.

Steven instructed his son to swim to the shore and find immediate help. Meanwhile, he would attempt to retrieve his little girl, who was continuously being pulled farther from his reach.

Chase did as he was told. The young boy was swimming against the current, which made it more difficult to swim toward the shore. However, the young boy continued to swim with one thought in mind: to save his family. Chase swam as fast as he could to reach the riverbank. When he grew tired, Chase cleverly floated on his back; at times, he paddled to conserve his energy. Once he reached the shore, he raced to the closest house he could find, knocked on the door and screamed for help. The owners answered and immediately dialed 911.

The Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department responded quickly. They located the empty boat. In the water, they found kids’ shoes, a cellphone and fishing poles floating near the boat. After a 90-minute search, the search crew located the father and the daughter in the water, who had been swept a mile and a half from their abandoned boat.

1. What can we know about the father and his kids before the accident?
A.They had nothing to enjoy.B.They had a very pleasant time.
C.They were far from their boat.D.They were practising swimming.
2. Why did Steven count on Chase to seek for help?
A.His mental strength ran out.B.His swimming skill was poorer.
C.He wanted to get Chase trained,D.He had to try to save his daughter.
3. What does the underlined word “retrieve” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Get…back.B.Push... away.C.Take...in.D.Give...up.
4. Which of the following words can best describe Chase?
A.Honest and modest.B.Brave and smart.
C.Strict and responsible.D.Ambitious and generous.
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

It was raining hard and nearly dusk. I was late for an appointment in the nearby city that I knew only by GPS. Now my phone had died. The usual interstate exits were closed. I couldn’t figure out how to get where I was going or how to let my appointment know I was likely not going to make it there.

I stopped at a McDonald’s in a poor part of the town and walked up to what appeared to be a mother and her teen daughter. I’m sorry, but do you mind, is it possible for me to look up a number on your phone and then call my friends and let them know I am lost?” She handed me her phone and they told me I was lucky that she had her phone. It was getting ready to be turned off because she didn't have enough money to pay the phone bill.

The young girl and mother seemed to be clinging to each other and talked together as I made my phone call, not really paying me much attention as the people at the other end of the phone told me to come on, I was not too late, and then told me how to get there As I stood to leave, suddenly, I reached into my wallet where I don't usually have cash and pulled out all. I had a $20 bill. I pressed it into the mother’s hand and then turned to leave quickly because 1 didn’t want to take the credit for it. But not before seeing that she was crying,her daughter called after me,” Thanks, sir. You have no idea how you just helped us.” And yet, they really helped me.

1. How was the adventure according to paragraph 1?
2. Why did the woman say the author was lucky?
A.Because her phone had power.
B.Because her phone still functioned.
C.Because she knew the people he planned to meet.
D.Because she had the telephone number he needed.
3. What can we know about the mother and her daughter?
A.They were living in the town.
B.They were also in great need.
C.They didn't pay attention to the author.
D.They often had dinner in McDonald’s.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The author must be poor.B.The mother refused the money.
C.The author didn't want to be thanked.D.The daughter expressed her thanks.
5. What can be the best title of the passage?
A.How to Help others by Phone
B.The Kindness Warming Strangers
C.The Story between me and a Mother
D.A Mysterious Story on a Rainy Night
2020-08-13更新 | 30次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易 (0.85)

A man was working on his motorcycle in his yard. Suddenly it started to move. The man, still holding the hand lebars, was dragged through the glass doors, along with the motorcycle, and was thrown onto the floor inside the house. The wife ran in and found her husband lying on the floor, cut and bleeding. She ran to call an ambulance (救护车).

The ambulance arrived and they took the man to the hospital. The wife picked up the motorcycle and pushed it outside. There was gas all over the floor, so the wife got some paper towels, cleaned the gas with them, and threw them in the toilet. After he was treated, the man returned home. Not long after that he went to the bathroom, sat down on the toilet and smoked a cigarette. Sitting there, he finished the cigarette and threw it into the toilet. The wife, who was in the kitchen, heard the loud explosion (爆炸声) and her husband screaming.

She ran into the bathroom, and there she found her husband lying on the floor! His trousers had been blown away and his buttocks and other parts of his body were covered with burns! The wife again ran to the phone to call an ambulance. The same people came! While they were carrying the husband down the stairs to the street, one of the men asked the wife how the husband had burned himself. She told them and they started laughing very hard. One of them fell and the husband fell, too. The poor husband fell down the remaining stairs and broke his arm.

1. What most probably made the motorcycle start moving?
A.The man himself started it to see if it was working.
B.His wife did it for him to check if there was something working.
C.The motorcycle started by itself.
D.The man started the motorcycle without knowing it.
2. What did the wife do after the first accident?
A.She did nothing except calling the policemen.
B.She cleaned the gas with paper towels and threw them into the toilet.
C.She took the motorcycle and pushed it into the room.
D.She took her hushand to the hospital.
3. What do we know about the gas that caused the explosion?
A.The gas was from the motorcycle and could easily cause an explosion.
B.The gas was of poor quality.
C.The gas made the hushand suffer 4 accidents in a day.
D.The gas should have burned the wife.
4. The passage is most likely to be found in________
A.a surveyB.a textbook
C.a reportD.a book of funny stories
5. Which is the best title for this passage?
A.What a Bad Day for the Husband and Wife
B.A Man’s Worst Day
C.A Man Had Three Accidents in One Day
D.A Wife Burned Her Husband and Broke His Arms
2016-11-26更新 | 201次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Peter is a high school student and he lives in Suzhou. His family often take a trip to cities, such as Nanjing and Hangzhou. But Peter always hoped to visit Shanghai. This year, his dream finally came true.

On June 22nd, Peter’s family took the train to get to Shanghai. Their first destination was Zhujiajiao Ancient Town. After arriving there, they tasted many delicious foods first. Then they watched Kunqu Opera performances and hanfu shows.

On the second day, Peter’s family went to Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park. They not only watched many animals, but also joined in some traditional activities about the Dragon Boat Festival. For example, they made zongzi and joined in a boat race. Peter also played an ancient game — touhu. This was the first time he had tried the game. It was so interesting. They also went to At Life Hub@ Anting Square.

On the last day, Peter’s family enjoyed the old Shanghai songs and guofeng music at the concerts. They also went to Jiabei Country Park. They had fun at a music festival and took many photos at a Chinese art show.

“The three-day vacation was a great experience for me,” Peter said, “I learned a lot about Chinese traditional art and history.”

1. Which city did Peter always hope to visit?
2. What did Peter and his family do first after arriving at Zhujiajiao Ancient Town?
A.They visited some parks.B.They took many photos.
C.They watched hanfu shows.D.They tasted many delicious foods.
3. What did Peter try for the first time at Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park?
A.Watching animals.B.Making zongzi.
C.Enjoying a boat race.D.Playing touhu.
4. Which place did Peter and his family visit on the last day?
A.Jiabei Country Park.B.At Life Hub@ Anting Square.
C.Zhujiajiao Ancient Town.D.Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park.
5. What does Peter think of his vacation?
2024-01-02更新 | 129次组卷
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