组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.85 引用次数:180 题号:15371151

As flying through the blue sky, 5,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean, 23-year-old pilot Sydnie Uemoto heard the sound—a subtle change in the noise as the engines began to operate hard.

Her co-pilot, 26-year-old Dave McMahon, heard it, too. They were just two young pilots, taking a short trip with no passengers. Then, without warning, the pilots lost power to the engines.

The next few minutes were in disorder. Nothing worked. At about 1, 000 feet above the ocean the plane fell quickly, Uemoto made the last distress call. “We’re 25 miles northwest of Kona,” she said to air traffic control. “We're going down.”

Uemoto held the controls tightly. She knew the chances of survival were slim. “Just land as if you're landing on the ground,” Uemoto told herself. As the plane rushed toward the ocean, she forced herself to imagine a runway spreading along the water.

McMahon and Uemoto were thrown forward violently. McMahon opened his eyes to wait for death. He realized that he was, incredibly, OK. Uemoto was next to him, shocked and bleeding, but still conscious. She rose to her feet hard and felt the blood pouring down her face. “Get out!” McMahon shouted loudly. The water was knee-high inside the plane, and it would be flooded in moments.

Uemoto made every effort through the water toward the door, picking up two life preservers along the way. By the time she’d climbed out onto the wing, the water was covering the seats of the plane. As the plane sank, they jumped into the ocean. Within seconds, the plane disappeared from the surface.

The waves broke around them. McMahon and Uemoto had done the impossible by surviving a crash landing into the ocean. Uemoto, however, was frightened and started to cry. McMahon tried to calm her by making small talk.

“When will the rescuers get here?” Uemoto asked.

“They're coming,” McMahon said. “We're just going to be here.”


After a couple of hours, a plane appeared in the sky, circling the area.


But McMahon and Uemoto didn't give up hope.

21-22高二下·湖南·阶段练习 查看更多[3]
【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较易 (0.85)

Papa always wanted a boy, a cowboy, to help on our ranch (牧场).I know he wishes I were a boy. He's always calling me "Joey" instead of "Josefina. "Whenever I ask to help herd (放) the cows here at the ranch, Papa says, "That's men's work."

It was Saturday morning. I flew into the kitchen when I smelled the delicious smell of breakfast. Papa had already finished eating and was putting on his rubber boots (橡胶靴子). Without a word, he walked out into the heavy rain.

"Is Papa mad at me or just the world in general?" I asked Mama.

"We've been having a lot of rain. Your father's worried about the cows," she explained. "Unless he can drive them to high ground, they will be in danger. He needs help."

"I'm pretty good on a horse," I said. "I've got prizes to prove it."

She laughed. "You know how Papa feels about young ladies driving cows."

I did, but I decided to make an offer anyway. When Papa got back, I was waiting at the door. "I could help if you'd only let me, "I told him.

He stood there for what seemed like an hour,and then said, "Go get your raincoat,Joey."

"It's Josefina!" I raced back into the house.

We rode into the grassland, Papa on a big horse named Miguel and me on my horse, Isabella. We began calling the cows as soon as we reached the river. Finally, we found our red-and-white cows in a thicket(灌木丛). We got the cows out of the thicket and herded them toward higher ground. But they stopped at the deep river that stood in our way.

Finally,the first cow stepped into the water,and the others followed. Papa swam across on Miguel, then turned to watch me, "Hold on tight,Joey."

As Isabella walked in, I felt cold water around my legs. Then my horse tripped(绊倒) and went under except for her head. I got wet all the way up to my back. Smiling, Papa said, "A true cowboy is brave, Joey."

"Cowgirl,"I corrected him.

Paragraph 1:

We'd just gotten on the ground when loud thunder almost made Isabella jump out from under me.

Paragraph 2:

I could smell the wonderful smell of Mama's cooking as we rode past the ranch house.

2021-09-17更新 | 91次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易 (0.85)

Papa always wanted a cowboy to help on our farm. When I was born, he probably took one look at me and said, “Send her back!” OK, so I overstate a little. But I know he wishes I were a boy. He’s always calling me “Joey” instead of “Josefina”. I’ve been riding in barrel races since about the time I started walking. But whenever I ask to help herd the cows here on the farm, Papa always says, “That’s men’s work.”

One Saturday morning it rained cats and dogs. I flew into the kitchen when I smelled the delicious pork sausage. Papa had already finished eating and was putting on this rubber boots. Without a word, Papa walked out into the downpour and his face fell. “Is Papa mad at me?” I asked Mama, who sat at the table drinking coffee. After filling my plate with eggs and sausage, I sat down beside her.

“Your father’s worried about the cows, ” Mama explained. “Unless he can drive them to high ground, they might drown. He needs help.” “I’m pretty good on horses, ” I reminded her between bites. “I’ve got several cups to prove it.” She laughed, “You know how Papa feels about young ladies driving cattle.”

I did, but I decided to make an offer anyway. When he came to the stable, I was there waiting. “I could help if you’d only let me, ” I told him. He stood there for what seemed like an hour, and then said, “Go get your raincoat, Joey.”

“It’s Josefina!” I raced back into the house. Walking in my wide­brimmed hat and high­topped boots, I felt like a cowgirl.

Fully equipped, Papa and I set off in the heavy rain. Papa rode on a big horse named Miguel and I on my small horse Isabella. We began calling the cows as soon as we reached the side of the river.   Our horses made a noise every now and then as muddy water from the flooded stream tickled their bellies.


Finally, we found the cows bunched up in a large bush.


By the time we got back home, the rain had mostly given way to darkness.

2023-04-24更新 | 30次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易 (0.85)

“We’re leaving!” Dad called.

Cody grabbed his flip-flops (平底人字拖鞋). He was about to race downstairs when he noticed the tiny airplane on his cousin’s desk. “That would be fun to take to the beach,” he thought, “I don’t think Quinn will mind if I borrow it.” Quinn didn’t really play with toys these days anyway. He had a summer job now. Cody quickly put the airplane into the pocket of his bathing suit.

He could hear the waves crashing as he, Dad, and Uncle Jeff unloaded the car. Cody put down his towel and made a runway in the sand. Then he took out the airplane and imagined taking off. After a steep climb, he put the plane through a series of loops, rolls, and dives (俯冲).

“Cody, are you coming with us?” Dad called. Dad and Uncle Jeff were eager to catch some waves.

Cody carried his bodyboard and ran after them. They dived and swam out to where they could stand to catch the waves. When Cody spotted the coming wave, he turned toward shore and started kicking. As the wave picked him up and shot him forward, he felt as if he were flying. Dad and Uncle Jeff caught the same wave and they all cheered with joy. They rode wave after wave.

Soon Cody’s teeth were chattering. He was glad when they decided to head back to their place on the sand. He lay down on his towel, enjoying the warm sunshine. But in a sudden panic, he sat up. “Where is the airplane?” He murmured and searched the sand around him, but found only broken seashells.

Cody walked around and kept looking for the airplane wherever it may be. But as it became clear that the air plane was lost, he was thrown into fear, wondering what to tell Quinn. On the way back home, he felt more and more upset.

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Just when Cody stepped off the car, he felt something sharp in his pocket.
2024-05-10更新 | 53次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般