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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:209 题号:15433030

Many of us have dreams of being our own boss and starting our own businesses, and one woman has been able to make her dreams a reality with the help of a complete change of lifestyle.

Catherine White, 46, spent her teenage years washing cars in order to make ends meet and now she owns a £20 million business empire. Speaking to the Manchester Evening News, she said, “My childhood was so unstable, so I always wanted and needed to be independent. I didn’t believe working for someone else gave me that and my future would still rely on someone else.”

At 24, Catherine started her first business from a desk in her sister’s art school but she was struggling with a panic disorder at the time and would find comfort in junk food, which led her to follow an unhealthy lifestyle. After the company reached a steady point a few years later, she decided to go travelling and in the process, completely changed her outlook on life. The woman said the “dramatic change” of scenery helped her mental health significantly, and she was even able to cut junk food out of her diet — dropping her from a size 24 to a size 12 by the time she returned to the UK. And the business mogul (大亨) believes changing her lifestyle also helped her succeed in her career as she is no longer scared of making decisions or speaking in public.

This year, Catherine aims to grow one of the companies under her Freedom Services Group umbrella, Stella Insurance. She set it up in Australia for women. With each deal, the business donates $5 to a charity, and plans are underway to launch in the UK.

The now-millionaire said, “In my wildest dreams, I wouldn’t have thought it could become the size that it has.”

1. Why did Catherine decide to set up her own business?
A.To accumulate work experience.B.To make donations to a charity.
C.To depend on herself in the future.D.To raise money for her illness.
2. What can we learn about Catherine from the text?
A.She used to be addicted to junk food.B.She was offered a job in an art school.
C.She was good at speaking in public.D.She set up Stella Insurance in the UK.
3. Which words best describe Catherine as a businesswoman now?
A.Talented and energetic.B.Successful and caring.C.Ambitious and cautious.D.Brave and imaginative.
4. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
A.Well begun is half done.B.Details determine success or failure.
C.Interest is the best teacher.D.A strong-willed soul can reach his goal.
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A young lawyer named Gabriel Massote, from Uberlandia, a city in southeastern Brazil, was diagnosed with blood cancer at age 26. He had chemotherapy(化疗)for almost a year. However, his cancer returned in a worse form, so he had to receive a bone marrow transplant(骨髓移植)。

Brazilian news medium Sempre Familia shared his story. It said how over 1, 000 miles away, in a small town in the state of Rondonia, an unemployed hairdresser named Elza dos Santos came across a series of posters near a supermarket in the city of Ariquemes and went to see what they were about. After learning about the whole thing, Elza signed up as a donor.

Just when the possibility of Gabriel's finding a match in the Bone Marrow Donor Registry in Brazil was about1 in 100, 000, he was blessed. In Rondonia, Elza was informed her marrow was a match for that of a person in need of a transplant and she didn't say no.

She traveled to Rio Grande o Norte, on the opposite side of Brazil, for the transplant. The first attempt didn't work. Elza was called again and she immediately made a second trip in order to repeat the process. Gabriel, now 35, concludes, "She saved me twice, and today my blood cells are Elza's. "

Deeply grateful, Gabriel wanted to find the donor. "When I met Elza and found out that she and her husband were unemployed and living in borrowed space, I was sure I should help them. "The lawyer started a campaign online and soon 465 people donated about$28, 500. Thanks to this generosity, Elza and her family bought a house.

"I was just a drop of water in the life of this young man, but today he's the whole ocean in my life, "Elza told Sempre Familia.

1. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?
A.Blood cancer is very common in Brazil.
B.Elza learnt Gabriel's story accidentally.
C.It's impossible to find a donor who matches.
D.Elza hoped to get a great job in Uberlandia.
2. Why did Gabriel want to discover the identity of Elza?
A.To start an online campaign.
B.To do something in return.
C.To ask her to do another favor.
D.To buy a house for her family.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Elza?
A.Helpful and outgoing.
B.Kind and hardworking.
C.Determined and confident.
D.Warmhearted and grateful.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.One Good Turn Deserves Another
B.Where There Is Hope, There Is Love
C.It's Never too Late to Spread Kindness
D.God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
2020-06-17更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I didn’t expect parenting a teenager to be this hard. Lately, my son and I conflict at every corner. About schoolwork. His attitude. Friends. Screen time. On and on. Everything I say is met with an eye roll or a mumbled “whatever”. My fuse is admittedly shorter than normal right now, due to some unrelated anxiety, illness, and lack of sleep.

On a recent drive home, after picking up my teen and his little brother from school, we stopped by a grocery. As soon as the food was loaded, my older child snatched a box of individually wrapped cakes, which I seldom allowed As he oohed and aahed, enjoying sweet cakes, I silently questioned my decision to spoil him this way. But before we’d even exited the parking lot, he asked me to pull over. And then my son surprised me: He asked if he could share a few of his treasured treats with a homeless man, standing outside the door, coatless.

Of course, I agreed.

Actually, I kicked myself. This was a gesture I hadn’t even considered in a hurry to get home, even though my car was packed with food. Without hesitation, my teenage son handed the stranger a few little cakes. The man thanked us, and we continued on our way.

Throughout our journey home, we frankly discussed how difficult it must be for people experiencing homelessness. It was a rare conversation. No push and pull or negotiations. Simply a time to reflect and take stock of how much we have to be thankful for.

When we eventually turned into our garage, that same teenager — expressing concern for my recent illness — announced, “You’re not unloading any of these bags. We got this, Mom.”

Yes, parenting a ten is harder than I expected. But it’s also sweeter: And, in that moment, you realize you’ve actually raised a pretty awesome human being.

1. What does the underlined words in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.She can hold her temper easily.
B.She doesn’t admit her short temper.
C.She acknowledges her temper not as good as usual.
D.She tries to keep her temper under control at present.
2. What led to the author’s surprise?
A.The questioning of herself.B.Her son’s fondness for cakes.
C.The suffering of the homeless.D.Her son’s concern for the homeless.
3. Which of the following can best describe the conversation in Paragraph 5?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Sweet CakesB.The Hardness of Parenting
C.Precious KindnessD.A Treat to A Homeless Man
2022-07-15更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】100-year-old Alfred Larson has been through a lot in his lifetime, but one thing that keeps him going is bluebirds.

When Alfred retired in 1978, he wanted to find a hobby or something to do that would keep him busy and provide him with a sense of purpose. When he read a National Geographic article about crafting wooden nest boxes for bluebirds to help improve their populations, he decided to give it a try. Alfred explained that he started building nest boxes on his ranch (大牧场) using left-over pieces of wood.

More than four decades later, Alfred is still going strong and promoting bluebird conservation efforts. Alfred is now monitoring nearly 350 nest boxes on six different trails (小路) in Southwest Idaho. He said, “I settled on a simple design that was easy to build and easy to monitor. I kept adding more boxes on these trails, and these birds responded.” Alfred’s boxes give bluebirds a lot of help in survival. “Without his work, we can’t see so many bluebirds now,” said Pearman, the author of Mountain Bluebird Trail Monitoring Guide.

To celebrate his achievements, filmmaker Matthew Podolsky worked with Alfred for weeks to create a 30-minute documentary—Bluebird Man. The film explores how everything led him to the work he does today and his efforts in bluebird protection. “I remember the first trip I took to the bluebird trail with Alfred, and I was very surprised by the speed with which he moved from box to box,” said Podolsky. “He was hiking across difficult and uneven terrain (地形). I often struggled to keep up with him. Sometimes we’d check more than 100 boxes and be driving home in the dark.”

The impact he’s had on the populations of bluebirds in North America will continue.

1. How did Alfred help save bluebirds?
A.By feeding them personally.
B.By preventing illegal hunting.
C.By making wooden nests for them.
D.By writing articles about them.
2. What can we infer from paragraph 3?
A.The number of bluebirds in Southwest Idaho decreases.
B.Alfred makes a big difference to bluebird conservation.
C.Climate change is threatening the survival of bluebirds now.
D.Alfred’s efforts have greatly inspired others to protect bluebirds.
3. What might be the documentary mainly about?
A.How the natural habitat of bluebirds disappeared.
B.How bluebirds have survived in the past four decades.
C.What influence humans have on bluebirds.
D.What Alfred does every day to protect bluebirds.
2024-04-18更新 | 30次组卷
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