组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.85 引用次数:450 题号:15619468

Most students hate tests. The fear of failing them is really unpleasant.     1     Give these four study tips a try and see how much better you feel during your next exam.

1. Survey your textbook before you read.

Take a couple of minutes to find the word-list, index, questions and other important information. Then, when you sit down to study, you’ll know where to find the answers you are looking for.     2    .These questions let you know what you can probably expect in any upcoming tests.

2.     3    

As you read, summarize each section of the chapter on a post-it note. After you have read the entire chapter, go back and review the notes. It is an easy and efficient way to review information. And you can easily find the information you need.

3. Make your own practice test.

After you finish reading, pretend you are a professor writing a test for the chapter. Review the material you just read and make up your own practice test. Include all vocabulary words, study questions, and highlighted words you can find, as well as any other important information.     4       If not, go back and study some more.

4. Create visual flashcards.

Flashcards will help you remember important terms, people, places and dates. On the front of the card, write down the term or the question. This will help ensure that you grasp the study material.    5     Review these cards and quiz yourself before the actual test.

A.Use sticky notes.
B.Prepare a note book.
C.Take the test to see if you remember the information.
D.If all the questions are included, there is no need to worry.
E.But there are a few tricks you can learn how to avoid the worry.
F.On the back write down the definition or the answer.
G.Make sure you read any study questions before you read the chapter.
【知识点】 方法/策略 学习


阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, developing the following important skills will help you achieve success in school and in life.

    1     There are just 24 hours in each day.     2     While high-school students average 35 hours per week of class time, college students have an average of 15 to 18 hours per week. Deal with your time wisely and you’ll make full use of each day.

• Good study habits. If you’ve got them, great.     3     Good study habits include the following: Always be prepared for classes and attentive in classes.     4     Go over your notes daily rather than study for tests the night before. Set aside quiet time each day for study — even if you don’t have homework or a test the next day!

• Good note-taking. You can’t possibly write down everything the teacher says since we talk at a rate of about 225 words per minute. But you do need to write down the important material.     5     Try writing notes on different colored cards. If you really have a problem with note-taking, you might ask your teacher if you can record daily lessons.

A.Time management.
B.Organizational skills.
C.Finish assignments in time.
D.If not, there’s time to develop them.
E.What you do with them makes all the difference.
F.Also it should be in a form that’s most helpful to you.
G.Review your notes each day to improve your learning.
2022-01-05更新 | 225次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Is there a best way to pack clothes? The following ideas are of great help to those who are always on the way.

Where to start?

    1     Once you see how much you lay in front of you, be brave and reduce about a third. Because the truth is like your wardrobe, you never seem to use as much as you take.

How to deal with clothing?

Start with your shoes. Put underwear or socks inside them to hold the shape of your shoes. Thus, you can make use of every square inch of space. Once your shoes are firmly in place, fill small gaps with very soft items.     2     .

Lay out the first clothes with one end inside the suitcase and the other end dropping over the edge. Put the next clothes on top of this, but place them the other way around.     3     In this way, you’ll get another flat layer soon Finally, one by one, fold the clothes back in.

Where to put non-clothing?

    4     These awkward shaped items are difficult to pack. You’d better put them towards the middle give maximum protection. Remember.to double bag your toiletries kit (洗漱袋) to avoid spotting your clothes.

Top tips:

If you take a belt, slip them along the inside of your case.     5     That will take more space. Next, use the hard shape of the case to offer protection. Leave your toiletries kit in your suitcase, when you return home. It’s ready for the next time you travel.

A.Don’t roll belts up.
B.Be sure to put away socks.
C.This idea will create a flat first layer.
D.And then continue laying other clothes.
E.That will make the job a whole lot easier.
F.Lay everything you want to take with you on the bed.
G.Non-clothing items are things like books, toothbrushes and cameras.
2019-04-12更新 | 343次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】To understand a foreign country, we need to learn about its culture. Certainly, it's of help to study the language and history. But it's also a good idea to learn what not to do. Things which are strongly unacceptable are called taboos.

Eating taboos are found throughout the world. In many Asian cultures, chopsticks should never be left standing up in a rice bowl. In India, touching food with one's left hand is seen as unclean. And, in Muslim cultures, people do not eat pork.

Interestingly, a taboo in one country may not be a problem in another. For example, in Chinese culture, giving clocks as gifts is frowned on. But that would be fine in America. In fact, a beautiful clock would be a thoughtful gift.

The same goes for some conversation topics. In many Western cultures, it's rude to ask about a person's age, weight, or salary. However, these topics may not be as sensitive in East Asia.

For sure, understanding what not to do can be hard. Fortunately, there are many websites about taboos. Travel guidebooks often have a section on the topic. It's worth taking time to understand another culture's taboos. It shows our respect for our friends around the world.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Learning about taboos helps us understand other cultures.
B.People should try hard to be polite to foreign visitors.
C.Some cultures have more taboos than others.
D.Often, the most interesting taboos are related to eating.
2. What is mentioned about eating with one's left hand?
A.It is a serious taboo in Muslim cultures.
B.It is thought of as a dirty action in India.
C.It is done in cultures throughout the world.
D.It is only a taboo in one Western culture.
3. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.The Chinese are fond of exchanging clocks as gifts.
B.It is polite to give someone a clock in China.
C.People disapprove of using clocks as gifts in China.
D.Giving clocks as gifts is common in Chinese culture.
4. How does the passage suggest people learn more about taboos?
A.By corresponding with foreign friends.
B.By going onto the Internet.
C.By speaking with people from other countries.
D.By watching television.
2021-04-12更新 | 93次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般