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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:49 题号:15656751

One August afternoon, Richard Allen dropped off his last passenger, Mrs. Carey. Lifting two grocery bags, he followed her across the yard and stood on the step of her house. Glancing up, he saw a large wasp(黄蜂) nest under the roof. Allen had heard that wasps can become more likely to sting in summer. He mentioned this to Mrs. Carey, who had opened the door.

“Oh, they don’t bother me,” she said lightly. “I go in and out all the time.”

Anxiously, Allen looked at the nest again—to see the wasps flying straight at him. “Hurry!” he shouted to Mrs. Carey. “Get in!”

She stepped quickly inside. Allen ran for his mini-bus. Too late; they were upon him. Just as he jumped aboard, half a dozen red spots showed on his arm, and he felt more on his back and shoulders.

As he was driving down the road, Allen felt as if something was burning at the back of his neck, and the “fire” was spreading forward toward his face. And immediate anxiety took hold of him. Allen knew that stings could cause some persons to die. But he had been stung the previous summer and the after-effects soon passed. However, what he didn’t know was that the first sting had turned his body into a time bomb waiting for the next to set off an explosion.

Miles from the nearest medical assistance, Allen began to feel his tongue thick and heavy and his heartbeat louder. Most frightening, he felt his breathing more and more difficult. He reached for the radio mike(话筒), trying to call the mini-bus center, but his words were hardly understandable. Signals were also poor that far out. He knew a rescue team was on 24-hour duty at the Amherst Fire Department’s north station. So his best chance was to make a run for it.

Rushing down the mountain, Allen tried not to panic, focusing his mind on each sharp turn. He was almost through the last of them when he felt sure he was going into shock(休克). Just then he reached for the radio mike again.

“Call fire station,” he shouted, concentrating to form the words. “Emergency. Bee sting. Emergency. There in ten minutes.”

“Five-ten,” the center replied.

Hold on, Allen thought. Keep your eyes open. Breathe. Keep awake.

At last, he reached the station. Two firemen ran out. Allen felt their hands grasp him before he hit the ground. “You made it”, he thought.

1. It is mentioned in the passage that wasps are more likely to attack when _______.
A.the hottest season comes aroundB.strangers are approaching
C.the air is filled with food smellD.there are huge noises
2. Allen failed at his first attempt to send his message to the mini-bus center because _______.
A.he was in a state of shockB.his radio equipment was poor
C.he was unable to speak clearlyD.no one was on duty
3. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Allen, A Helpless DriverB.A Race Against Death
C.Wasps, Bloody KillersD.War Against Wasps
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了18岁的高中生Selina Zhang发明了一种由人工智能驱动的ArTreeficial,它能捕捉对植物有害的斑衣蜡蝉。

【推荐1】A New Jersey high schooler, Selina Zhang is no stranger to the spotted lanternfly (斑衣蜡蝉). The now 18-year-old first noticed it when visiting a market near her hometown of Annandale in primary school. It jumped from a plant to a plant to feed on their sap (汁液), affecting over 70 species. In its wake, the plants became stressed, which increased their chances of falling ill and being attacked.

“As I got older, I wanted to take concrete action,” says Zhang. “So I’ve built ArTreeficial, a solar -powered, self-cleaning and artificial -intelligence-driven tree that attracts the spotted lanternfly and removes it using an electric shock.”

On top of conducting an extensive literature review of existing researches, Zhang carefully observed the spotted lanternflies in the wild for weeks, tracking how they grew over time and how they travelled over unfamiliar structures. She took over 500 photos of them, which she logged in a personal database.

Zhang wanted to create a tree-like structure that copied the tree of heaven, a known host plant of the spotted lanternfly, as the primary lure (诱饵) for her trap. So, she uprooted the umbrella from her family’s yard and got to work. First, she used ultrasound to give off a smell made from the essence of the tree of heaven from ArTreeficial’s trunk to attract them. Second, she designed a double-layered electric net for the tree, which would use machine learning to shock spotted lanternflies once they landed on the tree. Then, Zhang used her database of photos to inform and program her AI model.

Zhang’s net s are divided into multiple squares going up and down the structure. When a spotted lanternfly steps on the inner net, the Al model operates. Electricity courses through that particular section, while the rest remain inactive, and the insect is attacked.

Julie Urban, a spotted lanternfly expert at Pennsylvania State University, says that Zhang’s AI approach is incredibly innovative and could be useful in multiple environments.

1. Why does the spotted lanternfly jump onto the plants?
A.To avoid falling ill.B.To satisfy its hunger.
C.To attract other species.D.To play with them.
2. What did Selina Zhang do for her invention?
A.She conducted field observation.B.She copied online photos.
C.She referred to others’ database.D.She consulted researchers.
3. What is probably the key to attracting the spotted lanternfly?
A.The electricity.B.The net.C.The smell.D.The umbrella.
4. What is Julie Urban’s attitude towards Selina Zhang’s invention?
2024-05-30更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】When both of Marcus Edwards’ kidneys (肾) failed, he was put on a list of people in desperate need of finding a donor (捐献者). Until he could find one, he had to rely on dialysis (透析), a treatment that would give him around five years of support. Marcus had to experience this time-consuming process five days a week for three hours at a time.

In the middle of his health issues, Marcus relied heavily on his wife and kids who, one day, surprised him with tickets to a Chicago Bears game. The whole trip had already been planned out, too—all he had to do was go and have fun! While there, they came across an area with posters, markers, and other things that fans could use to make a sign for the game. When Marcus noticed, he immediately came up with a brilliant idea.

He decided to use this as an opportunity to let people across the country know he was in search of a kidney! His sign never made it on television like he’d hoped, but it did catch the eye of a woman sitting near them in the stadium. She asked if she could take a photo of Marcus with the sign so she could share it online, and he happily agreed.

When Marcus woke up the next day, he was hoping to find that at least one person had reached out. Instead, he discovered that his phone was absolutely blowing up with hundreds of calls! Then, after narrowing it down even more, the donor they chose was Jennifer Michel.

1. What happened to Marcus according to Paragraph 1?
A.He lost his kidneys at work.B.He could live no more than 5 years.
C.He had to go to hospital 5 times a week.D.He experienced a hard time getting treated.
2. What can we learn about Marcus from Paragraph 2?
3. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.Marcus’ sign was ignored.B.Marcus met his friend in the stadium.
C.Marcus was lucky to meet a helpful lady.D.Marcus took a photo of a lady and his sign.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Marcus failed in the surgery.B.He was surprised at the result.
C.Callers were willing to be famous.D.Jennifer Michel won a lot of money.
2022-04-29更新 | 125次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐3】①Isaac Stern was more than a great violin player. He was one of the most honored musicians in the world. He was an international cultural ambassador. He was a major supporter of the arts in America and in other countries. He was a teacher and activist.
②Issac Stern was born in 1920 in what is now Ukraine. His parents moved to San Francisco, California the following year. His mother began teaching Isaac the piano when he was six. He began taking violin lessons after hearing a friend play the instrument. Later, he began studying music at the San Francisco Conservatory (音乐学院). He progressed quickly. When he was 16, he played with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. The next year, he performed in New York City and was praised by music critics.
③During World War II, Mr Stern played for thousands of American soldiers. It was the first time many of them had heard classical music. After the war, he was the first American violinist to perform in a concert in the Soviet Union. He also supported young musicians and cultural organizations in Israel.
④In 1979, Isaac Stern visited China. He met with Chinese musicians and students. He taught them about classical Western music. His visit was made into a film, which is called From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China. It won an Academy Award for best documentary film.
⑤In 1984, Isaac Stern received the Kennedy Center Honors Award for his gifts to American culture through music. He expressed his thoughts about the part that music plays in life. He said he believed that music makes life better for everyone, especially children.
⑥Mr Stern supported and guided younger classical musicians. They include violinists Itzhak Perlman and Pinchas Zukerman, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and pianist Yefim Bronfman.
⑦Isaac Stern died in 2001 at the age of 81. He was a major influence on music in the 20th century. He leaves the world richer with his many recordings.
1. Which of the following is the RIGHT time order for these events in Stern’s life?
a. He began learning music in an institution.
b. He received the Kennedy Center Honors Award.
c. He visited the Soviet Union.
d. He met with Chinese musicians.
e. He performed for American soldiers.
2. Paragraph 2 is mainly about ________.
A.how Stern began to learn musicB.how Stern began his musical career
C.Stern’s early educationD.Stern’s achievement in music
3. Which of the following statements about Stern is TRUE?
A.He was an activist in opposing war.
B.He was active in cultural exchanges between countries.
C.He had an interest in both playing music and making films.
D.He made a lot of money from music.
4. The Underlined word “cellist” in Paragraph 6 may refer to ________.
A.someone who supports young musicians
B.someone who wants to be a musician
C.someone who has a gift for music
D.someone who plays a certain kind of instrument
5. Whichf the following shows the RIGHT structure of the text?
2019-01-30更新 | 883次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般