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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:30 题号:15752968

Deo had grown up barefoot in Burundi, but for a peasant boy he had done well. He was twenty-four. Until recently he had been a medical student, for three years at or near the top of his class. But he had spent the past six months on the run.

He had one friend who had seen more of the world than East Central Africa, a fellow medical student named Jean. And it was Jean who had decided that New York was where he should go. Deo was traveling on a commercial visa. Jean’s French father had written a letter identifying Deo as an employee on a mission to America. He was supposed to be going to New York to sell coffee. Deo had read up on coffee beans in case he was questioned. Jean’s father had also paid for the plane tickets. A fat book let of tickets.

He had heard of French soldiers behaving badly in Rwanda, and had even caught glimpses of them training militiamen(民兵) in the camps, but waking up and seeing a white person in the next seat wasn’t alarming. No one called him a cockroach (蟑螂). No one held a machete (大砍刀).

A voice was speaking to him. He turned and saw a policeman who seemed friendly. Deo spoke to him in French, but the man shook his head and smiled. He asked a question in what Deo guessed was English. Then a woman who had been sitting nearby got up and walked over French, at long last French, coming out of her mouth. Perhaps she could help, the woman said in French. Deo thought: “God. I’m still in your hands.” She arranged to sit next to him on the flight to New York and asked him lots of questions. Deo wanted to pay her back for helping him. So he tried to answer her questions. They talked most of the way to New York. After such long solitude (独处), it felt wonderful to talk.

When he reached Immigration the agent stared at Deo’s documents, then started asking questions in what had to be English. There was nothing to do except smile. The agent went off and came back with another man. He introduced himself to Deo in French. His name was Muhammad. He said he came from Senegal. Muhammad asked Deo the agents’ questions and also some questions of his own. For the agents, he asked Deo, “Where are you coming from?” When Deo said he had come from Burundi, Muhammad made a pained face and said to him in French, “How did you get out?”

There was no time even to attempt an answer. The agents were asking another question: Deo’s visa said he was here on business. What business?

Selling coffee beans, Deo told them through Muhammad. Just keep smiling, Deo told himself.

How much money did he have?

Two hundred dollars, Deo said with pride. The cash had been a gift from Jean. Exchanged for Burundian francs, it could have bought a lot of cows. But neither Muhammad nor the agents looked impressed.

Where was he staying?

Jean had told him he’d be asked this. A hotel, he said.

The agents laughed. A week in a hotel on two hundred dollars?

In 1994, airport security wasn’t what it soon would be. Muhammad said something in English to the agents. His words must have been the right ones, because after a few more questions, the agents shrugged at each other and let him through, into America.

He had no idea what he’d do next. After six months on the run, he was in the habit of not looking ahead. And what was there to fear? What could the man in the booth up ahead do to him? Whatever it might be, he’d already seen worse. God had taken care of him so far. And still was taking care of him, it seemed. As this serious-looking stranger, Muhammad, walked him out of Customs, he said that Deo could stay with him in New York City. But Deo would have to wait here for three hours. Muhammad worked at the airport as a baggage handler. He had to finish his shift. Could Deo wait three hours?

Only three hours? said Deo. Of course!

1. Which of the following is the reason why Deo left his hometown?
A.Jean persuaded him to go to New York.
B.Jean’s father paid for the plane tickets for him.
C.He was an employee on a business mission to America.
D.He wanted to flee his home town to seek shelter in New York.
2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?
A.God is toying with him.B.God is taking him under his wing.
C.He is at the mercy of God.D.He can’t break away from God.
3. What would most likely happen to Deo later?
A.Selling coffee beans in New York.
B.Turning to Jean’s father for help.
C.Being reduced to a beggar in the street.
D.Making a living in New York with Muhammad’s help.
2022·上海·模拟预测 查看更多[1]


阅读理解-任务型阅读(约520词) | 适中 (0.65)

Attachment is not just a connection between two people; it's a bond that involves a desire for regular contact with that person and the experience of distress(悲伤) during separation from that person.

According to psychologist John Bowilby, there are four critical characteristics of attachment. The first is the desire to be near those with whom we share an attachment since we are happy while staying with them. Attachments also create a safe shelter, meaning that during times of distress, fear, or uncertainty, we may seek out the people we're attached to for care and comfort. Next, attachment figures also offer a secure base for exploration. This is particularly important during childhood. This secure base allows kids to explore the world while they know they can still return to the safety of the attachment figure. Finally, we experience separation distress when parted from an attachment figure. For example, kids tend to become upset when parents have to leave them in the care of others.

Attachment serves a number of important purposes. For instance, it helps keep babies and children close to their caregivers so that they can avoid potential dangers, which in turn helps boost their chances of survival. However, if a child doesn't form a secure attachment to a caregiver, he or she will suffer from a number of problems including conduct disorder and oppositional -defiant (对立反抗的) disorder. Researchers also suggest that the type of attachment displayed early in life can have a lasting effect on later adult relationships.

Psychologist Harry Harlow conducted an experiment on social isolation in monkeys. Baby monkeys were separated from their mothers and placed with surrogate mothers (代母). One mother was simply a wire armature (电枢) that held a bottle, while the other mother was covered with a soft terry cloth material. Harlow found that the baby monkeys would receive food from the wire mother, but preferred to spend most of their time with the soft mother. When compared to monkeys that had been raised by their birth mothers, the monkeys raised by surrogate mothers were shyer and more nervous and suffered from social and emotional problems.

All in all, developing secure and healthy attachments early in life is very important. Such attachments play a vital role in our future development.


Introduction to attachmentAttachment means that you feel so connected to someone else    1    that often want to contact him or her and you may feel distressed in the    2    of the person.
Characteristics of attachment·We enjoy the    3    of those we’re attached to, so we always take any chance we get to be with them.
·We may turn to attachment figures when experiencing negative emotions.
·Attachment figures are always    4    and serve as powerful supporters when children    5    their surroundings.
·Any    6    from an attachment figure is an invitation to distress.
Importance of attachment·Attachment makes children seek    7    from their caregivers, thus enabling them to survive.
·    8    to form a secure attachment with a caregiver leads to a series of problems in children.
·Childhood attachment influences later adult relationships.
An experimentIn a study, with their early attachments    9    baby monkeys are likely to suffer mentally,    10    and emotionally.
ConclusionWe should form secure and healthy attachments while young, because they will have important impacts on our future development.
2019-02-21更新 | 72次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Some people live in fear of having to talk to someone they don’t know while others seem to be excellent conversationalists and can chat with anyone.     1     In fact, it’s more about being prepared. Get started now so you can be the confident person who starts great conversations.

Doing a little bit homework before walking into a social situation can make a big difference. You can try to find out who will be present and learn at least one thing about each person.     2     Some examples are, “How long have you worked for the company?” “How long have you known the host?” and “Have you had a chance to enjoy all this nice weather we’ve been having?”

Smile warmly to show how friendly you are.     3     Being friendly is much more impressive than starting a conversation about yourself or showing off your humor. Opening with a few kind words can be much safer than trying to make the other person laugh because humor is subjective.

    4     You can only bore the other person by talking about the weather for so long, so start moving the conversation in other directions if you would like to continue. Always be sincere and follow up a yes-no question with a statement or an additional question to keep the conversation going. If you continue long enough you are likely to find a common interest that will take over.

Remember that even with the best opening line in the world, you may still get blown off by the other person. If you have taken care to be friendly, open, and straightforward, you’ve done all you can.     5     .

A.Going beyond hello is important.
B.Listen actively with a warm smile.
C.You might think they must have some secrets.
D.The environment you are in can offer conversation starters.
E.A warm smile is one of the best icebreakers you can possibly offer.
F.Or prepare a few comfortable opening lines to prevent becoming silent.
G.When someone shows he or she isn’t interested, move on and talk to another.
2023-05-31更新 | 26次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In today’s world, it can be challenging to stay motivated and positive. However, one powerful tool that we can use to overcome these challenges is encouragement. Encouragement can make a significant difference in someone’s life.     1     Encouragement can come in many forms, such as words of affirmation (肯定), acts of kindness, or simply showing support. In today’s society, where negativity is common, a little bit of encouragement can go a long way.

One of the most significant benefits of encouragement is that it builds strong relationships. Encouragement creates a positive environment where people feel valued and appreciated. When we encourage others, we are showing them that we believe in them and that we care about their well-being.     2    

Another benefit of encouragement is that it creates a chain reaction.     3     This chain reaction can spread throughout a community, workplace, or family. By building each other up, we create a supportive and empowering environment.

    4     The first step is to be intentional about our words and actions. We can start by offering genuine words, expressing thanks, or simply listening attentively. We can also seek out opportunities to encourage others, whether it’s through volunteering or offering support during tough times. By taking small but consistent actions, we can make a significant impact on the lives of other people.

In conclusion, the power of encouragement cannot be overstated. It has the potential to transform lives, build strong relationships, and create a ripple effect of positivity. By being intentional about our words and actions, we can use encouragement to build others up and create a better world.     5    

A.Encouragement can change our moods.
B.So how can we use encouragement to build others up?
C.Why should we make every effort to encourage others?
D.This strengthens the bond between people and promotes trust and loyalty.
E.When we encourage others, they, in turn, are more likely to encourage others
F.Let us use the power of encouragement and start building each other up today.
G.When we encourage others, we give them the motivation and confidence they need to succeed.
7日内更新 | 25次组卷
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