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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:166 题号:15768562

In 2009, biologist Charles Anderson put forward an assumption that globe skimmer dragonflies (蜻蜓) on the Maldives had flown in from what he assumed was India. When they flew off again, it was towards East Africa. 12 years later, a group of researchers decided to investigate his claim.

Globe skimmer dragonflies are too small to be fitted with electronic devices. Instead, the researchers examined its physical aspects and calculated how long a globe skimmer dragonfly could stay in the air using the energy that can be stored in its body. In addition, the researchers used wind models to determine if there are winds that facilitate the migration in both directions.

“Our study shows that this migration from India to East Africa is actually possible. However, the globe skimmer dragonfly can’t manage it using only the fat in its body. It also requires favorable winds and these are present during certain periods of the year,” says Johanna Hedlund, a biology researcher at Lund University.

According to the migration experiments using wind models, about 15 percent of the dragonflies could manage the migration from India to Africa in the spring. In the autumn, 40 percent could make the same journey in the opposite direction.

Johanna Hedlund and her colleagues consider it impressive that dragonflies can do this at all. Even more impressive is the fact that the globe skimmer dragonfly migration across the Indian Ocean is the longest in the animal kingdom in relation to an animal’s size.

Other animals also rely on favorable wind conditions when they migrate. Two examples are the amur falcon and the Jacobin cuckoo, which also fly across the Indian Ocean. The researchers warn that climate change may affect the chances of these birds and the globe skimmer dragonfly in the future. There is a risk that wind patterns will change when the water surface gets warmer.

1. What can be learned from the text?
A.The dragonfly flies using the fat in its body.
B.The dragonfly flies the longest in the animal world.
C.Charles Anderson spotted dragonflies flying to India.
D.15 percent of the dragonflies left Africa for the Maldives.
2. How do the researchers mainly prove their assumption?
A.By fitting electronic devices.B.By giving examples.
C.By performing experiments.D.By making comparisons.
3. Why are two examples mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.To illustrate how the animals fly.
B.To warn people of the climate change.
C.To evidence that water surface gets warmer.
D.To show the influence of wind on the migration.
4. What’s main idea of the text?
A.Wind conditions are crucial to dragonflies.
B.Climate change may affect animals’ migration.
C.Dragonflies can migrate across the Indian Ocean.
D.Johanna and her colleagues investigate dragonflies.
2022·福建宁德·一模 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 动物 说明文


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Pets are an important part of our lives, staying with us and providing unconditional love. We find so much joy with them.     1    . But some useful tips may help you get through the loss of a beloved pet.

    2    . The death of your pet may be a heavy blow to you. You may experience a range of feelings, from sadness to anger, guilt to despair for a long time. Our sadness is a proof to how much we love our pets. It’s important to give yourself as much time as you need to recover.

Talk to a sympathetic listener.     3    , so it’s not surprising that many people see the loss of their pets as comparable to losing human friends or relatives. For many, talking to a sympathetic listener can help them accept their loss. Seek help from those who understand or have experienced your emotions if necessary.

Consider a ceremony. The love for your pets never has to end. They can live on in your heart and memory forever. Although you miss them deeply, it can be helpful to honour them and celebrate the wonderful time you spent together. Many people choose to hold some sort of ceremony.     4    . You might have a simple and personal ceremony between family members or a bigger, more celebratory occasion that involves a wider circle of friends. For some of us, having a larger ceremony is a way to express how much a pet is a central part of daily life.     5    .

A.Recover with Dr. Time’s help
B.Beat the heavy blow with confidence
C.That’s why we feel deep sorrow when a pet dies
D.But there is no one-size-fits-all response to death and loss
E.Pets are increasingly viewed as important family members
F.Pets, as everybody knows, help their owners get rid of loneliness
G.Making photo books of your pets can be another way of remembering them
2021-07-13更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Much like people whose relatives or friends have died, orphaned (成为孤儿的) elephants get by with a little help from their friends, according to a study.

Scientists in the United States and Kenya analysed stress hormones (激素) in the baby elephants whose mothers had died, expecting to find higher levels. Instead, the support of their peers appeared to reduce the orphans’ level of anxiety.

The study, published last week in the journal Communications Biology, concluded that social relationships have a psychological impact on the young elephants. Elephants have strong familial and group ties. Before the age of nine, baby elephants rarely move away more than 30 feet (nine metres) from their mothers, and even a few hours of separation lead to joyous reunion. The bond between female elephants and their young has long been thought to reduce stress.

Expecting to find that the orphaned elephants, which tend to die early at a higher rate than those whose mothers are still alive, would be more depressed, the team analysed stress hormone levels in the waste matter of 36 young elephants in the nature reserves in northern Kenya between 2015 and 2016. Twenty-five of the elephants had lost their mothers to drought or hunting between 2009 and 2013, when a rise in the demand for ivory left many elephants on the reserves motherless.

However, the researchers were surprised to find that long-term stress hormone levels were similar among orphans and elephants with living mothers. Jenna Parker, the study’s main author and a professor at Colorado State University, said their unexpected resilience is directly linked to social support from other elephants, specifically companions of a similar age. Those with more “friends” had significantly lower stress hormone levels. The results may encourage elephant orphanages to pair up animals to help them to recover from loss and adapt to future threats.

It could be a timely move as interactions between humans and elephants are on the rise, thanks in part to drought related to climate change. Experts say the increased conflict is a threat to Kenya’s 36,000 strong elephant population.

1. What did the scientists focus on about orphaned elephants in the study?
A.Their peers.B.Their family.C.Their psychology.D.Their growth.
2. What can we learn from paragraph 3?
A.Separation is necessary for younger elephants.
B.Young elephants are attached to their mothers.
C.Younger elephants are fond of wandering alone.
D.Female elephants dominate young elephants’ life.
3. What does the underlined word “resilience” probably mean in paragraph 5?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Orphaned Elephants Find Relief in Friends.
B.Elephants Have a Strong Bond with Mothers.
C.Stress Levels are Higher in Young Elephants.
D.Orphaned Elephants Have Been Suffering a Lot.
2022-11-25更新 | 325次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Lately, the concerns about bees being endangered have become widely noted among people all over the world, but how to take action about it has become scarce in this age. That’s why World Bee Day exists to educate people about the importance of bees and how they can help preserve them for the sake of the future. If you want to help save these fuzzy insects from extinction, then read down below to learn more about what World Bee Day is about!

World Bee Day corresponds (相一致) with an important influencer in the pioneering of beekeeping. Anton Jansa, who in the 18th century pioneered modern beekeeping techniques in his native Slovenia, was one of the first people to help bring about the importance of bees in the world environment. Since then, beekeeping has become a vital necessity in the world’s ecosystems and economic systems. However, not many people realize the importance of bees or know how to help save the bees, which led to the announcement of World Bee Day through the United Nations.

The United Nations set World Bee Day to raise awareness of the importance of bees. Because bees are under a continuous threat from human activity, including the introduction of invasive insects, pesticides and land-use change, which has continuously been destroying bee colonies (蜂群) over time. World Bee Day helps educate people about the importance of bees and what they do for the environment, which includes how they help grow 90% of the world’s wildflower plants, 35% of the world’s crops, and help build ecosystems all over the world. With these statistics, the United Nations has created various programs all over the world to increase awareness of protecting bees and what you can do to help this cause.

If you’re looking for a way to help raise awareness of bee endangerment, then share and spread the news about World Bee Day through social media. If you’re wanting to do more, find a charity that goes towards bee conservation and donates through there. Start a garden and place in a wide arrangement of fruits, vegetables, and flowers that you know bees would like.

1. What’s the purpose of setting up World Bee Day?
A.To prove that bees are now endangered.
B.To teach people ways of protecting bees.
C.To show the meaning of the scarce bees.
D.To warn people of the danger of bees.
2. What can we know about Anton Jansa?
A.He was the first to keep bees in his motherland Slovenia.
B.He used a brand-new technique to keep bees in the 19th century.
C.He made people know the importance of bees in the environment.
D.He helped people know the ways to help to save the bees exactly.
3. Why are the statistics mentioned in the third paragraph?
A.To show the number of the world’s wildflower plants is big.
B.To prove that bees are important to build ecosystems.
C.To help people understand the necessity of World Bee Day.
D.To have readers know what to do to protect the bees.
4. What can we do to help preserve bees?
A.Present colorful pictures of bees on social media.
B.Share the news of kinds of bees that are dying out.
C.Raise and donate money for bees with your friends.
D.Build a garden with many plants in it.
2019-10-08更新 | 80次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般