组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:改错-短文改错 难度:0.85 引用次数:56 题号:15793875

I have had the pleasure of meeting a nice neighbor since my family move to the new community. We usual just wave and say hi when we meet. Therefore, an incident changed this. The other day, a heavier rain hit our area. With strong winds blowing throughout the day, a part of his wooden fence, about 6 foot of it, came down. When I was wondering what to get it repaired, he gave me a hand. With his help, the fence was fixed quickly. It was kind act by my neighbor and I was touching by his kindness. I will soon send to him a thank­you note.

Li Hua

2022高三下·全国·专题练习 查看更多[1]


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At present we are living in a good age.Therefore,there are still a small number of people who don’t act responsibly.His bad behaviors are out of place in our civilizing society.For an example,some people often risk their lives to disobey traffic rules.Littering is still a seriously problem.Some people are often seen spit in public places.Bad still,it is common to find silly things written by some tourists in scenic spots.

To my opinion,everyone should learn to become a responsible citizen.We must aware that everything we did in public places will affect others and we should break our bad habits.As long as we obey the rule in every field and are filled with care and love,our world will become better.

2018-12-20更新 | 173次组卷
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I was riding in a taxi to the bus station but from there I was supposed to taking a bus to New York City. It was going to be long journey. I had been packed some chocolates in my suitcase to eat in the way. When the ride was over, I paid the driver the due amount and gave him a tip. He got my suitcase out. I took them and started walking away. However, I realized that it was one of the opportunity to perform an act of kindness. I want to give away all the chocolates to the driver. After all, he had served me even though it was just his job. I gave them away and saw the brightly smile light up his face, what made me feel my heart filled with happiness.

2019-03-25更新 | 45次组卷
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My father always sets example to me. Last Sunday, I see him put some food into a bag and go out with it. To my surprise, I noticed he give the food to some street children. One of my neighbor told me that my father was very kind to these children, but they even regarded him as their own father. Though we returned home, I talked to my father about it. He shared with me some sad stories about those poorer children. For many years, he helped with those children by give them food and care. I was deep moved and was proud of my father.

2022-07-14更新 | 57次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般