组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:108 题号:15943481

My granddaughter entertains herself outside a closed shop. I have no idea what day it is - I haven’t known for 10 months. I have moved to a different city to provide child care so that my daughter can work.

Everything I observe these days is from a young child’s eye view. I must be experiencing time and place in a way I haven’t done before. I have let go of all the experiences we’re missing because I’m focused on what matters to this child at any given moment. Puddles (水洼), obviously. Rocks held lovingly in her small fist the whole way home. Burying balls that have sailed over the tennis court fence and landed in the sandbox, and her face lighting up when they are dug up. Every single time.

My job is to wait and watch. Let her try things, comfort her when she falls down, and keep her safe. Bring snacks, push her on a swing, but mostly let her be. Tell her the names of all the things she points to. Take her hand when she offers it because she is in a slightly unfamiliar area. The two of us never hurry. This lifestyle change astonishes me every day.

Who knows how her new brain processes all this? I have been forced by circumstance into the arms of the people I need to take care of me. Taking care of my granddaughter is a front. In fact, she gave me much more.

In March 2020, I lost my younger daughter. I can’t say it was entirely unexpected. My younger daughter battled mental illness. She was only 27 years old. She put herself through long treatment programs to reduce her pain. It was as if the whole world went on leave with me. I had company for a few brief days after my younger daughter’s death, and then I was alone. I signed up for the various things that might reduce my suffering. I went 15 weeks without touching another person.

Now a very small girl waits for me, watches me, comforts me, keeps me safe, and takes my hand.

1. Why has the author lost track of time?
A.She feels bored with her present life.
B.She has suffered from a mental disease.
C.She enjoys being with her granddaughter.
D.She is in sorrow over the loss of her daughter.
2. The underlined word “front” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”
3. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The author’s effort to save her younger daughter.
B.The measures taken to reduce the author’s suffering.
C.The younger daughter’s battle against mental illness.
D.The pain caused by an unbearable loss to the author.
4. What does the author want to express in this passage?
A.It’s a child who has helped her to slowly recover.
B.Staying with grandchildren is a comfort for elders.
C.Family members should help each other out of pain.
D.Physical separation has harmful effects on one’s health.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A man walked into a small Irish pub and ordered three beers. The bartender(酒吧招待) was surprised, but he served that man three beers. One hour later the man ordered three beers again. The very next day that man ordered three beers again and drank quietly at a table. This repeated several times and shortly after the people of the town were whispering about the man, who was ordering three beers at once.

A couple of weeks later, the bartender decided to clear this out and inquired: “ I do not want to pry, but could you explain why you order three beers all the time?” The man replied, “ It seems strange, doesn’t it? You see, my two brothers live abroad at the moment, one in France and the other in Italy. We have made an agreement that every time we go to pub, each of us will order two extra beers and it will help keep up the family bond.”

Soon all the town has heard about the man’s answer and liked it a lot. The man became a local celebrity. Residents of the town were telling this story to newcomers or tourists and even invited them to that pub to look at Three-Beer Man.

However, one day the man came to pub and ordered only two beers, not three as usual. The bartender served him with a bad feeling. All that evening the man ordered and drank only two beers. The very next day all the town was talking about this news. Some people prayed for the soul of one of the brothers and others quietly grieved(悲痛).

When the man came to the pub next time and ordered two beers again, the bartender asked him, “ I would like to offer condolences to you, due to the death of your dear brother.” The man considered this for a moment and then replied, “ Oh, you are probably surprised that I order only two beers now? Well, my two brothers are alive and well. It’s just because of my decision. I promised myself to give up drinking.”

1. Why did the man order three beers all the time?
A.He was fond of drinking beers in this pub.
B.He missed his two brothers living abroad very much.
C.He made an agreement with his brothers.
D.This would help him become a local celebrity.
2. What can we infer from the passage?
A.News traveled fast in the town.
B.The man was famous as a heavy drinker.
C.The man’s brothers liked drinking beer very much.
D.The man was strong-minded to give up drinking.
3. Why did the bartender serve the man with a bad feeling?
A.He would earn less money than before.
B.He thought the man should order three beers.
C.He thought one of the man’s brothers had passed away.
D.The man decided to give up drinking
4. What does the underlined word “condolences” in the last paragraph mean?
2019-12-29更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】There was no one quite like my father in our town. When any other man had an extra dollar, he bought a drink; when Father had an extra dollar, he bought a book. Other people had pictures on their walls; we had books, 3000   of them, lining every vertical surface of our little four-room house.

Father was the most persistent scholar I ever knew. He earned seven degrees, attended 11 different colleges and universities, and in 1951, when he was 82, sent us a cheerful little note from England to say that he had just enrolled for a graduate course in Elizabethan literature at Oxford.

I was the immediate beneficiary of Father's unbelievable hunger to learn. Every spring, he would take me hiking through the mountains to study mineral formations. On clear winter nights, he would set up a telescope and wake me to view the stars. After I grew up, wherever I traveled around this earth, the stars remained my friends.

Plain, distinct speech was a particular concern of my father and he was constantly drilling me in the art of elocution (演讲技巧).Before I was three, he was reading aloud to me from the Bible, Shakespeare and Mark Twain. Thereafter, read aloud to him so he could work on my diction. By the time I was in the fifth grade, I could recite from a whole range of classical literature and poetry.

Of course, there had been times as a young man, when I got tired of study and devoted my time to playing. Then Father would admonish me succinctly by quoting a saying from Shakespeare, "If all the year were playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious (乏味的)as to work."

Obviously, his efforts were not entirely in vain, for my voice has enabled me to earn a fair livelihood. But that fact doesn't begin to define the enormous debt I owe my father.

1. What contributed to my father's being a successful scholar?
A.His gift for academic studies.
B.The academic environment in our town.
C.The wealth of his family.
D.His lifelong passion for knowledge.
2. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined words in Paragraph 5?
A.Criticize me briefly.B.Comfort me patiently.
C.Praise me gently.D.Challenge me bravely.
3. Which of the words below can best describe the author's father?
A.Stubborn and lazy.B.Kind and generous.
C.Consistent and strict.D.Understanding and moody.
4. What may be the best title for the passage?
A.A Successful ScholarB.Enormous Debt
C.Secrets of My livelihoodD.Father and Son
2020-01-06更新 | 123次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Just over two years ago, at the age of 54, mv life changed tracks. Up until that point I had my parents and a family. I knew who I was. Then my mother, Diane, after a huge stroke (中风), decided to get something off her chest. And it turned out that my late father Richard, who had died in 2014, wasn’t actually my father.

At first there was sadness, then confusion and anger. One question was running around my head — who am I? Obviously I asked my mother tons of questions but she wouldn’t give me any details. Just a name, a time and a place: John Pritchard, 1966, Brighton. I asked if John knew about me. No, she never told him. Wow! Not only had I been robbed of a father, he’d also been robbed of a son.

I was chasing around like a madman, exploring all sorts of ancestry (世系) websites. Then a friend of mine suggested I get an unlocked DNA test and see what happens. So I did and a few weeks later, I got the results — a 100 percent parent DNA match. The next thing I did before I knew it was to sit in front of the computer, trying to send my dad an email.

But to be honest, all I did was sit there staring at the screen, typing and deleting. How do you write the most important email of your life? I put it gently and slowly, revealing what I’d found out. Luckily, John considerately replied, which was a huge relief, and we agreed to meet up.

So there I am, a man in his fifties, with a recently broken history, on a train to London to meet my real father. We had a long hug but there were no tears it was as if all the emotion was too big to grasp. We said hello, had a beer and talked about ordinary stuff, like we’d known each other for years. We’d both been firemen, and we were into motorbikes. What struck me was how easy it was to talk to him. We quickly fell into a pattern of texting each other, then ringing a couple of times a week. And now we are planning to go on a holiday in France together.

Through no fault of our own we lost each other a long time ago and that’s where the story could have ended. But fate has given us a second chance. So my advice for you? Don’t waste your time regretting the loss of the past — live in the present.

1. Why did the author feel annoyed?
A.His mother had an operation on her chest.
B.His mother held back the truth of his birth father.
C.His mother was in bad condition after the stroke.
D.His mother told him something about his late father.
2. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The people the author turned to for help.
B.The feeling the author had after the truth.
C.The ways the author used to search for his father.
D.The reason why the author wanted to find his birth father.
3. Which of the following best describes how the author felt while writing the email?
4. What does the author intend to tell us?
A.Never keep the truth from your loved ones.
B.Opportunity awaits those with a determined mind.
C.Those willing to take risks often get what they want.
D.Don’t let regret prevent you from living in the moment.
2024-06-04更新 | 29次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般