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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:195 题号:15996550

There is a cute animal living in the rainforest of Central and South America. Hanging out in the trees is its regular routine. It eats plenty of leaves every day to maintain its body temperature, keeping its organs working. It has three toes and walks slowest. The giant panda is second slowest, and two-toed sloths (树懒) come in third. People are curious about why they walk slowest.

Three-toed sloths rely on leaves merely. They have evolved finely tuned strategies for coping with this restricted diet. Firstly, they get as much energy from their food as possible. Secondly, they have a multi-chamber stomach that takes up a third of their body. Thirdly, they can spend five to seven days, or even weeks, processing a meal.

The other distinguished feature of three-toed sloth is that they use as little energy as possible. They spend most of their time eating, resting or sleeping. They get down from the treetops once a week for a bathroom break. When sloths do move, it is not very fast. It would take a sloth about five minutes to cross an average neighborhood street.

This unhurried approach to life means that sloths don’t need very much muscle. In fact, they have about 30% less muscle mass than other animals of their size. They also use less energy to keep themselves warm because their body temperature can change by about five degrees Celsius, less than a cold-blooded reptile, but more than most mammals. These physical and behavioral adaptations minimize the sloth’s metabolic rate (新陈代谢率). Three-toed sloths have the slowest metabolism of any mammal.

Moving slowly has allowed sloths to grow in their treetQp habitat. But it also made the sloths themselves a great habitat for other organisms, including algae (藻类), which provides a little extra camouflage (保护色) and maybe even a snack.

1. What similarity do sloths and pandas have?
A.Walking slowly.B.Living in the rainforest.
C.Having identical appearances.D.Enjoying eating bamboo leaves.
2. What is special about three-toed sloths?
A.They frequently get down from trees.B.They have rather small stomachs.
C.They eat a variety of foods.D.They digest food slowly.
3. What can be inferred about sloths in paragraph 4?
A.Their physical movement is faster than a cold-blooded animal’s.
B.Their temperature is lower than other mammal’s of their size.
C.Their muscle mass is more than other animals’.
D.Their metabolism is the slowest of reptile’s.
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.Why do three-toed sloths walk slowly?B.Where is the habitat of three-toed sloths?
C.What is the eating habit of three-toed sloths?D.When will three-toed sloths come down from trees?
【知识点】 动物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Some animals enjoy playing just like humans do although researchers used to think that applied mostly to birds and mammals. An animal plays when it does something that doesn’t seem to be constructive to its survival so it’s not about food or shelter, for instance. The behavior is also often done again and again.

However, scientists have now conducted experiments that seems to prove bees play too. As far as the experts know, bees are the only insect to do so.

Researchers from Queen Mary University in London earned out an experiment in which bumble bees were taught to roll little balls with the aim of being rewarded with food. They then discovered the insects kept rolling balls even when they weren’t rewarded. They then did another experiment: a path was built from the beehive to a section containing food. Balls were placed on each side of the path leading to the food. The balls on one side were glued down and couldn’t move and the balls on the other side were free and capable of moving. The bees could stay on the path to get to their food, but they always went to the side of the moveable balls and rolled them along. One bee even rolled the balls 44 times in one day.

Researchers say the experiments may well show insects are more evolved than we think.

1. Which of the following best describes the animals’ behavior?
2. What was the result of the first experiment?
A.The bees kept playing without reward.
B.The bees taught each other to roll balls.
C.The bees rolled little balls to get food.
D.The bees rewarded each other.
3. What was the purpose of the experiments?
A.To show the balls were movable.
B.To show the bees enjoy food.
C.To show the bees enjoy playing.
D.To show the balls were important.
4. What can we learn about from the passage?
A.Insects’ evolution is out of control.
B.Insects’ behaviors are beyond imagination.
C.Insects’ behaviors are out of control.
D.Insects’ evolution is beyond imagination.
2023-02-11更新 | 104次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】You might know what to do if a human needs first aid, but what if your dog gets a bite or your cat eats something poisonous? Dr. Liam Donaldson, clinical director at Greencross Vet (兽医) Hospital at the University of Melbourne, says it’s important that pet owners understand basic first aid. Here, he shares his tips for dealing with common accidents and injuries.

Cuts & wounds

You don’t need to worry about disinfecting the injury site, but you do need to stop the bleeding, says Dr. Donaldson. “If there’s uncontrollable bleeding, apply pressure — even if it’s just using a T-shirt. Once you have applied pressure to reduce bleeding, take your pet immediately to a vet for assessment.” he advises.

Snake bites

Snakes have very small teeth, so their bite marks can be difficult to spot — and you might not see the bite happen. But if your pet shows signs of snake bite poisoning — sudden weakness and collapse, dilated pupils, vomiting, paralysis and shaking or twitching of muscles — get them to a vet without delay.

Tick bites

It’s a good idea to have a pair of tick-removal tweezers (镊子) on hand in case you need to remove a tick from your pet. “There’s often a lot of concern about whether you have to get all of the tick or not, but as long as you get the body of the tick off, generally the head will just remove itself over time,” says Dr. Donaldson. He recommends keeping the tick so that if your pet becomes ill, your vet can identify whether they were bitten by a paralysis tick (the type that can be deadly).


Cats eating ivy and dogs eating sago palm or macadamia nuts are some of the most common poisonings Dr. Donaldson sees. “If it’s a macadamia nut, I would just keep a very close eye on them. If they start to show any gastrointestinal signs — if they go off their food, if they become sore in any of their legs — get them checked over by a vet,” he says. “If it was lilies or sago palm, I would recommend getting them to a vet, even if they’re not showing signs of illness, just because that can typically be life-threatening.”

1. If your pet dog gets seriously injured, what is the best solution?
A.To seek medical assistance.B.To disinfect the injury site.​
C.To apply pressure to reduce bleeding.​D.To use a T-shirt to stop bleeding.
2. A cat or dog should be sent to hospital immediately it eats _________.
A.Ivy.B.Sago palm.​
C.A macadamia nut.D.A common poisoning.
3. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A medical journal.              B.A biology textbook.​
C.A hospital advertisement.D.An animal care guide.​
2024-06-04更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Thousands of people around the world are helping to save the world’s biggest fish. By taking photos of whale sharks, those helpful citizens are providing researchers with critical information about whale sharks’ locations and migration routes.

Whale sharks are endangered, with their populations worldwide having decreased by more than 50% over the past 75 years. Although protected in many countries, they are still killed by the fishing industry—caught intentionally and accidentally, especially in tuna(金枪鱼) fishing areas where whale sharks and tuna swim close together. Whale sharks are also threatened by oil and gas drilling, ship strikes and climate change.

To help protect the species, Australian biologist Brad Norman co-founded The Wildbook for Whale Sharks, a photo identification database that went online in 2003. Photography lovers, scientists and whale shark tour operators around the world contribute photos of whale sharks to the system, which uses NASA technology to map their locations and track their movements. Today, the database holds over 70,000 photos from more than 50 countries.

Pictures submitted to The Wildbook are analyzed by scanning the spots on the animal’s skin, which are as unique as human fingerprint, says Norman. Then it identifies the shark by searching the database for a matching pattern. This way, they can figure out which whale shark is where.

The data on whale shark locations and migration routes help scientists make strategies to protect whale habitat. “It’s so important to have the public assist with our project.” says Norman . He hopes to see more people join to help find out where the whale sharks go to mate. Protecting their breeding(繁殖) grounds is the “one big thing” needed to save the species in the long run. The help from thousands of citizens gives him a better chance of making that possible.

1. What can we learn about whale sharks in paragraph 2?
A.They are sometimes caught by accident.
B.They are threatened by other fish species.
C.They change their migration routes a lot.
D.They often damage gas drilling platforms.
2. How is NASA technology used to help whale sharks?
A.By photographing their unique skin spots.
B.By attracting sea creatures for them to hunt.
C.By comparing their body marks with stars.
D.By finding out their locations and movements.
3. What is key to whale shark protection in the long run?
A.Identifying the number of their species.
B.Making sure more of their babies safely born.
C.Building artificial breeding grounds for them.
D.Making more people aware of their existence.
4. What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Whale sharks are endangered
B.Find out the whale shark’s migration routes
C.The public help to save whale sharks through photos
D.Wildbook for Whale Sharks—a photo identification database
2022-11-09更新 | 72次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般