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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:104 题号:16046912

Pizza is certainly one of the world’s favourite     1     (food). But where does pizza come from? And who made it the first time?

In fact, people have been making pizza for a very long time. People     2    lived in the Stone Age cooked grains on hot rocks to make dough(生面团)—the basic ingredient of pizza. Over time, people used the dough as a plate,    3    (cover) it with various other foods. They had developed the world’s first pizza. In    4    early 16th century, European explorers had tomatoes     5    (bring) back from the Americas. Tomatoes are a standard ingredient in pizza today. At first, however, most Europeans thought they were     6    (poison).    7     (actual), only the leaves and roots are. For about 200 years, few people ate them. Slowly, people learned that tomatoes were safe    8    (eat), as well as tasty. In the early 19th century, cooks in Naples, Italy, started the tradition of putting tomatoes on baking dough. The flat bread soon became popular with poor people all over Naples. In 1830, cooks in Naples took another big step    9    pizza history—they opened the world’s first pizza restaurant. Today, up to five billion pizzas    10    (serve) every year around the world.


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

For    1    (century), people have believed that chicken soup    2    (help) to fight a cold. Now, doctors say it may be true. They think that chicken soup has something that stops a cold from getting    3    (bad). Heat from the soup can also make    4     person feel better.

Many people think that it is unhealthy not to have meat. It is true that meat,    5    (especial) red meat, has protein that the body needs. A person    6     doesn’t eat meat can get enough protein and be healthy by eating tofu, eggs, and some vegetables. A study shows that tea is better than coffee. Tea has something that can protect your heart, fight cancer, and make you less fat. Coffee    7    (do) not do this.

Many people believe that bread and potatoes can easily make people fat. In fact, bread and potatoes do not have fat in them. But    8    (eat) too much and not exercising can make people fat.    9    , adding things like butter to    10    (they) can raise the chance of becoming fat.

2022-04-24更新 | 55次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

China’s tea culture can be traced as far back to before 2000 BC. The Shennong Emperor discovered tea when a leaf fell into boiled water he was drinking, beginning a tradition that still     1     (exist) nowadays.

During the Tang dynasty(618-907) in China, the culture of tea underwent a remarkable development. When Emperor Lu Yu     2     (author) the highly regarded Classic of Tea (茶经), he set off on a journey that would play a critical role in establishing tea’s cultural     3     (significant) in China. Lu Yu, a monk who later earned fame     4     the’Sage of Tea’ (茶圣), had an enormous impact on the spread of tea drinking and linked     5     to Buddhist ideas, including the harmony and mysteries of the universe. The Classic of Tea is the oldest     6     (know) guide to tea drinking and culture. It covers all aspects of tea culture, from growing to harvesting, producing as well as techniques for farmers and craftsmen     7     (produce) the finest teas.

Throughout the Tang dynasty,     8     culture of tea drinking spread quickly among scholars. Inspired by Lu Yu’s ideas, they added medicinal qualities to tea, praised for     9     (sharpen) the mind. At the same time, wine was falling out of favour for their alcoholic properties, paving a path for tea to spread throughout society     10     to be used in religious occasions and offerings.

2024-02-15更新 | 53次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

In China, hot pot has a history of over 1,000 years. It first     1    (appear) in the Mongolia area and then became popular     2     the southern part of China during the Tang Dynasty. And now it is still a popular dish for Chinese people.

Chinese hot pot has different flavors,     3     are determined by different weather conditions. The most famous type is known as Chongqing hot pot or Sichuan hot pot. Its flavour follows Sichuan cuisine, containing many seasonings (佐料). However, it is not the same     4     common Sichuan dishes. It is featured by the herbs and spices     5    (use) in the soup base.

In northeastern China, Mongolian hot pot is popular. In northern China, Beijing lamb hot pot is well-known. In southern China, people are more likely     6    (have) seafood hot pot and Hong Kong beef hot pot. Besides, new     7    (kind) of hot pot become popular across China, including "three fresh pot" in Hangzhou, "mixed hot pot" in Shanghai. Now, dry pot     8    (consider) as a new type of hot pot in China. For dry pot, no soup base is added at the very     9    (begin) but it can be added after the meat ingredients are eaten up.     10    (general) speaking, vegetables, chicken and fish are excellent ingredients for dry pot.

2021-03-11更新 | 315次组卷
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