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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:150 题号:16100848

The Wolf at the Door

Russ Fee was asleep inside his tent last summer when a series of screams shocked him awake. Throwing on his shoes, he ran out to investigate. Fee and his wife were travelling through Canada’s Banff National Park to enjoy its breathtaking beauty and awesome wildlife. It was the latter he now experienced. Although it was dark, Fee could see a neighboring tent was in a mess. Backing out was a wolf, dragging something in his teeth. That thing was a man.

Moments earlier, Elisa and Matt Rispoli, from New Jersey, were asleep with their two young children when the wolf broke into their tent. “It was like something out of a horror movie,” Elisa posted on Facebook. “For three minutes, Matt threw his body in front of me and the boys and fought against the wolf. At one point, Matt got the upper hand, pinning (压住) the wolf to the ground. But the wolf held its jaw onto Matt’s arm tightly, set its powerful legs, and began dragging Matt outside while I was pulling on his legs trying to get him back,” Elisa wrote.

It was then that Fee entered the picture. He ran at the wolf, kicking it “like I was kicking in a door,” he told ABC New York. The wolf dropped Matt and emerged from the tent. “Wolves are large,” Fee told the radio show Calgary Eyeopener. “I felt like I had hit someone that was way out of my weight class.”

Before the wolf could turn its anger on Fee, Matt, his arms bloodied, flew out of the tent to continue the battle. The men threw rocks at the wolf, forcing it back, then the Fees and the Rispolis escaped to the shelter of the Fees, minivan and called an ambulance. Matt was taken to a local hospital suffering from open wounds. Luckily, he has fully recovered. The wolf was tracked down by park officials and killed in a painless way.

As for Fee, whom Elisa called their lifesaver, he does admit to a fleeting, if less-than-heroic, thought during the heat of battle. The moment the wolf locked eyes with him, Fee says, “I immediately regretted kicking it.”

1. What happened to the Rispolis one night last summer?
A.They were scared by a horror movie.B.They were suddenly woken up by screams.
C.They suffered a surprise attack from a wolfD.They got injured and taken to the hospital.
2. Russ Fee joined Matt Rispoli when           .
A.Matt was dropped down by the wolfB.Matt gained the advantage over the wolf
C.the wolf broke into the tent of the RispolisD.the wolf was dragging Matt out of the tent
3. Matt Rispoli survived because           .
A.the wolf was killed by park officialsB.he took shelter in a neighboring tent
C.the wolf was driven away by Russ FeeD.he got great help and timely treatment
4. What can we learn about Russ Fee from the last paragraph?
A.He feels regretful for what he did.B.He enjoys being called a lifesaver.
C.He admits his fear during the fight.D.He feels quite heroic about himself.
21-22高一下·北京·阶段练习 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述的是Mikha Singh为了他的一切——他的宗教,他的爱人以及他的生命一直在奔跑。

【推荐1】On the track for the 400-meter dash at the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games, Mikha Singh shot from the start as fast as possible, but then, in a second, sensed Malcolm Spence of South Africa over his shoulder. At the line, with six inches between them, Singh won the gold. The audience broke into applause. To them, however, he was just a village boy who ran with his arms gracefully waving. They did not know that, for him, running was not a sport. It was everything, his religion, his beloved, and his life.

As a child, Singh ran to get an education outside his home village. The school was ten kilometers away. But at the age of 18, Singh ran to save his very life. In 1947, the village was being split between India and Pakistan. Crowds of Muslim outsiders suddenly arrived in his village, ordering his family to convert to Islam or die. His father, dying, shouted, “Run, Milkha, run!” He raced for the forest, crying.

There followed a time when Singh hopped trains as a refugee, shoeless and starving. Eventually the army took him on. There he discovered running of a new kind, with coaching, races over set lengths, and prizes. The first race he won rewarded him with a daily glass of milk.

As a result, Singh began the hard, necessary work, six hours a day. He pushed his body to the limit out of pride—and for India. His iron discipline finally paid off. In 1960, he was invited to compete against Pakistan’s champion runner. At first, Singh refused to go since his childhood home was there and now he was still covered in his mind with the blood of his family. However, the moment Singh crossed the border, to his surprise, he was welcomed with flags and flowers. When he won his race, the then Pakistani prime minister said, “Pakistan bestows on (授予) you the title of The Flying Sikh.” Despite everything that had happened, Singh had two countries.

1. Milkha Singh _________ at the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games.
A.narrowly won the 400-meter dash
B.broke the world record for the 400 meters
C.was already a household name before the 400-meter dash
D.had little confidence in himself before the 400-meter dash
2. Put the following things in the time order of their appearance in Singh’s life.
① milk as a prize ② gold medal ③ school education ④ the title of The Flying Sikh
3. Singh’s success as an athlete lies in his _______________.
A.good luckB.rare talentC.constant effortD.patient coaches
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.War and PeaceB.Lifelong Running
C.A Fierce CompetitionD.Running for Education
2023-04-14更新 | 155次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Some of my earliest memories involve sitting with my dad in his study every night when he came home from the office. I’d watch as he put his personal items away: his watch, wallet, comb, and car keys. They would always occupy the same spot on the table every time.

Dad’s comb was bought when he married Mum. Every evening, he would smile, hand me the comb and say: “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK?” I was more than happy to do it. This seems a mundane task, but it brought me such joy at that time. I would excitedly turn the tap on, then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could. Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would proudly return the comb to Dad. He would smile at me and place the comb on top of his wallet.

About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. Dad’s business wasn’t doing so well, and our stable life started getting shaky. He didn’t come home as much as he used to. And when he did come home, it was always late, and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. Why didn’t he listen to Mum and just stick to his old job? Why take the risk and place the whole family in trouble? Over the years, I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him.

Now 28, I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has also started to get back on track. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me went on.

Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. On that evening, I helped him carry his bags into his study as usual. When I turned to leave, he asked me to clean his comb. I looked at him for a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink. It was a new comb. I hadn’t noticed that he’d changed it. I brushed the comb, and it hit me then: why, as a child, helping my dad clean his comb was such a joy.

I passed the clean comb back to Dad. This time, I noticed my dad had aged. But his smile was still as heartwarming as before. Dad carefully placed his comb on top of his wallet. After so many years, I guess some things never change. And for that, I’m glad.

1. As a child, the author helped her dad clean his comb happily because ________.
A.she was good at cleaning the comb
B.she thought that she should do that as a good girl
C.her dad was home early to spend the evening with her
D.the comb was important for her father and her mother
2. Which of the following words can best replace the underlined word “mundane” in paragraph two?
3. When the author said, “It was a new comb. I hadn’t noticed that he’d changed it.”, she felt _______.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Evenings With Dad.
B.How to Clean the Comb.
C.My Memory with My Dad.
D.I Love My Family Members.
2023-02-17更新 | 39次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When my father, who grew up on Tyneside, moved to the country in the 70s, he rapidly began accepting invitations to blood sports. He enjoyed the company, the sport and the hours spent out in the wild.

From about the age of eight, I was invited to accompany him on these weekend excursions, much like a child being taken to their first football matches. I was fed up with the early starts and standing around in freezing conditions, waiting for birds to be driven into the sky, to their deaths, over a line of booming guns. But I wanted to please my dad.

So years later-aged 27, I accepted an invitation to go deer hunting in Scotland with my father.

The hunting party assembled one Friday in September. The driver was also our ghillie, a tough figure whose job it was to identify elderly or weak deer that were selected for hunting and guide us to them through wind, fog and rain.

“Why are you doing this?” I kept asking myself. “What would have been wrong with a walk? Or a guided wildlife tour?”

And then, suddenly, the ghillie almost pushed me to the ground. He pointed at a cloud of fog about a hundred yards ahead. I was baffled, until the cloud lifted like a curtain to reveal-directly in front of us one of the most magnificent living creatures I have ever seen.

“Now!” the ghillie hissed in my ear. “Now’s your chance. The deer! Remember. You want to kill it, not wound it.”

I adjusted my position, focused down the scope once more and placed my finger on the trigger (扳机). And, of course, I didn’t fire. Another curtain of mist came; when it lifted, seconds later, the stag had disappeared.

But I wasn’t disappointed. I was elated. I had come — via a telescopic sight — face to face with an old but most beautiful, iconic and noble beasts of Britain, roaming free in an empty and deserted land of his kingdom.

It was moment of truth and lasting inspiration. I could never have killed that deer-not in any context, for any reason But I would, a decade Inter, write a story about him Not just one book, but four, about little boy and the stag that persuades him to help save the world’s last remaining animals The encounter with that magnificent stag changed my life And guess what-those stories did please my dad.

1. What is the writer’s inner feeling of blood sports?
A.They involve various risks.B.They will lose popularity.
C.They are simple but pleasing.D.They are unpleasant to deal with.
2. What does the underlined word “baffled” in paragraph 5 mean?
3. Why didn’t the writer take the shot?
A.He was struck by the elderly deer.
B.His sight was blocked by the mist.
C.The guide found the old deer was injured.
D.The deer ran away before he positioned himself.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.A miracle adventureB.An unforgettable moment
C.Wildlife tours: a way of protectionD.Blood sports: an inspiration for stories
2022-08-08更新 | 116次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般