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题型:选词填空-短文选词填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:101 题号:16105570
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. accommodate B. alternative C. efficiency D. coincidentally E. dominate F. simplify
G. enthusiastic   H. favorite I. immediately J. multifunctional K. consumption

Less is More

Did you know that Americans have approximately three times the amount of space we have fifty years ago? Therefore, you’d think we’d have sufficient room for all of our possessions. However, that’s not the case. We’ve got triple the space, but we’ve become such     1     consumers that we require even more. This phenomenon has resulted in significant credit card debt, enormous environmental footprints, and perhaps not     2    , happiness levels have failed to increase over the same half century.

I’m here to suggest a(n)     3    — that having less might actually be a preferable decision. Many of us have experienced, at some stage, the pleasure of possessing less. I propose that less stuff and less space can not only help you economize, but also     4     your life. I recently started an innovative project to discover some creative solutions that offered me everything I required. By purchasing an apartment that was 40 square meters instead of 60, I     5     saved $200,000. Smaller space leads to reduced bills and also a smaller carbon footprint because it’s designed around an edited collection of possessions, limited to my     6     stuff. I’m really excited to live there.

How can we live more basically? Firstly, we must cut the unnecessary objects out of our lives without hesitation. To reduce     7    , we should think before we buy, and ask ourselves, “will it truly make me happier?” Secondly, we require space     8    . We want appliances that are designed for use most of the time, not for occasional use. Why own a six-burner stove when you rarely use even three burners? Finally, we need     9     spaces and housewares. I combined a movable wall with transforming furniture to get more out of my limited space. Consider my coffee table. It increases in size to     10     ten people. My bed simply pops out the wall.

I’m not saying, we should all live in tinier apartments, but consider the benefits of an edited life. When you return home and walk through your front door, take a moment to ask yourselves, “Could I do with a little life editing? Will that give me more freedom and more time?”

2022·上海金山·二模 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 方法/策略 日常生活


选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Read and complete the passage about online communication using the discourse markers in the box.
although     for example     however     then     to begin with     such as     rather     as long as

Connect Online to Meet Offline

In our information technology society, we often have more communications online than offline.     1    , just compare the number of people to whom you have sent online messages with that of the people you’ve actually met in the past two weeks.

    2    , there are now mobile apps which allow you to connect with strangers online and then meet them in person, and I’m not talking about dating apps!     3    , I’m referring to apps which help to connect people with similar interests who live in the same city.     4    , get online and find a group that interests you.     5    , simply join the group.     6     you’re in a group with like-minded people, you will be able to enjoy doing the same activities together. You can do this for free,     7     some apps will ask you to pay if you want to create an interest group.

There is a wide variety of interest groups out there,     8     those for hiking, football, photography, board games, poetry, or dog owners. You name it, they’ve got it! This is really a great way to network, meet people if you’re new to a city, or simply to make new friends.

2022-12-13更新 | 29次组卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
handle, ashamed, be at risk, for instance, varied, aware

If you want to be there for someone who’s dealing with anxiety or depression, here are some tips for you.

Learn about anxiety and depression.

Someone experiencing anxiety or depression might feel     1     and worried about how their friends might react if they talk about it. But not everyone experiences anxiety or depression in the same way, and symptoms (症状) are    2    . You should learn about them first.

Take their feelings seriously.

If your friends are anxious or depressed, it isn’t possible for them just to “cheer up” or “forget about it”. What’s happening must be difficult to    3    . You should let them know that they matter to you and you are taking them seriously. You could offer them some options and let them choose what suits them best.     4    , you could offer to listen and let them express their thoughts, or just hang out (闲逛) with them.

Help them to find support.

Your friends might not be     5     of what professional support options are available, or they may be unsure of how to get support. You can offer support by encouraging them to speak to a health professional or an adult they trust. You could also recommend hotlines or online chat-based helplines.

Respond to emergencies (紧急情况).

If you think your friends may     6     of hurting themselves or someone else, seek help from a trusted adult or emergency mental health service immediately.

2023-08-04更新 | 5次组卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】DirectionsComplete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A.simple   B.heard   C.difficult   D.faster   E.personal   F.shapes   G.goal   H.receive   I.shared   J.come   K.happiness

Everybody has different ways achieving happiness and the reasons for feeling happy may change from year to year, or even from day to day. For example, happiness may     1     from getting a good grade on school assignment or from a very     2     thing like having full stomach. This kind of happiness is inside of you — it is     3     happiness. Happiness is also something you can communicate to other people. The good grade you     4     on your paper will probably make your parents happy and proud. Another way of communicating happiness is to help other people over     5     experiences in their own lives. In this situation, you give off your own happiness to make others happy.

The most important things to remember in your pursuit (追求) of     6     are:

1. Happiness should not be your only     7    — a real goal, like better grades, a better job, or closer friends, is sure to give more happiness than chasing after a feeling.

2. Happiness may come in all sizes and     8    . If you keep your sense of humor and see things in a balanced way, happiness will come to you     9     than to the person who is always worrying about what tomorrow will bring.

3. Happiness is meant to be     10    . “Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.”

2023-09-04更新 | 37次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般