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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:16134770

Wander through Edinburgh and you will find Walter Scott, Scotland’s most famous novelist, everywhere: pubs named after characters or places in his books, his walking cane and slippers in The Writers’ Museum. Just outside the Waverley train station, Scott’s statue stands beneath a monument affectionately nicknamed the Rocket.

Built in 1840, eight years after his death at the age of 61, the Scott Monument captures the extreme regard for this international bestselling writer and son of Edinburgh. Scott’s adventurous historical stories, set against a dramatic background of high mountains, dark lakes and deep valleys, brought a vision of Scotland to the world.

As his friend, Jane Austen once remarked, Scott had two careers in literature. He quickly became Europe’s most famous poet in 1805 with immediate success of his first narrative poem, The Lay of the Last Minstrel, the tale of two lovers on opposite sides of a family conflict.

A 1810 book-length poem of King James V’s struggles with the powerful family Douglas, The Lady of the Lake would have obtained his reputation on its own. Selling 25,000 copies in eight months, it broke records for poetry sales and brought its setting, the fantastic Lake Katrine, to the attention of a novel (新颖的) tourism industry.

Scott also wrote songs and collected ballads for future, but after the success of his poetry, he turned to novel writing in his 40s. For nearly 20 years he produced a series of fat novels, which spread his reputation around the globe further still. Although involving in the gothic style popular at the time, Scott favoured historical themes, not only set in Scotland but also England, France, Syria and elsewhere, as far back as the 11th century. However, these days, Scott’s writing has fallen out of fashion thanks in part to the absolute length of the novels.

Waverley, Scott’s exploration of the Jacobite uprising of 1745, lends itself to political as much as literary analysis. The Highland Widow captures the conflicted mood of a young lad who, seeking better fortune, joins in the Black Watch, upsetting his mother. Drugging her son so he misses his appointment, she sends him to military execution (处决). Although written in a sentimental (伤感的) style popular at the time, the story finds much to say about national tensions, military occupation, and cultural conflict in the lives of post-Union Scots.

1. Why will you find Walter Scott everywhere when wandering through Edinburgh?
A.Because the characters or places in his books are set only in Scotland.
B.Because pubs in Edinburgh are fond of being named after Walter Scott.
C.Because Walter Scott’s cane and slippers are displayed in the Writers’ Museum.
D.Because Walter Scott is an international bestselling author and son of Edinburgh.
2. Nowadays, Walter Scott’s novels are no longer so fashionable partly because they are too ________ .
3. Which of the following is about the story of two lovers’ family conflict?
A.Waverley.B.The Lady of the Lake.
C.The Highland Widow.D.The Lay of the Last Minstrel.
【知识点】 说明文 文学家


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】As a new age of genetic research draws near, soon, we may be able to choose the hair color build the IQ of our kids. Should we change embryos (胚胎) to improve intelligence or physical characteristics?

A beauty editor believes it will be difficult to stop the demand for “designer babies” once the technology is in place. “Once genetic scientists can change embryos to produce more beautiful children, there will be consumer demand,” she says. She acknowledges that fashion magazines may be partly responsible for fueling this discontent with a certain kind of appearance, but claims one cannot blame the media alone if people believe a bit of plastic surgery will change their lives. “Like it or not,” she argues, “we know that the pretty rots the part.”

Well-known plastic surgeons agree with this view. “People are looking for respect and self-confidence in a dog-eat-dog world that measures us by our appearance,” one specialist claims. “I understand their anxiety and offer a solution—cosmetic enhancement (整容美化). The next logical step is genetic enhancement, which would give the unborn child with similar physical advantages.”

Some philosophers also approve of genetic intervention (介入). As one of them put it, “What parent doesn’t wish for a beautiful, healthy baby? Why is it morally unacceptable to use technology to realize that dream? Moreover, a child designed to have high intelligence or sporting ability would hardly have reasons for complaint.”

However, many people are deeply disturbed by the idea of embryo enhancement. Some fear it will lead to a reduction in genetic differences, resulting in a lack of tolerance for diversity and disability. “And who is to say that this future generation of Barbies will be content?” asks the beauty editor. In her experience, people who pursue physical perfection through plastic surgery aren’t necessarily satisfied. They may suffer unwanted side effects-insecurity and increasing dissatisfaction with their self-image. What if the gene edited kid, or their parents, were to feel similarly dissatisfied?

1. What does the underlined phrase “this view” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.People are often judged by their looks.
B.Cosmetic surgery reduces people’s lives.
C.The media make people worry about their looks.
D.People prefer genetic enhancement to plastic surgery.
2. What is the attitude of the philosopher towards genetic enhancement?
3. As for genetic enhancement, what is the beauty editor concerned about in the last paragraph?
A.Those who receive it may not like the results.
B.It will make future generations look like Barbies.
C.The money it requires should be spent on general medical care.
D.It will raise the standards of physical beauty to unattainable levels.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The advantages of genetic enhancement.
B.The development of genetic enhancement.
C.The promising future of genetic enhancement.
D.People’s different opinions on genetic enhancement.
2022-01-26更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When we’re on the treadmill (跑步机), we’re more likely to bethinking about whether we’re going to make it another mile than’what’s in our workout clothing. But our favorite sports club are likely to be made from synthetic (合成的) fabrics, all of which are essentially plastic often created with harmful chemical additives. Now, a study conducted by the University of Birmingham shows the chemical additives from our workout clothing are available to be absorbed through our skin.

Previously, researchers have tended to focus on our exposure to plastic through diet,but the new study raises awareness that humans can be expesed to plastic chemicals through our skin, too. And because harmful chemicals accumulate lowly and stick around in our bodies, repeared and multi-source exposure can result in having high concentrations of chemicals inside us, potentially contributing to health effects.

The Birmingham study focused on a class of compounds (化合物) called brominated flame retardants (BFRs), which are used to prevent burning in a wide range of consumer products including fabrics, and are linked to adverse health effects such as hormonal disorders and mental problems.

It’s known that sweat contains oil. Researchers found the oil has a chemical nature that encourages the chemicals in plastic to dissolve and spread.“In short, oil substances in our sweat help the bad chemicals to come out of the microplastic fibers and become available for human absorption,”says Dr. Abdallah of the Urnversity of Birmingham. An easy way to avoid exposure to these chemicals is to wear clothing made of sustainably produced textiles, which dont contain the bad chemicals associated with plastic materials. Check fabric labels for items that are mostly organic cotton, he mp or merino wool. Visit brand websites to see if they make an effort to list their suppliers, and where their products come from, including their dye houses and mills. Abdallah says he minimizes synthetic fabrics in his home, meanwhile wearing natural fibers like cotton. “Why be exposed to these chemicals even at low levels?”he says.“Why not avoid the risks?”

1. What is found in the study by the Birmingham University?
A.Sports clothes are fit for treadmill exercise.
B.Plastic produces harmful chemical additives.
C.Gym clothes may release poisonous chemicals.
D.People are exposed to chemicals through plastic.
2. What does the underlined word“adverse in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What role does the oil in sweat play in the absorption of chemicals?
A.It frees bad chemicals out of clothes.
B.It produces bad chemicals with plastic.
C.It prevents harmful chemicals spreading.
D.It keeps chemicals in the fibers of clothes.
4. What does the author suggest about our workout clothing?
A.Choosing famous brands.B.Contacting the suppliers.
C.Visiting the chemical plants.D.Wearing pure cotton clothes.
2024-05-05更新 | 388次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Baby deer, also known as fawns, are born with white spots on their body, especially in the first few weeks of their life when they are incapable of moving. Basically, fawns with spots managed to survive more than fawns without spots. This gene has become dominant, and now, most fawns are born with spots.

Their mother generally hides the young babies in deep bushes, high grasslands, or under plants in the woods. The white spots on their reddish-brown body fur allow them to mix easily with the forest surroundings and don’t make them to stand out, avoiding them from getting discerned easily.

More than the color, the pattern of these spots on the baby deer’s body is also of more importance. This is because the majority of the animal species, particularly those living out in the wild don’t have a great color vision, especially when compared to humans. The pattern of the white spots on the fawns helps them to hide among the tall grass and bushes and prevents them from easily getting spotted from a distance. The sun enter deep into the forest, through the branches and leaves of tall trees, and creates a pattern of darker and lighter zones on the forest ground, much like spots on a fawn.

Moreover, they don’t bear any kind of smell during this phase of their life which further helps them in avoiding detection. Along with this, they have got a strong sense to observe the presence of hunters nearby, after which they can lower their heartbeat. This further helps them to hide and be perfectly still.

Undoubtedly, spots on the fawn’s body are a method of protection to fawns. Once they survive the initial few weeks in this world, they become capable of moving around on their own and hence don’t require the extra layer of safety, the white spots start to fade from their body.

1. What does the underlined word “discerned” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. Why is the pattern of spots so important?
A.Because it helps the defenseless fawns stay safe.
B.Because it helps wildlife improve their color sense.
C.Because it allows the sunlight to get through forest.
D.Because it prohibits fawns hiding in the bushy grass.
3. How does the passage mainly develop?
A.By giving different kinds of examples.
B.By describing the changes in space order.
C.By pointing out similarities and differences.
D.By showing facts and explaining reasons.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.When do Baby Deer Lose White Spots?
B.Why do Baby Deer Have White Spots?
C.How do Mother Deer Find Their Fawns?
D.How do Mother Deer Protect Baby Deer?
2023-02-23更新 | 106次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般