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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:249 题号:16144873

No business would welcome being compared to gambling (赌博). Yet that is what is happening to makers of video games. For years parents have complained that their children are “addicted” to their video games and smartphones. Today, however, even more doctors are using the term. On January 1 this year, “gaming disorder”— in which games are played uncontrollably, despite causing harm — gained recognition from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Are games really addictive? Psychologists have different opinions. Those who don’t think so say that this is just another moral panic. Similar warnings have been given about television, rock’n’roll, jazz, comic books, novels and even crossword puzzles, but it turns out that they are not as harmful as expected.

However, supporters argue that games developers have the motivation and the means to design their products to make them extremely attractive. For one thing, the business-model has changed. In the old days games were bought once and for all. But these days, games are free and money is earned from purchases of in-game goods, which ties playtime directly to revenue (收益). For another, games-makers combine psychological theory and data, which helps them maximize the playtime. Smartphones and modern video game machines use their permanent Internet connections to send gameplay data back to developers. In this way products are constantly adjusted to encourage players’ spending. The biggest spenders are known as “whales”, a term that originated in casinos (赌场).

The gaming industry should realize that, in the real world, it has a problem, and that problem is growing. Now that gaming addiction comes with an official WHO recognition, diagnoses will become more common. Anyway, being put together with gambling in the public mind, whether it is fairly or not, will not do the industry any good.

1. What do we know from Paragraph 1?
A.It is not suitable to compare video games to gambling.
B.Parents complain about their children’s addiction to gambling.
C.More doctors are against the use of the term “addicted”.
D.Gaming addiction was officially recognized as a disease.
2. What does the underlined words “moral panic” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Wrong judgment on how harmful something is.
B.Trouble caused by someone’s immoral behavior.
C.Social progress caused by science and technology.
D.Panic due to the gap between the rich and the poor.
3. What do games developers do to make games attractive?
A.They don’t charge players for in-game goods.
B.They adjust products based on received data.
C.They keep players’ video game machines updated.
D.They reward big spenders with a unique title.
4. In the last paragraph, the author aims to ______.
A.offer a suggestionB.make a prediction
C.give a warningD.put forward a solution


阅读理解-阅读单选(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When newspapers and radios report the damage caused by a hurricane (飓风)called Hazel,girls named Hazel are probably played a joke on by others.To keep out of trouble,the Weather Bureau says,“Any resemblance(相似)between hurricane names and the names of particular girls is only accidental.”

Some women became angry because hurricanes are given their names,but many other women are proud to see their names make headlines.They don’t even care that they are the names of destructive storms.Because more women seem to like it than dislike it,the Weather Bureau has decided to continue using girls’ names for hurricanes.

In some ways a hurricane is like a person.After it is born,it grows and develops,then becomes old and dies.Each hurricane has a character of its own.Each follows its own way through the world,and people remember it long after it has gone.So it is natural to give hurricanes names,and to talk about them almost as if they were alive.

1. What happens to the girls named Hazel when hurricane Hazel is reported?
A.They suffer from hurricanes.
B.The Weather Bureau looks for them.
C.Others often make fun of them.
D.They can’t find boyfriends.
2. The underlined word “They” in the second paragraph refers to _______.
A.the reporters
B.the headlines
C.some women who become angry
D.some women who are proud
3. Public opinions make the Weather Bureau ______.
A.stop naming hurricanes after women
B.go on naming hurricanes after women
C.name hurricanes after men
D.look for a new method to name hurricanes
4. According to the passage,which is more reasonable?
A.Some women feel unhappy because hurricanes are given their names.
B.All the hurricanes are caused by women.
C.Many women want to be reported by TV and newspapers.
D.A hurricane grows and develops in the same way as a person.
2021-03-02更新 | 245次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The National Academies of Science (NAS) has released a new report looking at more than 800 scientific studies about the effects of electronic cigarettes on users’ health.

The report concludes a range of public health impacts of e-cigarettes. However, it does not conclude whether the overall impact is either positive or negative. The report pays special attention to the impact of e-cigarettes on young adults, who use them at higher rates than adults do. Experienced adult users of e-cigarettes can get just as much nicotine as from regular cigarettes. Nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco. Most e-cigarettes contain and release a variety of substances in addition to nicotine that could be toxic. There is generally far less exposure to these other toxic substances from e-cigarettes than from regular cigarettes.

Using e-cigarettes can be addictive and the severity of an addiction to e-cigarettes likely depends on many factors, including the device, the e-liquid used in the device, and how the user operates. The NAS report found a strong association between youth using e-cigarettes and their likelihood of trying conventional cigarettes. Nicotine is highly addictive at any age, but is especially dangerous for youth. The US Surgeon General has criticized e-cigarette marketers for using strategies that target young people. Many flavors appear to be aimed at teenagers, with some popular names such as Cherry Crush and Cotton Candy. Thus young people buy e-cigarettes more than any other tobacco product.

American Cancer Society experts (ACS) acknowledge NAS report, including: an association between the use of e-cigarettes by youth and the eventual use of regular cigarettes; an evidence that e-cigarettes are not harmless, but are likely to be much less harmful than regular cigarettes and unknown risks of long-term use of e-cigarettes. These are similar to findings conducted by ACS researchers. They conclude that the overall health effects of electronic cigarettes are complex, and there is not yet agreement among the scientific community.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is using its full authority to regulate all tobacco products. It announced in 2016 that it would begin regulating e-cigarettes. But it later delayed until 2022 the deadline for tobacco companies to apply for approval.

1. What do we learn about the new report from NAS?
A.It focuses on the impact of e-cigarettes on adults.
B.It states the comprehensive effects of e-cigarettes.
C.It is based on 800 scientific studies on e-cigarettes.
D.It is aimed to convince people not to use e-cigarettes.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly intend to tell us?
A.How e-cigarettes impact youth.B.What the NAS report is about youth.
C.What danger the nicotine is to youth.D.How youth become attracted by e-cigarettes.
3. What’s the opinion shared by ACS and NAS?
A.E-cigarettes probably do no harm to health.
B.E-cigarettes have an everlasting impact on health.
C.E-cigarettes cause the same impact as regular cigarettes.
D.E-cigarettes probably make youth become regular cigarette users.
4. What can be said about the future of e-cigarettes in the US?
2023-06-07更新 | 19次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】“I think I’m nothing more than a dead fish.” “I don’t want to do anything.” “I’m so beat and so sad.”…The young generation in our country used to enjoy their “happy culture” but now they have become “beat and sad” slowly and secretly. Some people even called it “the beat culture”. The “Beat” youths don’t want to do anything. They have no purpose, no desire and they are totally depressed so that they only want to live an aimless life. The “Ge You slouch (葛优瘫)” and the song I feel like having been drained are the examples.

Many media concern themselves about this phenomenon and try to persuade the youths into embracing positive and healthy feelings and encourage them to work hard to get rid of decadence. This is really a kind gesture. However, we don’t have to worry too much about this “beat culture.” In fact, it’s not a negative thing. “Beat” never means despair, but a way of self-mockery(自嘲)and pressure relief.

In general, the youths in China are not “beat”. According to a recent international research, the youths in China hold positive attitude towards the future. 29% of the Chinese interviewees believe they will live and work in peace in China because “as long as you work hard, you can have your own day”. Around 93% of the Chinese interviewees believe the future is promising because of medicine industry, renewable energy sources and computer. Compared with Chinese youngsters, youths in developed countries are more pessimistic (悲观的).

Of course there are some social reasons for the appearing of “the Beat Culture”. As urbanization develops rapidly, youths living in big cities are facing new challenges that their forefathers have never met before. Loneliness and feelings of insignificance and powerlessness are easy to get hold of the young people. Without proper care, they could threaten our mentality and cause many social problems. These problems probably need our attention more.

1. “The Beat culture” includes the following examples except that _______
A.the young generation don’t feel like doing anything.
B.the young generation consider themselves dead fish.
C.the young generation in big cities are facing new challenges.
D.the young generation enjoy the song I feel like having been drained.
2. Which word has the most similar meaning with “decadence” in Paragraph2?
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Most people believe that with hard work, people can have their own day.
B.These days, young people suffer much more loneliness than their parents.
C.Chinese youths are more negative than young people in developed countries.
D.Social development does bring some pressure to the younger generation.
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.The Chinese youths are not the beat generation.
B.How does “the Beat Culture” affect the Chinese youth.
C.“The Beat Culture” is positive to Chinese youngsters.
D.“The Beat culture” is popular among the Chinese youngsters.
2019-11-08更新 | 311次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般