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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:69 题号:16283699

The fossil (化石)discovery in Victoria now shows that monk seals were widespread in Australasia in the past.

“Monk seals are one of the rarest and most endangered marine mammals (海洋哺乳动物)alive today, but this wasn’t always the case,” according to lead study author Dr. James Rule from Monash University. “Our paper shows that the very endangered monk seals once called Australia home about five million years ago(specifically in Victoria),” he said.

The discovery was made by studying two fossils again from Melbourne Museum’s collections, the identity of which had been a mystery for 40 years. “When we studied them, they turned out to be the oldest evidence of monk seals,” Dr. Rule said. “These fossils, along with the extinct New Zealand species that was discovered last year, double the known diversity of the monk seals,” he said.

According to Dr. Rule, monk seals disappeared in Australasia three million years ago, and they only lived in the tropics (热带地区)and the Mediterranean after temperatures fell during the Ice Ages. This left monk seals on the edge of disappearance after being overhunted by humans, with about 2,000 members left.

The discovery of New Zealand species and Australian monk seals led the researchers to restudy the origin of the group. “Our research shows that monk seals began in Australia,” Dr. Rule said. “This is different from every theory previously put forward by scientists.”

Previous research has theorized climate change led to the disappearance of many ancient seals in the Southern Hemisphere. This would have included New Zealand’s and Australian monk seals. “This suggests the world’s last two species of monk seal are also at risk from climate change,” Dr. Rule said. If sea level continues to rise, the beaches monk seals rely on for resting and raising young ones may disappear.

1. What does the new discovery show about monk seals?
A.Their living habits.B.Their growth process.
C.Their early appearance.D.Their ways of getting food.
2. What do we know about the two fossils from Melbourne Museum?
A.Researcher found it hard to keep them in good condition.
B.Researchers manged to identify them after many years.
C.They were once thought to be fossils of birds.
D.They were first discovered last year.
3. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 4 probably refer to?
A.Fighting water pollution.B.Suffering from a lack of food.
C.Having limited living places.D.Facing increasing natural enemies.
4. What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.Climate change always threatens monk seals’ survival.
B.Scientists can now measure the rate of global warming.
C.Human activity in Australia should be strictly limited.
D.People need to help raise young monk seals.
【知识点】 动物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】If you have a dog, you probably feel a strong bond with it. A recent study found that this bond may not only be important to kids, but also be important to dogs.

Researchers at Oregon State University studied the relationship between kids and dogs. To do the study, they recruited 30 young people aged 8 to 17, who have dogs to do an experiment. The kids were asked to bring their dogs to an empty room. In the room, a kid was asked to walk around the huge space, sometimes stopping or changing the direction. “And the dog was left to do whatever the dog wanted to do.” says Monique Udell, one of the study’s authors.

But most of the time, the dog didn’t do any of those things. Instead, it stayed close to its owner and moved similarly to its owner. The dogs did this far more often than you would expect them to do it by chance. What does this mean? Udell explains that this is a dog’s way of building a relationship with a human. “Dogs always stay close to kids, even though adults are usually the ones who feed and care for them. The kid may play a sibling(兄弟姐妹) role in the life of the dog,” Udell says. “This shows that the relationship between kids and dogs is of great importance to the dogs.”

So far, Udell’s team’s study has just focused on dogs. Udell wonders if the animal-human bond is important to other kinds of pets as well. Researchers say that more studies will be done.

1. Why did researchers do the experiment?
A.To have more dogs to do the research.B.To find out the importance of pet dogs.
C.To study the bond between kids and dogs.D.To recruit 30 young people for the study.
2. What did the dogs do in the experiment?
A.They followed their owners closelyB.They were left from their owners.
C.They barked loudly at their owners.D.They gave much help to their owners.
3. What makes a dog stay closer to a kid than to an adult?
A.Its fear of adults.B.Its wish to have a sibling.
C.The dangers in its life.D.Kids’ love for them.
4. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.The new study of pet dogsB.The favorite pets of kids
C.The strong bond of kidsD.The situation of pet dogs
2023-10-29更新 | 21次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Plants are living things. So can they feel pain? Plants don't feel pain the same way animals and people do, says Anke Steppuhn. She is a scientist at the Free University of Berlin in Germany. “What we define as pain usually has to do with a nervous system,” Steppuhn explains. When you put your hand too close to a hot stove, nerve cells send a signal to your brain. Your brain decodes(解码) that signal as pain. This causes you to pull your hand away before any serious damage is done.

Plants don't have nerves or brains, so they can't feel pain like we do. “But plants do recognize when something is hurting them,” Steppuhn says. Because they are rooted to the ground, they can't escape a dangerous situation. So they need other ways of fighting back.

The biggest threat to a plant's life is getting eaten. Some plants grow sharp little hairs. Other plants produce bad-tasting or even harmful chemicals. These force an attacker to abandon its meal. A plant called bittersweet nightshade does something even smarter, Steppuhn found. When a slug(蛞蝓) chews holes in a nightshade' s leaf, liquid begins dripping(滴) around the wound. It is almost as if the plant were bleeding. The liquid is sugary nectar(花蜜), and it happens to be a favorite food of ants. In their effort to collect the nectar, the ants swarm(蜂拥而至) all over the injured plant. They will attack anything that stands in their way. That includes the slug that damaged the plant in the first place. It's a very clever trick. Whenever a slug attacks a plant, the plant calls an army of ants to kill the slug.

Nectar isn't the only way plants attract bodyguards. They also release certain chemicals into the air when they are being eaten. People usually can't detect these smells. But wasps(黄蜂) can. When a wasp detects this cry for help, it races to the scene of the crime. If it finds the right kind of insect chewing down on the plant, the wasp will interrupt the attacker's meal. It will do this by laying eggs inside the insect’s body!

1. Why do plants feel pain differently from us?
A.They don’t know whether they're hurt.
B.They face different kinds of danger.
C.They don’t have nervous systems.
D.They have slow response to pain.
2. What does the underlined word “They” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
3. Why do some plants need wasps?
A.To help them call bodyguards.
B.To keep them safe from attackers.
C.To let wasps lay eggs on their leaves.
D.To let their smells spread into the air.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.How plants feel pain.
B.How plants attract insects.
C.How plants defend themselves.
D.How plants attack small animals.
2018-11-28更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Lions are opportunists They prefer to eat without having to do too much work. When resting in the shade, they are also watching the sky to see what is flying by, and even in the heat of the day they will suddenly start up and run a mile across the plains to find out what is going on. If another animal has made a kill, they will drive it off and take the kill for themselves. A grown lion can easily eat 60 pounds of meat at a single feeding. Often they eat until it seems painful for them to lie down.

The lionesses (母狮) , being thinner and faster, are better hunters than the males (雄狮). But the males don’t mind. After the kill they move in and take the best share.

Most kills are made at night or just before daybreak. We have seen many, many daylight attempts but only ten kills. Roughly, It’s about twenty daytime attempts for one kill.

When lions are hiding for an attack by a water hole, they wait patiently and can charge at any second. The kill is the exciting moment in the day-to-day life of the lion, since these great animals spend most of their time, about 20 hours a day, sleeping and resting.

Lions are social cats, and when they are having a rest, they love to touch each other. After drinking at a water hole, a lioness rests her head on another’s back. When walking, young lions often touch faces with older ones, an act of close ties among members of the group.

1. By describing lions as “opportunists” in the first paragraph, the author means to say that lions _______________ .
A.are cruel animals
B.are clever animals
C.like to make use of other animals
D.like to play with other animals
2. According to the text, which of the following is true?
A.Lions make most kills in the daytime.
B.Males care more about eating than active killing.
C.Lions are curious about things happening around them.
D.It doesn’t take lions too much time to make a kill.
3. Lions spend most of their time, about 20 hours a day, ______________.
A.playing and killingB.sleeping and resting
C.eating and sleepingD.playing and sleeping
4. How can we know that lions are social animals?
A.They depend on each other.
B.They look after each other well.
C.They readily share what they have.
D.They enjoy each other’s company陪伴.
5. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Powerful LionsB.Lions at Work and Play
C.Lions, Social CatsD.Lions, Skilled Hunters
2016-11-26更新 | 91次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般