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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:241 题号:16354759

I'm from a fishing family. My grandfather was a fisherman, working out of Fano, the Italian town where I grew up and still live. I work from 7 p.m. until 11 a. m. with fishermen on the north Adriatic Sea. There are only six or so of us on board. At night, the fish are most active and we can avoid other ships.

The nets reach the sea bed for the catch but sometimes they also catch turtles that often die in the nets or on board. The net is designed to allow turtles to escapes it has a hole at the top they can swim out of. We call it “TED”. The TED aims at reducing the bycatch (误捕) of turtles. Turtles and some larger fish can leave through the TED, but the current (水流) holds most of the catch in the net.

I ensure that the net is working, and that the fishermen we're cooperating with can still catch enough for their livelihoods while protecting turtles. The work is part of research by the Cetacea Foundation, in cooperation with University of Pisa, where I'm a field researcher. It is financed by the LIFE programmer. I love this work. It means I'm not stuck in an office all day and instead can enjoy the ocean and work closely with people who live by the sea.

When my grandfather was fishing in the 1970s, there were more fish and more turtles around. At the foundation, we save 50-60 turtles a year, most of which are harmed because of fishing. If we can protect turtles by popularizing this device to fishermen all across the Adriatic, I'd see this work as a success.

1. Why does the author work at night?
A.He is busy in the day.
B.He can catch more fish at night.
C.Fish are very active in the day.
D.There are more ships at night.
2. What can we know about TED?
A.It doesn't reach the sea bed.
B.It is helpful to catch larger fish.
C.It is helpful to protect sea turtles.
D.It catches large turtles.
3. What's the author's job?
A.An excellent fisherman in Italy.
B.A volunteer of Cetacea Foundation.
C.A founder of LIFE programmer.
D.A researcher of University of Pisa.
4. Why does the author like his job?
A.He can stay in the office.
B.He can work with fishermen.
C.He can go abroad for sightseeing.
D.He can get his father's help.
【知识点】 动物 记叙文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】How a few members of the animal kingdom handle the transition to adulthood?

African elephants

These beautiful beasts come close to imitate teen rebellion. Calves spend a decade with their mothers in female-dominated groups ---- and ladies stay there ---- but adolescent boys leave mom for noisy crews of bros. In their 20s, they often downsize to smaller male groups.

Orangutans (猩猩)

Slow metabolism allows these primates to survive food shortages ---- times when weather makes ripe fruit scarce. But energy efficiency comes at a cost; growth and maturation take time. Orangutan mamas nurse their young longer than any other wild creature does.


Killer whales join their mother’s familial group for life. This lasting-relationship seems to increase a pup’s chance of survival; if mom dies, a young male (under 30) is three times more likely to die than a peer whose mother is alive. Risk of death post-mom-mortem rises as kids get older.

Harp seals

A harp seal’s “childhood” lasts just 12 days. A pup’s sole purpose during that brief period of coddling(宠爱) is to constantly nurse, gaining a fifth of its birth weight in blubber(鲸脂) every day. Once it’s fat ---- they become greater from 25 to 80 pounds ---- it slides off the ice and takes on the sea.

Wolf spiders

Every parent knows that tired toddlers love to hitch a piggyback ride. The wolf spider straps all her babies (40 or 50, on average) onto her back at once, carrying the brood until they are capable of fully functional spider-hood. But luckily she only has to pull them for a few days.

1. According to the passage, which animals take the biggest responsibility in raising their young?
A.Harp seals.B.African elephantsC.Orcas.D.Wolf spiders.
2. What can we learn from the sentence “But luckily she only has to pull them for a few days”?
A.Other grown wolf spiders will come to take care of the babies.
B.The toddlers are too heavy for parents to hitch a piggyback ride.
C.Baby spiders are able to live on their own after a short period of time.
D.Baby spiders can make full use of spider-hood before they leave their parents.
3. Who will be interested in this passage?
A.A student who is doing a project on animal growth.
B.A kid who is keen on animal watching.
C.A zoo-worker who is responsible for visitors’ safety.
D.A doctor who specializes in animals’ health.
2019-04-27更新 | 162次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】In a groundbreaking discovery, bumblebees (大黄蜂) have shown a previously unseen level of cognitive (认知的) ability. A new study, published in Nature, shows that they can learn difficult, multi-step tasks through social interaction, even if they cannot figure them out on their own.

Led by Dr Alice Bridges and Professor Lars Chittka, the research team designed a two-step puzzle (谜题) box requiring bumblebees to perform two separated actions to get a sweet reward at the end. Training bees to do this was no easy task, and bees had to be helped along by the addition of an extra reward at the end of the first step. This reward in the middle was finally taken away, and bees later had to open the whole box before getting their treat. Then some trained bees repeated the whole process for demonstration.

Surprisingly, while bees that worked on their own had great difficulty in solving the puzzle, those allowed to watch a demonstrator bee finished the two steps easily — even the first — while only getting a reward at the end.

This study shows that bumblebees have a level of social learning previously thought to be unique to humans. They can share and learn behaviors that are beyond their individual cognitive abilities. Professor Chittka further notes the implications, “This challenges the traditional view that only humans can socially learn difficult behavior beyond individual learning. It raises the amazing possibility that many of the greatest achievements of the social insects, like the nesting architectures of bees or the agricultural habits of ants, may have initially spread by copying clever innovators, before they finally became part of the species-specific behaviors.”

This groundbreaking research opens new possibilities for understanding animal intelligence and the development of social learning. It challenges longstanding assumptions and helps us learn more about the cognitive wonders of insects, even suggesting the exciting possibility of advanced culture amongst seemingly simple creatures.

1. What is the purpose of the study?
A.To learn how to train bumblebees.
B.To compare bumblebees with ants.
C.To develop puzzles for bumblebees.
D.To test cognitive abilities of bumblebees.
2. How did the researchers train the bumblebees to solve the puzzle?
A.By breaking it into two steps.
B.By providing an extra reward.
C.By demonstrating the process.
D.By making the puzzle interesting.
3. What do Professor Chittka’s words imply?
A.Both bees and ants are intelligent creatures.
B.Only humans are capable of social learning.
C.Individual learning may not be that important.
D.Bees’ nest-building may be a learned behavior.
4. What could be the best title for the text?
A.Bumblebees — willing learners
B.Bumblebees — smarter than you think
C.Social learning — intelligence indicator
D.Social learning — universal across species
2024-05-29更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】The panda bear may be one of the world's cutest animals, but it also has one of the world's grossest habits:They like to spread horse dung(粪便) on their necks and faces and roll around in it to cover their entire bodies. Now, researchers say they have an explanation for these dung baths. The horse dung contains something that might help the animals deal with colder temperatures .

To get to the bottom of things, researchers analyzed 38 instances of dung rolling recorded by cameras at the reserve. The bears tended to roll in horse dung less than 10 days old. The dung contained natural compounds(化合物),called BCP and BCPO,that are scarce in older dung, say the scientists .

The team then added these compounds to the hay(草料) of pandas and found the animals favored the hay treated with these compounds. What's more, the pandas tended to roll in horse dung in colder weather, at temperatures between−5℃and 15°C. Could BCP and BCPO help keep the giant pandas warm?

As giant pandas are a national treasure for China, there are strict limitations on conducting research on these protected animals, so the team turned to mice. Covering mice in a BCP-BCPO solution boosted the animals' cold tolerance, the authors report. Treated mice more readily walked on colder surfaces. The researchers discovered BCP-BCPO blocks receptors that sense cold.

“Although it's not concrete proof, the authors provided solid evidence to explain the unique behavior,”Fan Yang, a biophysicist at the Zhejiang University School of Medicine, wrote in an email.“The same receptors are present in many animals. So it is possible that using natural compounds to manage body temperature may actually be a general strategy widely adopted by other animals.”

Staying warm in the winter can be challenging for pandas,   notes Zejun Zhang, an ecologist at China West Normal University ,because their low-calorie diet of bamboo makes it hard to store extra fat. It's possible, the authors say, that pandas have used horse dung in this way for thousands of years.

1. What does the underlined word“grossest”Paragraph 1 mean?
A.Funniest.B.Healthiest .
C.Most tiring.D.Most disgusting .
2. How did the researchers find out the functio BCP and BCPO?
A.By applying them to pandas.
B.By experimenting them on mice.
C.By analyzing pandas'dung rolling cases.
D.By experimenting on different kinds of dung.
3. Why can BCP and BCPO help pandas against cold?
A.They adjust their sense of cold.
B.They make them physically active.
C.They provide a heat-trapping cover.
D.They help raise their body temperature .
4. Which of the following makes pandas suffer in winter?
A.Their body shape.
B.Their body color.
C.Their habitat.
D.Their diet.
2022-04-02更新 | 60次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般