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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:118 题号:16376124

Pigs may have a decided lack of table manners, but they are otherwise one of the more intelligent animals around.

Further evidence of their intellect has come from a new study that examined how well pigs might do with a simple video game and joystick. Given sufficient motivation, pigs know how to play.

Candace Croney of Purdue University published the results in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. Four pigs — Hamlet, Omelet, Ebony, and Ivory were taken in front of a screen that featured a simple game where a cursor (光标) could be directed into a wall with a joystick. If the pig was able to hit the wall with the cursor, they’d be rewarded with food.

All of the pigs had some success, but there was a clear difference in skill. Two of the pigs, Hamlet and Omelet, found the game’s increasing difficulty with two or more walls hard to navigate (指引). Ivory was clearly better than Ebony, hitting the wall 76 percent of the time to Ebony’s 34 percent.

Their success may have been restricted somewhat by their long mouth. Because their long mouths are right in front of their eyes when they look directly at the screen. They may have caught glimpses of the screen only before and after moving the joystick, not during. That could mean the pigs had to rely on some short-term memory to understand the movement of the cursor.

Curiously, the pigs continued playing even after the food reward was taken away. Researchers gave them gentle verbal encouragement to continue.

This isn’t Croney’s first study with pigs. Back in 1997, she focused her doctoral work on pig cognizance (认知), including a task in which pigs used a joystick to move one of several shapes across the screen to fit the single shape that matched it. Such experiments demonstrate that pigs appear to understand the connection between moving the joystick and the cursor, and that doing so successfully results in a reward.

1. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.What pigs can learn.B.Why pigs are intelligent.
C.How the study is conducted.D.Why researchers do the study.
2. Why do the pigs fail to see the cursor while moving the joystick?
A.Their long mouths block the view.
B.The joystick is far from the screen.
C.The cursor only appears after moving the joystick.
D.They concentrate on the movements of the joystick.
3. What do we know about pigs from this text?
A.They are interested in food.
B.They are intelligent in some ways.
C.They are equally skilled at playing games.
D.They don’t play games without food.
4. What is the best title of this text?
A.Pigs Lack Table Manners
B.Pigs Have Good Memories
C.Pigs Can Be Taught to Play Video Games
D.Pigs Are More Intelligent than Other Animals
【知识点】 动物 说明文


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【推荐1】At some point, all baby birds have to leave the nest. But songbirds often push their young out long before it's actually time for them to spread their wings and fly, research from the University of Illinois finds.

“From what we can tell, instead of physically pushing their young out, bird parents do this by decreasing the amount of food they give them to force them out through hunger, and by communicating with them directly to encourage them to leave,” says lead author Todd Jones, a doctoral student in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois.

The study shows that the young birds who were forced to leave early were less likely to survive than those that stayed in the nest. “Birds that leave the nest at a younger age have less developed wings, and as a result often die before adulthood. Those that stay home longer can fly away when they finally leave and are more likely to survive,” says Jones.

Then why would songbirds push out their babies before they can fly? “Rather than leaving all their eggs (or in this case young birds) in one basket, bird parents can get their young to leave the nest earlier and spatially separate all the young birds so that the probability of all their young being eaten becomes nearly zero,” Jones says.

For the young birds that want to stick around, being forced out of their nest might seem like a cruel parental tactic. With no other choices, the little birds have to begin making their own way in the world, with the hope that one day they'll do the same thing to their own young.

“Our study suggests this tactic finally improves parental fitness and is likely passed on from generation to generation, Jones says. “Birds face many challenges in our changing world, and it is important that we understand tactics, such as the one mentioned in our study, that birds may use to respond to such challenges so that we may protect these birds.”

1. What would songbirds do to get their young out of the nest?
A.Show no care to them.B.Physically push them out.
C.Attract them out with songs.D.Stop giving them enough food.
2. What can we learn about the young birds forced out of the nest?
A.They will try to find another nest.B.They will learn to fly very quickly.
C.They will be willing to come back.D.They will have less chance of survival.
3. Why do songbirds make their young leave before they are ready?
A.To lead an easy life themselves.B.To make space for their reproduction.
C.To avoid losing all their young to enemies.D.To encourage independence in their young.
4. What does the underlined phrase "the same thing" in paragraph 5 refer to?
A.Protecting young birds from dangers.
B.Forcing young birds out of the nest early.
C.Punishing young birds if they do something wrong.
D.Letting young birds stay in the nest until they grow up.
2021-08-21更新 | 60次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Scientists have long wondered how baleen whales can sing while holding their breath Experts already knew that baleen whales have a special larynx (喉) that enables them to sing. But they didn’t know exactly how they produced sound.

“You can’t just go down a baleen whale and see what they’re doing when they’re singing,” jokingly says Joy Reidenberg, a professor who studies whales. Above all, dead whales are usually destroyed by natural chemical processes too quickly to collect living tissue samples.

Three young whales which happened to approach the shore close to his lab enabled lead author Coen Elenans to simulate (模拟) what happens when the animals produce sound. They'd assumed that the inner edges of the whales’ vocal cords (声带) rub together to make sound, but the experiment revealed the vocal cords rub against a fat part at the back of the larynx.

Reidenberg thinks the sample size of the study just three animals is too small for such a generalization, and that scientists need to examine more samples, Heidi Pearson, professor of marine biology at University of Alaska Southeast, agrees, She’d like to see a different family of whales examined for comparison, as the three individuals studied were all young whales.

Elemans says he wants to study adult males, which are known for their singing. But the experts acknowledge the challenge in doing so, “Just getting those samples is n great achievement in its own right,” says Pearson.

The researchers did another study. They used 3-D computer simulations to recreate what happens when the whales’ larynx muscles are activated. They discovered these structures cannot produce sound at higher frequencies than 300 hertz (Hz), or below depths of about 330 feet.

“Unfortunately, that depth and frequency range overlap (重叠) almost perfectly with what humans make,” says Elemans, meaning they may struggle to compete with noise generated by ships, which send out sounds between 30 and 300 Hz.

“That’s why the study emphasizes an urgent need to decrease noise pollution by limiting shipping traffic, setting up slow zones, protecting areas with lots of vocalizing whales, making ships quieter,” says Reidenberg, “and using real-time data in conservation plans.”

1. What is the challenge of studying how baleen whales produce sound?
A.Dealing with dead whales’ tissues.B.Getting suitable samples for study.
C.Simulating the whales’ vocal cords.D.Analyzing 3-D computer simulations.
2. What is Heidi Pearson’s attitude towards the first study?
3. What can we infer from the second study?
A.Ships on the sea frequently run into baleen whales.
B.Baleen whales enjoy competing with mankind on sound.
C.Baleen whales’ vocal cords rub together to make sound.
D.Human-made sounds affect baleen whales’ producing sound.
4. What does Joy Reidenberg suggest doing at last?
A.Ships are supposed to make way for vocalizing whales.
B.More data should be collected to analyze noise pollution.
C.Making plans to do further search on baleen whales’ habitat.
D.Taking measures to cut noise pollution for whale conservation.
昨日更新 | 8次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了在一场火灾中,在狗狗Chi Chi和Careline系统的帮助下,成功地解救了主人格林先生。

【推荐3】The dog Pooch Chi Chi managed to open the door and let a fire crew in after his owner collapsed on the kitchen floor.

Responders were searching for another entrance when they heard a “click” as the dog managed to unlock the door to let them in. They found the man, named only as Mr Green, collapsed on the floor in the kitchen as the fire took hold on the hob. Firefighters then swiftly put out the fire and carried out first aid until paramedics (急救医士) arrived.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service said “a potential disaster” was avoided with help from the dog. They said they were called to the scene after a smoke detector was activated and a Careline alarm was sounded.

Mr Green initially answered the call but operator at Careline lost communication. Within six minutes, the crew was on scene and investigating. They could hear the alarm but were unable to establish contact with the man inside. With curtains drawn, the crew could not see inside but could hear a dog barking. They tried the front door, but it wouldn’t open. As the crew looked for another entrance, they heard a “click” and the front door opened. The crew went inside to find a man collapsed on the floor in the kitchen when a fire was beginning to take hold on the cooker. They contacted the ambulance service, put out the fire and allowed fresh air in. Firefighters then carried out first aid and stabilised the man until paramedics arrived. It wasn’t until later in the incident that they discovered that Chi Chi had managed to open the front door and let the crew inside.

Ian Bolton, Crew Manager for Home and Partnerships at Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service added: “Having monitored diction in people’s homes means the fire service are only minutes away from providing lifesaving assistance. This is a real success story and highlights the importance of Careline and the fire service. Careline’s system, combined with the speed of our crews getting to the incident, saved Mr Green’s life. The cherry on the cake, however, was Chi Chi letting the crews in before they had to force entry to the property.”

1. How did the firefighters get into the kitchen?
A.They broke the door.B.They unlocked the door,
C.The dog opened the door.D.They found another entrance.
2. Why did the operator lose communication?
A.The man fell down and couldn’t move.B.The system broke down accidentally.
C.The operator lost his senses.D.The crew couldn’t see inside.
3. According to Ian Bolton, what is the most important factor in the rescue?
A.The swift reaction of Mr. Green.
B.The wide use of the smoke detector.
C.The dog unlocking the entrance to the door.
D.The joint work of Careline and the fire service.
4. Which word can best describe Chi Chi?
2022-07-14更新 | 88次组卷
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