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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:88 题号:16381179

Cao Zhi, a prince of the state of Cao Wei,     1    (fall) in love with an official’s daughter. However, she married his brother, Cao Pi, and the prince became disappointed. Later, he composed an     2    (emotion) poem about the love between the goddess and mortal. In the poem, he praises the nymph (女神)     3     her beauty.

“Gazing at her from afar,

She shines like the sun     4    (rise) above the rosy mists (迷雾) of dawn;

Observing her close by,

She is as bright as a lotus emerging from clear ripples (涟漪).”

In the 4th century, Gu Kaizhi, a Chinese artist,     5    (move) by the story. He illustrated the poem and created     6     we call the Nymph of the Luo River.   Unfortunately, the original 4th painting was lost. However, artists made several copies of it,     7    (probable) during the Song dynasty. The painting is in     8     form of a long scroll (卷轴), which describes the plot in sections. Let's unfold the scroll and find out about this beautiful story.

In the beginning, Cao Zhi travels with a group of attendants and has to cross the Luo River. Here, Gu Kaizhi gives full play to his artistic     9    (imagine). Through clever composition and application of vivid colors, he describes the meeting between Cao Zhi and the nymph, Fu Fei. She flows lightly and stops when she wants to go.     10    (attract) by her charm, Cao loses his heart to Fu Fei.

21-22高二下·四川眉山·期末 查看更多[2]


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Chinese engraved block printing is considered one of the most essential inventions in the progress of human civilization. The technique     1     (include) in the representative list of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009.

The engraved block printing technique requires the     2     (cooperate) of dozens of craftsmen possessed of printing expert skills and team spirit. The blocks themselves, made from the fine-grained wood of pear or jujube trees,     3     (cut) to a thickness of two centimetres and polished with sandpaper     4     (prepare) them for engraving.

Drafts of the     5     (desire) images are brushed onto extremely thin paper and examined for errors before they are transferred onto blocks. The inked designs provide a guide for the craftsman     6     cuts the picture or design into the wood, producing raised characters that will     7     (ultimate) apply ink to paper. Block engraving may be used to print books in a variety of     8     (convention) styles.

The Guangling ancient book engraving press, established in 1958, is responsible     9     the complete preservation of the entire set of the technique. However, the skill is dying out, and there is     10     urgent need to protect it.

2021-06-02更新 | 129次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

When Mitch discovers Morrie, his college professor, who     1     (die) of a severe illness, he starts to visit him every Tuesday, which contributes to lessons in how to live. Tuesdays with Morrie is     2     magical record of events of their time together. Some comments on this book are as follows.

According to Arthur K, it was     3     (pleasant) surprising that the book is filled with joy and hope instead of death and pessimism. He was encouraged to value     4     he had and make the best of each day.

Amy Wang thought she had been given a deeper insight     5     the world and saw things in a different view. She felt as if she     6     (awake) and opened her eyes to the world.

The book didn’t appeal to Marty.     7    , he still strongly recommended it. Because the book made him stop     8     (consider) the influence of popular culture on him as well as the importance of creating individual values.

In the view of Vivian, she was so     9     (move) by Morrie’s reflections on love and friendship.     10     (learn) from the lessons of the book, she realised it was important to keep in touch with the good people she met in the daily life.

2021-08-31更新 | 60次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。八年前中国商人在发现老挝人砍倒树木来种咖啡树时,36 庄园公司在那里建立公司,收集茶叶。在“一带一路”的影响下,老挝人有了更多的工作岗位,更多的人开始通过茶叶种植来赚钱。

Eight years ago, several Chinese businessmen traveled to the Bolaven Plateau of Laos. One business said in surprise, “Look! Those aging tea trees     1     (cut) down by the villagers.” They learned that the villagers were doing that to make way for coffee planting. Then they offered     2     (buy) the treasures. The 36 Manor company set up a factory there, taking tea leaves     3     (collect) from the wild tea trees to the global market. Its business there then expanded (扩大) to the growing of tea trees.

The natural conditions in Laos are very     4     (suit) for growing tea trees. The Laos-produced tea has quickly become popular with Chinese     5     (customer). With the launch of the China-Laos Railway, transportation costs have dropped     6     (obvious) for the tea company, which has sold three to five tons of tea to China per year since 2019.

Due to the Belt and Road Initiative, Laos has received a lot of investment (投资) from China, which has created     7     large number of local jobs. The 36 Manor company also keeps     8     mind the saying that teaching one to fish is     9     (good) than giving him fish. They not only hired local workers, but also taught the villagers the ways in     10     they could grow tea well to get out of poverty.

2023-03-03更新 | 63次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般