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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:35 题号:16401342

Most people know not to touch a jellyfish(水母)but some jellies can sting people without touching them—by connecting tiny bits from their body that float off into the sea and move around independently.

Upside-down jellyfish throw small balls of stinging cells in a network of sticky mucus(黏液), to kill prey such as shrimp. “It is as if we could spit out our teeth and they killed thing for us somehow,” says Cheryl Ames at Tohoku university in Japan. “It’s a real revolutionary novelty.”

Upside-down jellyfish, several species of the genus Cassiopea, live in warm coastal waters off Florida, Australia, the Red Sea and southerly parts of the Mediterranean. Their stings aren’t generally seen as dangerous, but there have been occasional reports of “stinging water” around them. “It’s really irritating. You’re constantly being stung on any surface that’s exposed,” says Ames.

Now Ames’s group has found that this happens because the creatures shed hollow balls of stinging cells up to half a millimeter wide. Named cassiosomes, they carry hairs that can make them float around in circles to boost their chances of hitting prey. “It was a really amazing moment when we all took turns in looking through the microscope and saw there were tiny, little things moving about in the mucus,” says Ames. The jellies released cassiosomes and mucus when brine shrimp, their natural prey, were put in their tank. The cassiosomes could kill the shrimp within a minute. In the wild, the dead shrimp are then sucked into the jellies’ body by their pulsating motions. And these jellies tend to float at the bottom of lakes, and extend their networks of mucus to float above them. “The mucus may not be easily visible to swimmers,” says Ames.

The unique feeding mechanism isn’t the jellies main source of nutrients. They also have algae inside them, which photo synthesize. And the reason why the jellies float upside down is to expose these plant cells to the sun. The cassiosomes also contain algae, which might provide the energy for them to float around-they could survive outside the jellies for up to 10 days in the lab.

1. What does Cheryl Ames think of the jellyfish’s way to catch food?
2. What can we learn about cassiosomes?
A.They can easily be noticed by the swimmers.
B.They can send the shrimp to the jellies themselves.
C.They are spread in the mucus released by the jellyfish.
D.They use their hair to attract the shrimp.
3. Why do the jellies float upside down?
A.To protect themselves from the sun.
B.To hide themselves from the enemy.
C.To transport algae to the cassiosones.
D.To get more energy provided by algae inside.
4. In which column of a newspaper can we read this passage?
A.Travel abroad.B.Under the sea.C.Business.D.Religion.
【知识点】 动物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】While your pet fish may appear to be unaware of your presence, chances are that it knows you extremely well and can probably even identify you from a crowd of human faces!

To test if this was accurate, some scientists decided to study archerfish(喷水鱼). These animals don’t have a sophisticated(复杂的)brain that is necessary to recognize the slight differences between human facial features.

They began by presenting four archerfish with images of two human faces. Initially, the fish spit at both. However, they soon learned spitting water at the one selected by the researchers earned them a food treat. After that, they focused primarily on that image. The researchers then took the experiment one step further by introducing 44 other human faces to the mix.

To the researcher’s astonishment, the trained archerfish were able to recall the learned image almost 81% of the time. And this accuracy improved to 86% when the researchers made the identification even harder, by replacing the colored photos with a set of black and white images and hiding the shape of the head.

The results of the study suggest that though having tiny brains, archerfish may have developed high visual discrimination abilities. While it is contrary to the previous theory that a sophisticated brain is necessary to recognize human faces, the researchers believe they do not recognize faces by recalling complex facial information like gender and identity, but more likely by discriminating between detailed   patterns. Even so, the fact that these archerfish could “remember” those faces demonstrates that they have an impressive memory for details that lasts much longer than the originally-thought 3 seconds!

This is not the first time researchers have realized how “smart” fish are. Previous studies have shown that fish can recognize those fish they have “socialized” with previously, and even recall complex three-dimensional maps of their surroundings.

1. What is the purpose of the study?
A.To describe archerfish are easy to teach.
B.To tell people archerfish like to be rewarded.
C.To prove archerfish can recognize human faces.
D.To show archerfish can easily develop a habit.
2. Why did the researchers use black and white images?
A.They could get these images easily.
B.Archerfish got tired of color images.
C.They wanted to make the task more difficult.
D.These images wouldn’t get ruined by water.
3. What conclusion did researchers draw in the study?
A.Archerfish have a 3-second memory.
B.Archerfish could distinguish detailed patterns.
C.Archerfish have a special form of communication.
D.Archerfish could remember complex facial information.
4. What can we infer from the text?
A.Fish are social animals.
B.Fish are as clever as humans.
C.Fish are able to tell different shapes.
D.The results shocked the researchers.
2018-04-29更新 | 128次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】PTSD(战后创伤) is sadly a common affliction(折磨) for many soldiers who have witnessed conflict, an invisible wound that continues to cause incredible suffering long after the guns have fallen silent.

“A lot of us come home without realizing we are bringing the war home with us,"said Josh Marino, a veteran (退伍兵)of the Iraq war who suffered the effects of PTSD of suicide .

“i didn’t want to deal with it anymore,” Marino said. He wrote a goodbye note, grabbed a knife and went outside for a final cigarette in the rain. But then, from the deepest depth of despair came hope. Meowing out of the bushes next to him came a stray black and white kitten (小猫) which, according to Marino, “just walked up and started rubbing up against my leg and let me pet him. I came to life again and I broke down crying. I burst into tears.”

From this accidental encounter everything changed. Marino found a new purpose in life through the friendly cat, who he named Scout, and who he credits with saving his life. "I stopped thinking about all my problems, and started thinking about all his problems, and what I could do to help him, "Marino said. The bond between them was instant,but that wasn't the end of the story

Marino has made a video of his and Scout's remarkable story of healing and heartbreak which you can watch on the Internet. The story is dedicated to showing how animals can help humans through tough times, as well as humans can help them.It is a beautiful story that is sure to tug at your heart strings, showing just how powerful the bond between humans and animals can be. We love it, and we hope you do too!

1. What can we get from the first two paragraphs?
A.Taking part in the Iraq war had bad effects on Josh Marino.
B.Josh Marino wounded badly during the Iraq war.
C.PTSD is a kind of disease which cannot be cured now.
D.PTSD usually happens after the soldiers drop their guns.
2. Why did Josh Marino suddenly burst into tears according to the passage?
A.He just couldn’t help crying.
B.The little cat gave him hope to treasure life.
C.The wild little cat attacked him so badly.
D.He suddenly realized that the cat came to help him on purpose.
3. What is the best title for the passage?
A.PTSD- a disease cured by a soldier.
B.The man and the cat.
C.A rescue between a soldier and a cat.
D.How can a cat be used to stop suicide.
2019-05-13更新 | 98次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A dog is known as man's best friend because it can enrich its owner's life in many ways.

    1     Many teenagers suffer from periods of no self-confidence as they try to deal with adolescence(青春期) .

A teenager without self-confidence may be unable to tell his parents about problems. With a dog around, it can be a huge comfort. A dog offers its unconditional love.     2    

All dogs need exercise, so taking his dog for a walk is the perfect opportunity for a teenager to get outdoors and enjoy fresh air and physical activity.Exercise allows people to take control of their bodies, which is good for their life.     3    Exercise releases chemicals which improve self-confidence.

Dogs can help teenagers make new friends.    4     A dog is a great ice­breaker, making the teenager feel comfortable with people he meets. The more confident they becomes when out and about with his dog,the more his self-confidence will improve.

    5     If a teenager is developing dangerous habits such as drinking, more action may be required. In these cases professional help should be sought. Parents should ask a health professional (专业人士) for advice if they believe there’s a sign of a far more serious problem.

A.Pets offer an unconditional love that can be very helpful.
B.You don't have to worry about hurting your pet's feelings.
C.It simply accepts its owner for who he is and doesn't judge or question.
D.particularly, someone without self-confidence may find a pet dog helpful.
E.A teen may meet someone of the same age while walking his dog in the park.
F.In some cases, having a dog will not help improve a teenager’s self-confidence.
G.Many forms of exercise besides walking can be enjoyed with a dog, such as cycling.
2019-12-02更新 | 192次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般