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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:760 题号:16450672

“A lot of the time when climate change is discussed in mainstream media, people are asking ‘can humans overcome this?’, or ‘what technology can solve this?’. It’s high time we recognized that animals also have to adapt to various changes. We know some animals change their skin colors to escape from natural enemies or due to environment pollution,” says Ryding. “The climate change that we have created is putting a lot of pressure on them, and some species try to adapt by shapeshifting (变形). ”

Strong shapeshifting has particularly been reported in birds. Several species of Australian parrot have shown, on average, a 4%—10% increase in beak (鸟喙) size since 1871, and this is positively linked with the summer temperature each year. North American dark-eyed juncos, a type of small songbird, had a link between increased beak size and short-term temperature extremes in cold environments. There have also been reported changes in mammalian species. Researchers have reported tail length increases in wood mice and leg size increases in masked shrews (鼩鼱).

“The increases in some body parts size we see so far are quite small—less than 10%—so the changes are unlikely to be immediately noticeable,” says Ryding. “However, some body parts such as ears are predicted to increase.”

Ryding intends to investigate shapeshifting in Australian birds firsthand by 3D scanning museum bird specimens from the past 100 years. It will give her team a better understanding of which birds are changing their body parts and why. “Shapeshifting does not mean that animals are coping with climate change and that all is ‘fine’,” says Ryding. “It just means they are adapting to survive it—but we’re not sure what the other ecological consequences of these changes are, or indeed that all species are capable of changing and surviving. ”

1. What may cause animals’ shapeshifting according to Ryding?
A.Human hunting.B.Climate change.
C.Natural enemies.D.Polluted surroundings.
2. What method does the author mainly use to develop paragraph 2?
A.Giving examples.B.Cause-effect analysis.
C.Making comparison.D.Process analysis.
3. What can we know from Ryding’s words in the last paragraph?
A.Animals can well adapt to changes and survive.
B.Influence of animals’ shapeshifting is uncertain.
C.Rdying will research into bird museums in Australia.
D.All adaptations of animals to climate change are beneficial.
4. In which section of a newspaper can we find the text?
A.Technology.B.Health care.C.Environment.D.Education.
【知识点】 气候 动物 说明文


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Here are my favorite tips for staying physically, mentally and emotionally healthy during the winter months. Vacation not included.     1    

Raise your vitamin D levels naturally (without pills or sunlight). We’ve all heard about the marvels of vitamin D: heart health, skin health, immune health, mental health… But you don’t need to take pills or risk skin cancer to get high vitamin D levels. The big secret is that vitamin D levels are associated with healthy lifestyle changes. For example, if you lose just 5 percent or more of your body weight, your vitamin D blood levels will shoot up. Vitamin D likes to stay in fatty tissue, so when you lose fat, the vitamin D levels in your blood go up.     2    . And when you eat your wild salmon, bake it rather than fry it. Other good food sources are trout, mushrooms and egg yolks, and my favorite, plain Greek yogurt.

    3     Winter can be a tough time for many of us. All that darkness can take its toll on our mental health. The winter months can be very isolating for many people. My suggestion is that you and a close friend sign up for yoga, cooking or sewing class.     4    

Eat more plants—the ones that are sources of omega-3 fatty acids. According to the famous Harvard Nurses’ Health Study, there was no relation between depression and intake of omega-3 fatty acids from fish,     5    . And again, the wintertime is when many people have a higher risk of depression.

A.Take a class with a friends
B.but they did find a reduced risk of depression in those with moderate intake of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids
C.Isolate yourself during wintertime
D.The following three simple suggestions are things that anyone can do easily and inexpensively to stave off the winter blues and sniffles (鼻塞).
E.Not only do these kinds of classes improve your mental and physical fitness, but they help to fill that social craving (渴望) that we have as human beings, too
F.and there was no evidence to show the benefit of plants
G.Other ways to increase vitamin D naturally are to lower your cholesterol (胆固醇) exercise and eat more fatty fish, such as wild salmon
2020-07-06更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Climate change is perhaps the key issue of our time. Often, however, it is presented to us as being so abstract that it seems impossibly distant. For those of you looking for something a little more concrete, a new report suggests that the effects of climate change may significantly affect coffee.

The report, put out by The Climate Institute, describes the effects of climate change on various coffee-growing nations and the resultant effects on the plants and those who grow them.

Coffee Arabica plants, which produce 70% of all commercial coffee, can be adversely affected by even a half-degree change in typical weather conditions. This sensitivity to temperature puts the plant at increased risk of the effects of climate change.

In Central America the average temperature has risen by a full degree Celsius since 1960. In Ethiopia the average temperature has increased by l. 3 degrees. This increase is enough to have notable effects on the plants. In Tanzania the productivity per hectare of coffee has fallen by half since the 1960s due to changes in temperature.

Indeed, studies claim that by 2050 the area of the world suitable for growing coffee will be cut by half. Coffee production is likely to then be pushed to higher elevations(海拔) to take advantage of lower temperatures, but this will not be enough to make up for lost lowland areas.

Coffee is the second most traded goods by developing nations, and the inability of producer nations to export it could cause dramatic chain reactions in their economies.Millions of people make a living in the production, processing, transport, and sale of coffee;their livelihoods would stand to take a blow as growing areas decrease and prices rise.

As the temperature keeps rising, your cup of coffee will become much more expensive,and it may also carry an aftertaste bitterer than usual, for all those workers in the coffee belt left without the means to make a living as conditions worsen. Not only that, but the economic effects will cost the West millions in increased foreign aid.

1. What does the underlined word "adversely " in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?
2. Why will people have to grow coffee in highland areas?
A.To adapt to the change of temperature.
B.To increase the quality of the products.
C.To reduce the cost of coffee production
D.To get access to water supply more easily.
3. What conclusion can we draw from the last two paragraphs?
A.The rich will get richer and the poor poorer
B.Small changes may have large effects in general
C.Developed countries ought to aid poor countries.
D.Coffee trade will eventually disappear in the world.
4. How does the author feel about the future of coffee production?
2019-06-19更新 | 413次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Most people are aware that our climate is changing and recognize that global warming is an obvious truth. Scientists around the world are now largely in agreement that we need to change our ways quickly if we’re to avoid an incoming climate disaster and cut down the damage we’ve done to our planet.

Human activity has caused the greatest increase in temperature. While global temperature waves in the past have often been caused by natural events, since 1950 humans have been to blame for a warming world. Through burning fossil fuels, increasing farming and agriculture and destroying forests, we have increased emissions(排放). Our thirst for power and resources seems unending and we will only slow down the damaging changes we’ve made if we take action quickly.

We all have a part to play in reducing consumption (消耗). Even seemingly small acts like auditing your company’s tap water use and wastage(损耗) could, when taken as a whole, make a huge difference to the pressures we are all putting on our planet.

Temperatures have risen by around a degree over the last 100 years: a one-degree increase in temperature might not sound like a lot but, in climatic terms, it’s a huge milestone. In the Paris Agreement of 2015, 196 nations around the world committed to controlling global temperature increases to below two degrees-and closer to 1.5 degrees. Mass extinction is another unwanted challenge facing us through a changing climate. More sadly, scientists now warn that if the situation doesn’t improve, we may well lose between 30 % and 50 % of the total species currently on Earth.

Climate change is a real and present danger facing the world. If we stand together and make small differences to our lifestyles and habits, we still have time to repair the damage we’ve done to our planet.

1. What do we know about global warming?
A.Global warming is hardly admitted by most people.
B.Some scientists agreed global warming could be avoided.
C.All global warming is not mainly caused by natural events.
D.Global warming in the 1890s was caused by human activities.
2. What does the underlined word “auditing” in paragraph 3 refer to?
3. What’s the purpose of listing figures in paragraph 4?
A.To analyze the temperature data in climatic terms.
B.To make readers feel sorry for species extinction.
C.To reduce scientists’ anxiety caused by global warming.
D.To stress the serious impacts of climate situation.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Global Warming and Its Effects.
B.Climate Change Calls for Actions.
C.Climate Change Causes Species Extinction.
D.Human Activities and Global Warming.
2022-07-13更新 | 124次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般