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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:96 题号:16621658

As is known to all, St. Patrick’s Day is on Thursday, but some Americans started celebrating two weeks ago. The city of Alexandria, Virginia, held its annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 5. So did three cities in New Jersey.

The holiday is a big deal in America and not only for the 33.1 million Americans who claim Irish ancestry (祖先). Many non-Irish Americans will join Irish friends in wearing green clothes on Thursday. Many will lift a glass of Guinness, the famous Irish beer.

The holiday honors Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Patrick lived in the 5th century. He was taken by pirates and kept as a slave in Ireland. After he escaped, he trained as a priest before returning to Ireland. Diarmuid Ó Giolláin is a professor of Irish Language and Literature at Notre Dame University in Indiana. He said that St. Patrick’s Day appeals to many nationalities because it is linked to immigrants, or outsiders.

“The Irish came in large numbers, and were Catholics seen as outside the majority Protestant population,” Ó Giolláin said. “I think they found this space of parading their ethnicity (种族) and their identity, and this probably made the holiday attractive to all immigrants,” he said.

Many Americans will observe St. Patrick’s Day with big parades. The largest is in New York City on Thursday, where crowds in the millions are not unusual.

And don’t forget about Ireland. The capital city of Dublin will also have a big parade on Thursday. The theme is, “Imagine If...” Parade officials say it centers on the imagination of Ireland’s youth as they look to the next 100 years.

1. What will people do on St. Patrick’s Day?
A.Honor their ancestors.B.Have two weeks off.
C.Wear clothes of various colors.D.Drink Irish beer.
2. What do we know about Saint Patrick?
A.He once led a hard life.B.He escaped from America.
C.He lived in the 6th century.D.He saved many Irish people.
3. Why is the St. Patrick’s Day attractive to immigrants?
A.The holiday honors Saint Patrick.B.They will hold great parades during the holiday.
C.Many western countries celebrate the holiday.D.It’s an opportunity to show their ethnicity and identity.
4. Which part of a newspaper is the text probably taken from?
A.Technology Report.B.The Making of a Nation.
C.Culture and History.D.Health and Education News.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Introduction of Holi

Holi is an ancient festival of colours and love. It is celebrated in India and many parts of South Asia. There are lots of Holi celebrations. It is becoming more and more popular.

The festival of colour

Holi means the beginning of spring. It is a time to give thanks for the good harvest. The dates change each year according to the full moon, but it is usually in March and sometimes in late February. People go outside and throw coloured paint powder(粉) at each other. It does not matter whether you are rich or poor, old or young---everyone can throw colours. It is a time to forgive people and repair broken relationships, as well as meet other people, play and have fun.

Traditional Holi

Traditional Holi celebrations start the night before the throwing of colours. People meet around a bonfire(篝火) and hope that the bad will be destroyed. The next day is the festival of colours. There is music playing, and people run and laugh in the streets and parks. Holi is celebrated outside.

Other Holi events in the UK

Holi celebrations began as early as the fourth century. It is thousands of years old! But recently, Holi-themed events have become popular with a new generation in Europe and North America. Every year, many people go to Holi events in London and all over the UK. They dress in white T-shirts and return covered in bright colours. There are paint-throwing parties at music festivals and races like the five-kilometre ‘Colour Run’. In the UK, restaurants and cultural organizations also offer their own Holi celebrations, with special dishes, Indian music and dance.

1. What can we learn about the Holi festival from the text?
A.It takes places in March every year.
B.Its celebration means the end of spring.
C.It is a festival of love and light.
D.It is a festival with a long history.
2. How is the Holi festival celebrated?
A.People stay at home and make delicious food.
B.The old throw coloured paint powder at the young.
C.People show their respect for the old.
D.People throw coloured powder at each other.
3. What other ways are there to celebrate the Holi festival now?
A.People eat special dishes in Indian restaurants.
B.Indian music and dance are shown and enjoyed.
C.People dress in colourful clothes and throw colored powder at each other.
D.People express forgiveness to people who have hurt them.
4. Where can we most probably find the text?
A.On a movie poster.
B.In a science report
C.In a magazine about culture
D.On a website about history
2018-12-11更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约370词) | 较易 (0.85)

It was a dark and stormy night. The ferocious wind shook the windows wildly, as though someone outside were beating on the glass. It was also New Year’s Eve. We were having our annual party and had a house full of people just starting to celebrate.

Suddenly, we heard loud explosions. Looking outside and up into the hills, we saw sparks(火花) flying from electrical transformers(变压器). One area after another went dark up in those hills. Then there was the loudest explosion of them all and our house went dark too. I tried to find every candle we had and lit them. The candles made everything look lovely. But we had problems. We had fifteen people standing around and we still had to cook dinner. How would we do that without electricity?

The barbecue! Why not cook on the barbecue? We men went outside, some holding flashlights and others cooking. We did a wonderful job. The women stayed inside and got the salads ready. Everything was delicious. There were still a few hours to go before the beginning of the new year, so we all sat around the dining room table and sang up until a few minutes before midnight. We couldn’t watch the ball drop in Times Square on television but that wouldn’t stop us from celebrating. I stood on a chair and, with the help of someone’s watch to tell us the time, we all counted down and I dropped a tennis ball! We all screamed Happy New Year. We didn’t need electricity for that!

Nowadays, we still get together with the same group to celebrate the New Year and we still talk about that special night. I don’t think we have ever laughed so much as we did on that New Year’s Eve.

1. What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph 1? (1 word)
2. What made dinner preparation difficult according to Paragraph 2? (no more than 6 words)
3. How did the people celebrate on New Year’s Eve according to the passage? (no more than 10 words)
4. How does the author feel about that particular New Year’s Eve? (no more than 8 words)
5. What do you think is the most necessary quality when dealing with an unexpected difficult situation? Please explain why. (no more than 25words)
2023-01-03更新 | 1785次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Below are some fun holidays. Which do you like best?

Hug Your Cat Day

It falls on June 4. On this unofficial holiday, go and give your cat a big hug. Although its origins are unknown, it’s clear that the creators wanted people to let their cats know that they are loved. Studies have shown that giving your cat a hug can reduce stress and help you relax.

Pardon Day

It’s on September 8, a day to seek and give forgiveness and be kind to everyone and forgive those who may have hurt you. It’s thought that this unofficial holiday owes its existence to the pardon given by United States President Gerald Ford to former President Nixon.

Swap Ideas Day

It falls on September 10, which is a day to share thoughts, exchange ideas, trade opinions and discuss views with family members, friends, co-workers and strangers.

This unofficial holiday promotes the concept that knowledge grows best when shared and that best ideas come about through teamwork. The day is also known in the United States as National Swap Ideas Day.

Teddy Bear Day

This unofficial holiday is on September 9, a day to bring out all your teddy bears and thank them for the fun times you have had with them, and for all the days and nights they comforted you. Created in the early 20th century, this toy owes its name to American President Theodore Roosevelt, who was lovingly called Teddy by his family and friends, and it’s also become a part of children’s literature.

1. Which holiday has something to do with American presidents?
A.Pardon Day.B.Swap Ideas Day.
C.Teddy Bear Day.D.Hug Your Cat Day
2. Which saying does Swap Ideas Day most likely remind us of?
A.Pride comes before a fall.B.Great minds speak alike.
C.Two heads are better than one.D.It is never too late to learn.
3. What do the listed holidays have in common?
A.They are celebrated in September.B.They owe their existence to animals.
C.They contribute to children’s books.D.They’re only recognized by the public.
2024-01-27更新 | 42次组卷
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