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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:137 题号:16799859

Dog adoptions, and sales of supplies like dog food and dog toys, soared during Covid-19. For a lot of people, knowing they’d be working from home for months made the idea of adopting a dog much more attractive.    1    , here are some tips to try.

Research dog food

People or pets, feeding someone is a great way to not only show love, but to feel love. Anyone who has invested time in creating a great meal for their family knows that the experience of cooking helps them feel closer to the people eating.    2    . Instead, you should spend some time researching the best kinds of dog food for your pet. The more time you spend looking into what kind of dog food will help your buddy thrive, the more connected you’ll feel. Feeding your dog healthy food will also help her stay healthy and comfortable.

Work with a trainer

    3    . Working with a professional trainer, in person, or even over Zoom, can help you get a better understanding of who your dog is. This can be especially helpful if you adopted an older dog that already has certain habits. The more comfortable and secure you feel with your dog, the more you’ll come to love them.


Sometimes loving a specific dog is about getting into dogs in general. Reading dog stories, looking at dog pictures, watching dog shows and videos can all make you feel more loving towards dogs in general, which will in turn help you feel better about your own dog. Instagram is an easy way to get your cute dog fix!

Give it time

We all love the stories about the person who walks into a shelter and falls in love with a dog. But, just like with people, it’s not always love at first site. Sometimes, we think that if we don’t love a dog right away, it’s a problem    5    This can be especially true of rescue dogs. Rescue dogs who have been moved around from house to house or shelter to shelter may take longer to trust you. But once your dog trusts you, you’ll find them harder to resist.

A.Play with your dog
B.Read about other dogs
C.If you’re having trouble connecting with your new dog
D.In reality, some relationships just take more time to build
E.When you find your friendship needs more time to develop
F.You could make your own dog food, but most people don’t
G.Sometimes we have trouble bonding with a dog because we don’t understand that dog
【知识点】 方法/策略 动物


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Mindful weight loss is an approach to losing weight that emphasis being aware of your physical and emotional state about food choices. Research shows that mindful eating can help people reach their target weight more effectively and sustainably than dieting alone. It involves developing a deeper understanding of hunger, cravings (渴望) and emotions related to food, as well as learning to better listen to the body’s need.     1    

The practice of mindful eating starts with paying attention to what you are feeling rather than focusing on restricting calones or avoiding certain foods together. You may be asked questions such as “How hungry am I” or “What am I really craving?” that help you focus on what your body is telling you.     2     This helps you better enjoy your food and stay satisfied longer.

A key component of mindful weight loss is researching healthy foods, understanding portions, and learning about nutrition labels.     3     Keeping track of meals and snacks through journaling for a few weeks can be helpful in getting an idea of what foods are triggering cravings or leading to overeating.

    4     Such feelings can be guilt, stress, boredom or loneliness. Being mindful of emotions can help identify triggers for eating and help create healthier habits.

Mindfulness helps to stay strong in the face of cravings and urges by recognizing them as a part of the weight loss journey and staying focused on reaching goals. Practicing regular mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, yoga or mediation will also help build weight loss over time.     5     With consistent effort, mindful weight loss can lead to improved physical health, mental wellness and overall balance in life.

A.The practice of mindful eating promotes overall health.
B.Becoming aware of mindful weight can help you get there.
C.Therefore, you can make informed decisions about what to eat.
D.Mindful weight loss also includes being aware of emotions related to food.
E.With this knowledge, you can change lifestyle for long-term weight loss success.
F.Mindful weight is a journey towards health, not just a focus on a specific weight.
G.You can also practice mindful eating by experiencing taste, texture, and emotions.
2024-03-05更新 | 152次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Slowing Down Racing Thoughts

Everyone has moments when their brain suddenly goes messy. When racing thoughts take over your mind, you can’t stay focused, and you feel trapped. How can you keep racing thoughts from controlling you? Here are five tips to try.

Give yourself permission. Racing thoughts are often made worse by the anxiety over having racing thoughts.     1     This gives you a sense of control so you don’t feel helpless. When you put racing thoughts in their proper context, they feel less threatening and easier to manage.

Distract (分心) yourself. As soon as you notice yourself worrying again or thinking about things over and over, make an inside comment on yourself, like “here I go again, with my list of thoughts that never ends”.     2    

Get mindful. Practicing mindfulness can help change your thought patterns.     3     Close your eyes and count to yourself as you take slow, steady breaths. When you reach 10, start over and repeat the process until you calm down.

Get moving.     4     For instance, when racing thoughts strike, do a set of push-ups, do 10 jumping jacks, take a five-minute walk, or do household chores. Also, try to build regular exercise into your life as well as these short bursts of activity. That can help relieve anxiety and stress.

    5     Sometimes it’s best to let racing thoughts run their course; otherwise, they may wander indefinitely. When anxious racing thoughts occur, recognize them, but tell yourself that now is not worry time and you will deal with them later. Then at a fixed time of your choosing, do nothing but explore those thoughts and work through them.

A.Fight for them.
B.Schedule worry time.
C.For instance, try counting your breaths.
D.Exercise is helpful for reducing anxiety.
E.To escape this, allow yourself to experience them.
F.Then do something else, like reading or listening to music.
G.People who struggle with racing thoughts are constantly worried.
2024-04-15更新 | 24次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to Make Your Writing Flow?

Writing flow refers to how smoothly text flows from one sentence to the next and one paragraph to another.     1     On the other hand, choppy (不连贯的) writing lacking flow disrupts the reading experience. Luckily, you have the tips below to improve the flow of your writing.

1. Vary your sentence structure.

Using only short, choppy sentences creates a disconnected rhythm that disrupts the flow, while a series of long, complex sentences overwhelm readers.     2     Varying sentence structure keeps readers engaged and create s natural movement from one idea to the next.

2. Use transition words and phrases.

Transition words and phrases act like bridges between sentences and paragraphs. They create logical connections between ideas. Use transitions like “however,” “therefore,” “similarly,” and “in contrast” to glue sentences and paragraphs together smoothly.     3    

3. Structure paragraphs around a central idea.

    4     The supporting sentences in the paragraph should work together to explain, develop, or argue that central idea. This creates cohesion within paragraphs and connects them to each other logically. Use topic sentences to introduce the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraphs structured around a singular focus improve writing flow and readability.

4.     5    

Revisiting writing with fresh eyes makes flaws in flow and transitions more noticeable. Let your drafts rest for a day or two to prevent getting stuck reworking the same passage repeatedly. Approaching writing anew allows you to evaluate flow and smooth out imperfections with distance and objectivity.

A.Don’t leave out the revising process.
B.Let completed drafts rest before editing.
C.The key is to mix sentence lengths to create fluid variety.
D.Place them at the beginning of a sentence or between independent clauses.
E.Flowing writing maintains the continuity of ideas and transitions logically.
F.Each paragraph should have a controlling idea relating to your overall theme.
G.As a writer, it is your responsibility to present your readers with a central idea.
2024-06-04更新 | 113次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般