组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:161 题号:16834645

If you’ve fallen off the exercise wagon (健身车), it can be hard to get back into it even if you know about its advantages.     1    

Step 1: Be gentle with yourself.

You are probably worried that you’re not as fast as you used to be.     2     If you’re busy judging your performance and what’s not happening, you can’t focus on what it is. Just be brave to start over from where you are now.

Step 2:     3    

Be smart about the frequency and duration (持续时间) of your exercise, especially during your first few weeks back to exercise. Spreading them throughout the week rather than being a weekend warrior (勇士) and gradually increasing your activity levels will help you avoid injury.

Step 3: Make things convenient.

    4     When it comes to finding the time, keep your training short and effective. In this way, you don’t need to think of it as a time-consuming activity. All you need is 15 to 30 minutes of running to keep up your workout.

Step 4: Try getting it done first.

Everyone has a different sweat style, whether you prefer dawn exercise or are more of a night owl. By getting the exercise done first, you have less chance to make excuses to leave out the workout later in the day.     5     That feels good.

A.Set a realistic plan.
B.Don’t worry about that.
C.Exercise anytime, anywhere.
D.Try your best to reach your previous level.
E.There are more people trying to keep healthy.
F.Once the exercise is over, you’ll think you’ve already achieved something.
G.Here, some experts offer four simple steps you can use to get back into it.
【知识点】 方法/策略 体育健身


阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Creativity is a skill that you can work on with time, training, and effort. There are many areas you can focus on to improve your overall creativity.    1    

Doodle(信手涂鸦)in your spare time. Doodling can increase creativity by increasing your engagement with the world and attention span.     2    The more information you’re able to absorb, the more creative you will be.

Listen to music. Simply playing music in the background can inspire you creatively. It can help you focus better and increase your overall concentration. Classical music tends to work particularly well for creativity and concentration.     3    While classical music has beneficial effects for many, experiment a little to find the music that best helps you concentrate and feel creative.

Play video games.     4    Interactive games that require movement help with creative thinking as they stimulate multiple senses. Things like Wii Tennis or Dance Dance Revolution would work well. Avoid games that require you to sit for long periods.

Read more. Make a habit of reading regularly. Pick books from multiple types and styles of writing to expand your horizons and really cultivate your creativity. Try to make time to read every day.     5    This will help direct your reading if you’re unsure what kinds of books to start with.

A.Try joining a book club.
B.Not every type of music works for everyone.
C.Some video games are actually good for the creative mind
D.Creativity is really important to your life as well as to society.
E.Video games do harm to our creativity instead of helping with it
F.The following are some creative approaches you can involving yourself in
G.It helps you stay engaged during activities where you would otherwise zone out
2017-10-09更新 | 193次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It is impossible to stop a hurricane or make it change its way, so if you ever find yourself in the path of a hurricane,     1    .

Be sure you have a battery-powered radio, full-charged mobile phones, fresh drinking water and a supply of food.     2    , be sure you have full supply.

Tell neighbors, friends and family members your emergency plans. Tell them where you’ll go if you need to leave your home.

If you live near the ocean, in low-lying area, or in a mobile home,     3    . You could stay with a friend or family member in an inland hotel or motel, or in an emergency shelter area.

Keep listening to the radio if a hurricane is approaching. If local authorities instruct you to evacuate, do it immediately.    4    . If the electricity goes out, the fuel pumps at gas stations will not work.

    5    . You could be seriously injured if you go outside.

You should always take good care of your pets and keep them indoors during a storm. If you have to evacuate your home, remember that pets are not allowed in most emergency shelters and hotel rooms.

A.Stay inside during the storm.
B.Leave your home and travel inland to a safe place.
C.Before a hurricane arrives,be sure your family’s car is filled with fuel.
D.Be sure to follow the safety tips below
E.Also, if anyone of your family needs special medicine
F.Keep calm during the storm.
G.Head for a safer place and stay indoors.
2022-03-08更新 | 164次组卷
阅读理解-信息匹配(约580词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】第二节:下面文章中有5个段落需要添加首句(第1-5题)。请从以下选项(A, B, C, D, E和F)中选出适合各段落的首句,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。
A. Come in with something to say.
B. Prepare general comments.
C. Bring materials with you.
D. Don’t make them wait.
E. Have no fear.
F. Go it alone.
One of the best things you can do any time in the semester is go see the professor. So hoof on over to an office hour and have some one-on-one face time with someone who’ll help you master the material and improve your grade, to boot. But how should you have this conversation with the professor? Here are five insider tips about how to make that office hour really count:
1.          No need to get all bent out of shape about going to see the professor. The professor would actually like to see you and answer your questions. Believe it or not, he or she is on your side and is eager to see you do well. And besides, he or she has seen many students stupider than you, so nothing you’re gong to ask will set the record for stupidity.
2.          Even though you might feel more comfortable going with a friend or partner, the office hour will go better if it’s just you and the professor. You’ll get in more questions, the discussion will be tailored to what you need most help on, and two-party communication is almost always more productive than committee work. You friend can wait outside for the discussion.
3.           If you can’t make the official office hours, most professors are willing to make individual, appointments to help you out. If you’re lucky enough to land such an accommodation, though, be sure you’re 100 percent on time. There’s nothing that ticks off a professor more than making him-or herself available for a custom office hour only to find that you don’t care enough to come on time. And besides, the professor might leave after ten minutes, which would make your trip a total loss.
4.          If you’re meeting with the professor to go over a paper or test, or to ask questions about a particular lecture or reading, make sure you bring that paper or test, or your lecture notes or a copy of the article. The professor doesn’t remember the comments he or she wrote on your individual piece of work—though he or she will be able to recall them after just a brief glance at your work. And if you have your lecture notes or the article in hand, you and the professor will be able to examine specific points that are confusing to you, rather than just talking in a general way about the contents.
5.          Office hours almost always go better if you bring a few specific questions to the meeting. It’s almost never good to start a meeting with general comments such as: “I didn’t understand what you said about [main topic of the course]”or “I couldn’t understand any of your lectures last week.” Much better is to come in with two or three conversation-starters, about a specific concept, point, or problem you didn’t understand. Keep in mind that in a fifteen-minute office hour (which is how long these things usually last), two or three questions are usually the most you’ll have time to discuss.
2016-12-12更新 | 715次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般