组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 旅游 > 旅游观光
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:91 题号:16874736

Kakadu National Park, covering almost 20,000 square kilometers, holds within its boundaries an impressive ecosystem and amazing ancient rock art. You can travel in a boat along with wildlife, examine 25,000-year-old rock paintings, swim in pools and hike through ancient sandstone country.


Layers of rock-art paintings, in various styles and from various centuries, create charming quietness. These are the paintings of mimi spirits: energetic figures who, it’s believed, were the first of the Creation Ancestors to paint on rock.


Gunlom is a superb escarpment(悬崖)waterfall. It features a wonderful large waterhole and drama-filled scenery, and there’s also a lovely picnic area here. If you want to explore more, take the Lookout Walk, which affords incredible views; when there’s water, the pool at the top is Kakadu’ s best one.

Twin Falls

Twin Falls runs all year round (no swimming), and half the fun is getting here, including a little boat trip (adult/child $15/free, 7:30 am-5 pm, last boat 4 pm) and an over-the-water boardwalk. Wildlife here includes freshwater crocodiles as well as birds such as rainbow pittas and emerald doves.

Anbangbang Gallery

The Anbangbang Gallery, featuring vivid dreaming characters repainted in the 1960s, has an excellent exhibition that contains one of the most extraordinary images anywhere in the Kakadu area: stay around the dangerous Nabulwinjbulwinj, a dangerous spirit who likes to eat females after hitting them over the head with a yаm(山药).

1. What can you do in Ubirr?
A.Have a picnic.B.Find some wildlife.
C.Attend an exhibition.D.Enjoy ancient rock art.
2. Which place can attract a swimmer?
C.Twin Falls.D.Anbangbang Gallery.
3. How much should a couple and their little daughter pay for a boat trip at Twin Falls?
【知识点】 旅游观光 应用文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】American like to visit the national parks. In 1996, over 250,000,000 people visited areas run by the National Park Service. Experts predict that by 2010, 500,000,000 people per year will visit the parks. As a result, people are trying to think of ways to protect the parks from the crowds.

The crowding of the parks has caused several problems. One is that there is not enough space for all of the people who want to use the parks. To deal with this problem, national parks may require reservations months in advance for some spots. The Park Service may also raise entrance fees at these places.

Another problem caused by increased park use is pollution. Some garbage and waste can be cleaned up, and the cleanup can be paid for by increased entrance fees. To cut down on noise pollution and air pollution, officials may decrease the number of cars allowed in parks. If this happens, people may use buses to travel around the parks. Officials may also limit the use of jet-skis, snowmobiles (摩托雪橇), motorboats, and sightseeing helicopters and planes.

The parks are also threatened by development that is going on around them. For example, around Yellow Stone Park, many motels (汽车旅馆), golf courses, resorts, and other tourist attractions have been built. Some of these developments affect areas that are used by animals. People will have to learn to agree about ways to protect the parks. If they do not, there will soon be no reason to visit these national treasures.

1. By 2010, the number of visitors will rise by ______ per year.
A.250 millionB.500 millionC.2.5 billionD.5 billion
2. If you want to visit the national parks, you may have to _____ in the future.
A.pay less than beforeB.stay there for months
C.book the ticket before monthsD.fill in a form to apply for the ticket
3. Entrance fees may be increased _______.
A.just for the benefit of the National Park Service
B.either to limit the number of visitors or to pay for the cleaner
C.not only to protect the animals but to reduce the noise pollution
D.merely for the development of the national parks
4. What does the underlined sentence in the passage mean?
A.People are not supposed to visit the national parks for fear that they will harm the animals.
B.Only if more man-made tourist attractions are built will more people visit the parks.
C.It is reasonable to keep the balance between the development of the parks and the reserve(保护区).
D.People will not visit the national parks since there are no golf courses and resorts.
5. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.High fees may probably keep some people out of parks.
B.Helicopters and planes will not be used in parks any longer.
C.The bus will become the only tool in parks with the purpose of pollution reduction.
D.The National Park Service welcomes as many visitors as possible.
2020-10-22更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Ever since the success of Apollo 11, when lunar travel was finally publicly acknowledged to be safe for humans, people have been waiting for the day when space would be opened up on a large scale to those who are not astronauts. It has finally become a reality, at least for people who have the means. The space flights are not cheap—each flight into outer space costs about U.S. $ 20 million.

But space travel agencies now have a clever plan to offer suborbital (亚轨道的) flights, which cost about U.S. $100 000. A lunar mission is also made available by space tourism agency, Space Adventures, where tourists, accompanied by one professional astronaut, would be able to reach within 100km of the Moon’s surface, enabling them to see the bright far-side of the moon and witness Earth rising above the surface of the moon.

Further extending the idea of space tourism, plans are underway to open a resort in space. In Galactic Suite Space Resort, a space resort started by a Spanish entrepreneur, guests are promised a remarkable experience with an orbital stay onboard with first-class resort facilities; they can enjoy a weightless spa as they watch 15 sunsets in one day; and tourists would be able to complete a single orbit in 80 minutes—all this while staying in a bio-inspired space, similar to a tropical paradise island!

Space tourism is, however, not environmentally-friendly. There are suggestions that black carbon emitted by the spacecraft could raise temperatures at the poles, contributing to global warming. An increase in space travel would mean that Man would not only leave his footprint in space but also his waste—space tourism can lead to pollution of the environment of the outer space.

Without a doubt, space tourism opens up new exciting possibilities. With time, the price would become more reasonable. Increasing commercialisation of space would also mean that a structure would be put in place for the disposal of rubbish. However, with no immediate solutions, space tourism would probably prove to be yet another controversial (有争议的) adventure of mankind.

1. What does the word “means” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. What do we know about the Galactic Suite Space Resort?
A.It enables guests to see the bright far-side of the moon.
B.It offers high quality service to guests.
C.It promises guests can go around the world in one day.
D.It is built on a tropical paradise island.
3. What is the future of space tourism according to the last paragraph?
4. What is the purpose of this text?
A.To talk about the topic of space travel.
B.To warn people of the danger of space travel.
C.To encourage people to travel in space.
D.To call on people to protect outer space.
2021-11-17更新 | 128次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Featured Bike Tours in Italy

Lake Como & the Italian Lake District

Italy’s Lake Como tour is deeply loved by cyclists. Among dramatic hills and waters, riding is relatively easy along flat bike paths and breathtaking valleys. The beautiful waters of three major lakes-Garda, Iseo and Como are never far from sight as you sample good wines in Franciacorta.

Daily Mileage: 7 — 32 miles

Cycling Level: Moderate (中等的)

Cost: $395

Tuscany, Lucca to Siena

On this self-guided bicycling vacation, you’ll ride from Lucca to Siena at your own pace. Visit Leonardo da Vinci’s hometown of Vinci Ride into the famous wine region of Chianti. Stay in welcoming hotels along the way.

Daily Mileage: 3 — 40 miles

Cycling Level: Moderate / Challenging

Cost: $265

Valleys of the Sodomites

Road cycling the Sodomites was never easier, as you ride along mostly flat or downhill bike paths. Along the way, you’ll explore historic cities, and meet an ancient culture found nowhere else on Earth. You’ll also be fueled by local meals and end each day in 4-star accommodations!

Daily Mileage: 4 — 36 miles

Cycling Level: Easy

Cost: $595

Coastal Villages of Tuscany

Tuscany’s amazingly beautiful coast begs to be explored by bicycle Beautiful towns dot (星罗棋布于) the countryside, surrounded by trees that hug the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea. At the end of each day, you can relax in the natural pool and springs of an Etruscan caldarium (高温浴室).

Daily Mileage: 8 — 39 miles

Cycling Level: Moderate

Cost: $475

1. What can cyclists do during the cheapest tour?
A.Bathe in natural springs.
B.Enjoy beautiful lake scenes.
C.Stay in 4-star accommodations.
D.Visit Leonardo da Vinci’s hometown.
2. Which tour is most friendly to beginner cyclists?
A.Lake Como & the Italian Lake District.
B.Tuscany, Lucca to Siena.
C.Valleys of the Sodomites.
D.Coastal Villages of Tuscany.
3. How many miles are cyclists expected to cover each day during the coastal tour?
A.7 — 32 miles.B.3 — 40 miles.C.4 — 36 miles.D.8 — 39 miles.
2024-05-27更新 | 25次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般