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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:153 题号:16879693

The broad definition of migration, “permanent change of residence”, usually includes a move across a city or a town. What we are concerned about is movement between nations, not internal migration within nations, although such movements often go beyond international movements in volume.

Students of human migration speak of “push” and “pull” factors, which influence an individual’s decision to move from one place to another. Push factors are associated with the place of origin. A push factor can be as simple a matter as difficulty in finding a suitable job, or as painful as war, or severe famine.

Pull factors are those associated with the place of destination. Most often these are economic, such as better job opportunities or the availability of good land to farm. The latter was an important factor in attracting settlers to the United States during the 19th century. In general, pull factors add up to an apparently better chance for a good life and material well-being than is offered by the place of origin. When there is a choice between several attractive potential destinations, the deciding factor might be a non-economic consideration such as the presence of relatives, friends, or at least fellow countrymen already established in the new place who are willing to help the newcomers settle in Considerations of this sort lead to the development of migration flow.

Besides push and pull factors, there are what the sociologists call “intervening(干预)obstacles”. Even if push and (or) pull factors are very strong, they still may be outweighed by intervening obstacles, such as the distance of the move, the trouble and cost of moving, the difficulty of entering the new country, and the problems likely to be encountered on arrival.

The decision to move is also influenced by “personal factors” of the potential migrant. The same push-pull factors and obstacles operate differently on different people, sometimes because they are at different stages of their lives, or just because of their varying abilities and personalities. The prospect of packing up everything and moving to a new and perhaps very strange environment may appear interesting and challenging to an unmarried young man and rather difficult to a slightly older man with a wife and small kids. Similarly, the need to learn a new language and customs may excite one person and frighten another.

Regardless of why people move, migration of large numbers of people causes conflict. The United States and other western countries have experienced adjustment problems with each new wave of immigrants. The newest arrivals are usually given the lowest-paid jobs and are resented by native people who may have to compete with them for those jobs. It has usually taken several decades for each group to be accepted into the mainstream of society in the host country.

1. Suppose Thomas is thinking of migrating to a new place but he is faced with several choices of destinations , what may contribute to his final decision?
A.Good land to farm.B.The people he knows.
C.The distance travelled.D.Better job opportunities.
2. Why does the author compare an unmarried young man with an older man with a family?
A.Because they differ in their abilities to learn a new language and customs.
B.Because different stages of lives will lead to their different decisions about migration.
C.Because their abilities to compete for a better job or a better farm land are different.
D.Because the older one is more likely to be accepted into the mainstream of the new society.
3. We can infer from the passage that _______________.
A.Push-pull factors are so strong as to be more important than intervening factors.
B.Pull factors may include one’s difficulty in finding a job or suffering from famine.
C.New immigrants always need to suffer great hardships to fit in with the new environment.
D.The same push-pull factors may exert similar effect on people with different personalities.
4. The purpose of the passage is to discuss _____________.
A.the motives of international migrants
B.the problems of international migrants
C.the migration problems inside the country
D.the adjustment problem among migrants
【知识点】 说明文 市场与经济


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】“I like pigs,” Winston Churchill supposedly once said. “Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” Whether Churchill’s contemporary George Orwell also liked pigs is less clear. But he, too, surely saw something in them that was lacking in many domestic (驯养的) animals, for it was they who ended up running the show in his novel, Animal Farm. Pigs, then, are intelligent social creatures.

And, like all animals, they sometimes fight. Some pigs tend to be attackers; others tend to be victims. Who is what depends largely on weight. Among pigs, pounds mean power. The attacker might bite, kick or push the victim. Most conflicts end in seconds, but some last a minute or two.

In most animal species fights would be like that. However, many of the conflicts among pigs Dr Norscia, a biologist, observed had interested parties beyond the fighters. He therefore wanted to understand the role of these bystanders in solving conflicts—and what this says about pigs’ cognitive (认知的) abilities.

Since there was usually not enough time for a bystander pig to become involved in the heat of a conflict, though this did occur, Dr Norscia looked at what happened in the three minutes immediately following a fight. Sometimes, he found, the fighters reconciled with each other on their own. The more distantly related the fighters were, the more frequently this happened. Dr Norscia guessed that relations between close relatives are more secure to start with, so rebuilding friendly relations rapidly is less necessary for them.

On other occasions, however, a third pig stepped in. Sometimes this bystander interacted with the attacker, which reduced the number of attacks coming after. Sometimes, the bystander interacted with the victim. This appeared to calm the victim down, for it reduced anxiety-related behavior.

Social intelligence need not, though, be entirely selfless. Pigs are more likely to step in after a conflict if they are closely related to either the attacker or the victim. This is probably an example of kin selection (亲属选择), which favors the development of behavior.

1. Why are Churchill and Orwell mentioned at the beginning?
A.To show their preference for pigs.B.To add some related backgrounds.
C.To introduce the topic of the text.D.To present their attitude to animals.
2. What is special about pigs’ fights?
A.They aim to show power.B.They have audiences.
C.They last a little bit longer.D.They happen more often.
3. What does the underlined word “reconciled” probably mean in paragraph 4?
A.Caught up.B.Kept in touch.C.Made up.D.Changed in tune.
4. Which of the following reflects pigs’ social intelligence?
A.Offering comfort to victim pigs.B.Forming special bonds with strangers.
C.Sticking to their behavior.D.Caring for others with selfless devotion.
2023-10-13更新 | 346次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】To persist, life must reproduce (繁衍). Scientists at the University of Vermont, Tufts University, and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University have discovered an entirely new form of biological reproduction and applied their discovery to create the first-ever, self-replicating (自我复制的) living robots.

Named Xenobots after the African clawed frog from which scientists take their stem cells, the machines are less than 0.04 inches wide —small enough to travel inside human bodies. They can walk and swim, survive for weeks without food, and work together in groups. They even have regenerative capabilities; when the scientists sliced into one robot, it healed by itself and kept moving.

The Xenobots could potentially be used toward a host of tasks. Xenobots could be used to clean up radioactive waste and collect microplastics in the oceans. Some Xepobots had holes in their center, which could potentially be used to transport drugs or medicines. “Traditional robots degrade (降解) over time and can produce harmful ecological and health side effects,” researchers said in the study, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. As biological machines, Xenobots are more environmentally friendly and safer for human health. Aside from these immediate practical tasks, Xenobots could also help researchers to learn more about cell biology—opening the doors to future advancement in human health and longevity.

While the prospect of self-replicating biotechnology could spark concern, the researchers said that the living machines were entirely contained in a lab and easily destroyed, as they are biodegradable and regulated by experts. “There are many things that are possible if we take advantage of this kind of plasticity (可塑性) and ability of cells to solve problems,” said Joshua Bongard, one of the lead researchers at the University of Vermont.

1. Which of the following best explains “regenerative” underlined in paragraph 2?
A.Fighting disease.B.Replacing old cells.
C.Self-cleaning regularly.D.Recovering and growing again.
2. What can we learn about Xenobots from paragraph 3?
A.They can be widely applied to curing diseases.
B.They can serve well the research on human health.
C.They are specially designed to collect radioactive waste.
D.They are harmless to the environment by degrading plastics.
3. What is Bongard’s attitude towards the self-replicating biotechnology?
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.A new application of a machine in medicine.
B.The latest trend of developing biotechnology
C.The invention of the first self-reproduction robots.
D.An experiment on cells from African clawed frogs.
2022-03-20更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】If you live in a town or city on the edge of a desert or coastline where sand dunes form, you might understand the threat they can have. It’s, sometimes, a piece of cake for them to cover roads, buildings, farms and other man-made developments with their unpredictable movements. Thus, figuring out how they move is important for preventing some natural disasters.

Now scientists have discovered that dunes have been secretly moving in ways we never knew before. There are different explanations on dune interaction, however, Karol Bacik, first author on the new dune study, and his colleagues have found a new one for dune movement. The researchers employed high-speed cameras to observe how dunes separated by distance can act as if they’re connected.

It turns out, currents flowing over sand dunes can carry “information” to other dunes downstream in the form of swirls(旋涡). For instance, as wind or water flows over the top of a dune, it slightly moves. This can generate “swirls” on the back of a downstream dune and push it in a direction opposite the movement of the front dune.

It’s the first time that researchers were able to provide causal explanations for some of these strange, previously unpredictable movements. The team also hopes to get out of the laboratory and into the real world, to see if their models can be applied to dune movements in complex natural systems. They plan to use satellite images over large deserts to track groups of dunes over long periods.

Perhaps they can start to alter the dune marching orders in the near future. Imagine being able to tell a dune field exactly how you want it to move. That’s the idea that this research might one day make possible.

1. We can learn that the purpose of the study is to _________.
A.stop the sand dunes from moving around
B.figure out the track of sand dune movements
C.prove the interaction of dunes with each other
D.examine a model of sand dunes in the real world
2. What does the underlined word “one” in Para. 2 refer to?
A.A study.B.An interaction.C.An explanation.D.A dune.
3. Which of the following can we know from the passage?
A.A sand dune communicates with another only by currents.
B.Swirls on the back of a dune are the power to move itself.
C.Some strange dune movements have got causally explained before.
D.Researchers think it unnecessary to study further on the dune models.
2020-07-16更新 | 78次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般