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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:35 题号:16972960

Many people go to school for education. School education is very important and useful, but no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he knows, he can not teach his student everything. His work is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by students themselves.

It’s always more important to know how to learn by oneself than to learn some facts or formulas (公式) by heart. It’s quite easy to learn some facts in history or a formula in maths, but it’s very difficult to use them. Edison and Einstein didn’t get everything from school, but they were all successful. They invented so many things. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They read many books outside school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. The most important thing is that they know how to use their brains (大脑) .

1. A teacher’s work is _________.
A.to teach the students how to read and thinkB.to teach everything
C.to teach all subjectsD.to work hard
2. To know how to__________is much more important than facts or formulas by heart.
A.work out maths problemsB.studyC.study scienceD.remember all the facts
3. Why did the famous scientists become successful ? Because__________.
A.they didn’t know how to use their brainsB.they remembered all the formulas
C.they didn’t get everything from schoolD.they know how to study
【知识点】 学习 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We can achieve knowledge either actively or passively. We achieve it actively by direct experience, by testing and proving an idea, or by reasoning.

We achieve knowledge passively by being told by someone else. Most of the learning that takes place in the classroom and the kind that happens when we watch TV or read newspapers or magazines is passive. Conditioned as we are to passive learning, it's not surprising that we depend on it in our everyday communication with friends and co-workers.

Unfortunately, passive learning has a serious problem. It makes us tend to accept what we are told even when it is little more than hearsay (传间) and rumor.

Did you ever play the game Rumor? It begins when one person writes down a message but doesn't show it to anyone. Then the person whispers it, word for word, to another person. That person, in turn, whispers it to still another, and so on, through all the people playing the game. The last person writes down the message word for word as he or she hears it. Then the two written statements are compared. Typically, the original message has changed.

That's what happens in daily life. The simple fact that people repeat a story in their own words changes the story. Then, too, most people listen imperfectly. And many enjoy adding their own creative touch to a story, trying to improve on it, stamping it with their own personal style. Yet those who hear it think they know.

This process is also found among scholars and authors: a statement of opinions by one writer may be restated as the fact by another, who may in turn be quoted by yet another; and this process may continue, unless it occurs to someone to question the facts on which the original writer based his opinion or to challenge the interpretation he placed upon those facts.

1. Which of the following will help us achieve active learning?
A.Reading scientific journals.
B.Listening to the teacher in class.
C.Doing a chemical experiment.
D.Watching news programs on TV.
2. What does the underlined: word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
C.Active learning.D.Passive learning.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the game Rumor?
A.Playing games can make people more active.
B.A message may be changed when being passed on.
C.People tend to like telling lies when playing games.
D.People may have problems with their sense of hearing..
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Passive learning may not be reliable.
B.Active learning is much more important.
C.Active learning occurs more frequently.
D.Passive learning is not found among scholars.
2020-11-03更新 | 279次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】After deciding to home school and selecting curriculum(课程), figuring out how to create a home school schedule is sometimes one of the most challenging aspects of educating at home. So, how do you make a home school schedule?

Most of the time when people ask about home school schedules, they're referring to the actual daily schedules. Your state's home school laws may rule some aspects of your daily schedule. For example, some state's homeschooling laws require a specific number of hours of daily instruction.

New homeschooling parents often wonder how long a home school day should be. They worry that they aren't doing enough because it may only take two or three hours to get through the day's work, particularly if the students are young. It is important for parents to realize that a home school day may not take as long as a typical public school day. Homeschooling parents don't have to take time for administrative tasks(行政任务), such as roll call or preparing 30 students for lunch or allowing time for students to move from one classroom to the next between subjects.

Additionally, homeschooling allows for focused, one-on-one attention. A homeschooling parent can answer his or her student's questions and move on rather than answering questions from an entire class. Many parents of young children through first or second grade find that they can easily cover all subjects in just an hour or two. As students get older, it may take them longer to complete their work. A high school student may spend the full four to five hours-or more-dictated by state law. However, you shouldn't stress even if a teen's school work doesn't take that much time as long as they are completing and comprehending it.

Provide a learning-rich environment for your children and you will discover that learning happens even when the school books are put away. Students can use those extra hours to read,   pursue their hobbies, explore electives(选修课), or invest in extracurricular activities.

1. What worries the new homeschooling parents?
A.The home school day is so long as to affect their jobs.
B.The students spend shorter time learning than in school.
C.They have to prepare 30 students for lunch and supper.
D.The time between subjects is too short for teens to have a rest.
2. What will happen if children have a learning-rich environment at home?
A.The school books are abandoned forever.B.The other books will take up too much time.
C.Students keep learning besides school books.D.Children will waste time developing their hobbies.
3. Who is the passage written for?
A.The teachers.B.The students.C.The parents.D.The government.
4. What may be discussed in the next paragraph?
A.An example of daily home school schedules.
B.How to deal with different kinds of teens' study habits.
C.How to organize various activities to draw students' attention.
D.The fixed rules the home school schedules should follow.
2022-01-10更新 | 67次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Exam Anxiety

Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been studying hard for your midterm, but when you walk into your exam, your mind goes blank, your heart races fast, you get sweaty palms and find it hard to breathe.     1    

Everyone feels anxious during exams. Usually, it results from a fear of failure, lack of adequate preparation time and bad experiences taking tests in the past. This is normal and often helps you work harder, think faster and generally improve your performance.     2     You may also feel that other people are managing the exam better than you. This can cause you to feel that your mind has “gone blank” on information you know you have revised.

    3     Some choose to ignore the problem, while others don’t review because they think they will do badly anyway and even miss exams due to the anxiety. It can also be really easy to think that if you don’t try and then you fail, you won’t feel as bad as if you fail after trying really hard.

So what can you do to fight against the negative mindset and stay calm before and during your test?     4     Yes, this seems obvious, but it’s worth repeating. If you feel confident that you’ve prepared thoroughly, you’ll feel more confident walking into the test. The second tip is simple: just start. The blank page can maximize your anxiety.     5     You can always go back and change things later if needed, but a few quick answers can get the ball rolling. Besides, allocating (分配) your time is equally important. Look through the whole test before getting started. Mentally allocate how much time you’ll spend on each section. If there’s time to recheck, even better.

A.After you get the paper, dive right in by getting some questions done to build up your confidence.
B.However, if you are overly anxious about the result, you may be unable to focus on your work.
C.Realizing time is almost up and that there’s still a lot of blank space will make you desperate.
D.Therefore, people need an appropriate amount of pressure to help deal with exams.
E.If these classic signs of exam anxiety sound familiar, you’re not alone!
F.People often deal with exam stress in many unhelpful ways.
G.The first thing you should do is to be prepared.
2021-11-16更新 | 785次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般