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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:217 题号:17028047

We Have a Painter to Thank for Yellowstone

Before artist Thomas Moran set foot in the park, it was seen as a hellish place. After, it was marketed as a wonderland.

Before Thomas Moran arrived, Yellowstone in the popular imagination was a harsh, wild place pocked with hellish geysers(间歇泉). After the painter’s work was finished, Yellowstone was established as a national park and marketed as a wonderland.

In 1871 Moran and photographer William Henry Jackson had joined the first U.S. government survey of the region. For two weeks Moran filled a sketchbook with the landscape’s most stunning sights. The survey results, Jackson’s photos, and Moran’s watercolors—the first color illustration of the area—were presented to Congress that fall. “The photographs were proof that what the artist was showing really existed,” says Eleanor Harvey, senior curator at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

In March 1872 lawmakers officially made Yellowstone a national park, the world’s first. By April, Moran had transformed some of his sketches into a 7-by-12-foot painting. The gold-splattered valley and billowing Lower Falls of “The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone” fascinated the public. “It is too grand and wonderful for words,” declared the Ladies’ Repository that August, “and none can ever be a judge of its wonders from any engraving or photograph in mere black and white.”

Though Moran later painted Lake Superior, the Grand Canyon, and the Rockies, his reputation was so attached to Yellowstone that he took to signing his paintings “TYM”.

1. It can be inferred from the passage that ________ must be one of the appealing sights in Yellowstone National Park.
A.Alice-in-Wonderland .B.Smithsonian American Art Museum.
C.The Grand Canyon.D.Lake Superior.
2. It can be concluded from paragraph 2 & 3 that ________ is the best way to demonstrate the charm of Yellowstone.
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A.Yellowstone has always been a wonderland from the public’s perspective.
B.Yellowstone is the first national park across the world.
C.The signature on the paintings of Moran later paintings probably stands for Thomas Yellowstone Moran.
D.Moran’s paintings helped inspire Congress to establish the Yellowstone region as a national park.
【知识点】 旅游观光 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐1】Journey to India
DAY 1: Arrive in Delhi

Today arrive in Delhi, the national capital of India. Upon arrival at the airport, our company representative will meet you and transfer you to the hotel for check-in.

Overnight at Delhi hotels
DAY 2: Delhi—Full-day tour(old& New Delhi tour)

Today morning have breakfast in the hotel. At 9:30, the tour guide will meet you at your hotel and later proceed for a full-day guided tour in Delhi starting with Old Delhi visiting Raj Gaht. Jama Masjid, driving past through the Red Fort. Later in New Delhi visit Humayun’s Tomb, India Gate, drive past through Parliament Street and President House and visit Qutub Minar.

Overnight at Delhi hotels
DAY 3: Delhi-Jaipur via Fitehpur Sikri(240 km/5 hours)

Today morning after breakfast. drive to Jaipur, the capita] city of Rajsthan state. Jaipur is also known as “Pink City”. En route visit Fatehpur Sikri, known as Ghost. Later continue the drive to Jaipur. Upon arrival, check in at the hotel. Evening: free at leisure for your own activities.

Optional: visits to Chokhi Dhani Village Resort(US $25 per person)
Overnight at Jaipur hotels
DAY 4:Delhi(256 km/5 hours)

Today morning after breakfast, drive back to Delhi airport. The total distance is 256 kms and you can cover it in 5 hours. Upon arrival in Delhi, board flight to onward journey.

NOTE: Price starts with US $ 215 with 

●Daily breakfast and soft beverages(饮料) and packaged drinking water. 

●Elephant rides at Amber Fort. 

●Sunset or sunrise visits to Taj MahaL 

●All entrance fees to the monuments and train tickets.

1. On which day can you visit Qutub Minar?
2. What can we learn from the schedule?
A.The whole journey covers 496 km
B.Travelers will stay in Delhi for two nights
C.Travelers will fly to Delhi airport on DAY 4
D.Travelers will be made to buy things on DAY 3
3. During the trip, you need to pay extra for ______.
A.a sunrise visit to Taj Mahal
B.elephant riding at Amber Fort
C.visits to Chokhi Dhani Village Resort
D.breakfast and packaged drinking water
2017-08-08更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Hiking, also walking for a long distance in the countryside is one of life’s simple and cheap pleasures. But is it safe? Sports writer Mark Waters considers the risks.

Imagine the following...

One day, Ronald decided to take up hiking. The next Sunday, he got up early, threw a sandwich and a bottle of water into a bag and headed for Sai Kung Country Park. Before going, he quickly looked at a map and decided that he could easily walk from the bus stop at Park Tam Chung to the beach at Dai Long Wan .

After walking for hours and hours under the hot sun, Ronald started to feel tired. He reached for his water but found that the bottle was empty. Then he smelt smoke and saw a fire. In a panic, he called 999. However, when he got through to the police, he couldn’t tell them where he was because he didn’t have a map...

Think about it...

Put yourself in Ronald’s shoes. How could you stop this of thing happening to you? One way is to   know the following common types of danger.

Getting lost

Foggy weather is one reason why some walkers get lost. However, a more common one is not having enough knowledge of the hiking route. Always remember to bring a map and don’t be too confident . Always choose a route that is right for you.

Heat stroke(中暑)

The summer in Hong Kong is very hot and wet. Many hikers forget this and walk for too long in the midday heat. They become hot and feel weak. Don’t forget during exercise, it is necessary to drink 100 to 200 milliliters of water every 15 to 20 minutes.


Some of Hong Kong’s paths are very hazardous and it’s not unknown for hikers to fall. Never walk alone and always bring a map and a mobile phone with you.

Hill fire

On average, over 10,000 hill fires a year take place in Hong Kong, injuring more than 600 people. Never light fires in non-marked areas and, if you see a hill fire, report it. Always stay calm and walk away from the fire into the wind.

1. What can we learn about Ronald?
A.He loves hiking and hikes regularly.
B.He didn’t bring enough water on his hike.
C.He brought about a map with him on his hike.
D.He couldn’t tell his friends where he saw a fire
2. The passage mentions Ronald              .
A.to warn people against hiking alone
B.to tell people hiking is difficult to be popular
C.to show typical mistakes about hiking
D.to remind people to call the police for help
3. What does the underlined word ”hazardous” mean?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Hiking Routes in Mountains
B.When Fun Turns into Trouble
C.Hill Fires and How to Avoid Them
D.The Adventures of Ronald the Hiker
2017-05-24更新 | 101次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】I wanted the pleasure of being in Africa again. Feeling that the place was so large that it contained many untold tales and some hope and comedy and sweetness too, I aimed to reinsert myself in the bundy, as we used to call the bush, and to wander around. There I had lived and worked, happily, almost forty years ago, in the heart of the greenest continent.

In those old undramatic days of my school teaching in the bundu, folks lived their lives on bush paths at the end of unpaved roads of red clay, in villages of grass-roofed huts. They had a new national flag, they had just gotten the vote, some had bikes, many talked about buying their first pair of shoes. They were hopeful, and, so was I, a schoolteacher living near a settlement of mud-huts among trees and fields—children shouting at play; and women bent double—most with infants on their backs—hoeing(锄地) the corn beans; and the men sitting in the shade.

The Swahili word safari means “journey”, it has nothing to do with animals, someone “on safari” is just away and unobtainable and out of touch. Out of touch in Africa was where I wanted to be. The wish to disappear sends many travellers away. If you are thoroughly sick of being kept waiting at home or at work, travel is perfect: let other people wait for a change. Travel is a sort of revenge(报复) for having been put on hold, or having to leave messages on answering machines, not knowing your party’s extension, being kept waiting all your working life. But also being kept waiting is the human condition.

Travel in the African bush can also be a sort of revenge on mobile phones and email, on telephones and the daily paper, on the aspects of globalization that allow anyone who chooses to get their hands on you. I desired to be unobtainable. I was going to Africa for the best of reasons—in a spirit of discovery—simply to disappear, to light out, with a suggestion of I dare you to try to find me.

Home had become a routine, and routine made time pass quickly. I was a sitting duck in this predictable routine: people knew when to call me, they knew when I would be at my desk. I was in such regular touch that it was like having a job, a mode of life I hated. I was sick of being called up and asked for favors, hit up for money. You stick around too long and people begin to impose their own deadlines on you.

1. What did the writer expect from his journey?
A.To have a variety of enjoyable experiences.B.To see how Africa had changed.
C.To see impressive scenery.D.To meet some old friend.
2. Forty years ago, how did the writer feel about the future of the country where he was living?
A.Little was likely to change.B.Things were likely to improve.
C.Women would do most of the work.D.People’s expectations were too limited.
3. In Paragraph 3, what reason does the writer give for wanting to travel to Africa?
A.He wanted a change of activity.B.He wanted people to be unable to contact him.
C.His health was suffering from staying at home.D.He had been waiting to return to Africa for long.
4. The writer says “I was a sitting duck” in Paragraph 5 to show that _______.
A.he was boringB.he was easy to find
C.he is fond of ducksD.he was always lending money
2023-07-01更新 | 406次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般