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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.4 引用次数:946 题号:17218781

During the past three decades,China    1     (witness)the railway industry’s transformation from making slow trains     2     making domestically manufactured high-speed trains

In 1997,China started     3     (it)first significant railway speed increase. Since then, the country’s high-speed rail technology has continued to achieve breakthroughs250 km/h to 350 km/h and then to 400 km/h.Made-in-China high-speed trains not only operate     4     (smooth) in freezing weather and desert    5     (region),but they also come with driverless technology Millions of railway workers take pride in their roles as the company provides    6     clear route for their professional advancement.Through    7     (train), practical operation and assessment, they can move up as a wiring worker to a technician, an operator an expert and even a scientist

As trains become faster and more intelligent, their software and hardware systems will become more complex thus requiring    8     (high)technical competence for daily maintenance by railway workers. For these diligent railway workers    9     have skilled craftsmanship, improving their skills tirelessly to ensure safe operation of the trains seems like an     10     (end)learning curve throughout life.


语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较难 (0.4)

Beijing Daxing International Airport opened for operations in September 2019, following upwards of four years of construction. The new Beijing airport was built on a 6,620 acre site     1    (locate) 46 km south of Beijing's political center, Tiananmen Square.

China     2    (project) to overtake the United States as the world's     3     (big) air travel market by 2022. This new modern airport employs a special intelligent lighting system, supported by eight big C-shaped columns     4     let in the sunlight,     5    (bright) the architecture and structure. Therefore, it minimizes the need to use electric lighting.     6    (offer) a more refreshing travel experience, five outdoor courtyards with the themes "Silk Garden”,“Tea Garden”,“Porcelain Garden”,“Countryside Garden" and “Chinese Garden" are featured at the end of the five departure lounges (等候室)     7     use by passengers waiting for their flights. Travelers will be scanned on cameras using facial     8    (recognize). Counters will be fully automated to capture face     9    (photo) and relay them over each part of the journey through the airport, including security and the departure gate.

The “modest” initial operational target at Daxing is to accommodate 72 million passengers and 2 million tons of commodities annually by 2025. The ambitious master plan calls for the building of a total of seven runways,     10    moving at least 100 million passengers and 4 million tons of commodities a year through the airport.

2020-11-20更新 | 641次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 较难 (0.4)

Airparks are neighborhoods designed     1    (specific) for people who have their own light airplanes and want to keep them     2    (park) in their driveways.

There are roughly 650 airparks around the world. So why do so few people know they exist? It may have something to do with the fact     3     most of us can’t afford our own personal airplane, let alone buy a house to accommodate it. Living in one of these airparks     4    (be) very expensive. For example, one of the     5    (world) nicest airparks in California Cameron Airpark Estates is currently listed on Zillow for $1.5 million. That’s the price you pay for living in a place where light airplanes are as common, if not more so     6     cars.

So how do airparks differ from ordinary neighborhoods? Driving through one of them, you’re bound     7    (notice) that every family has a parking lot for their airplanes. The streets are wide enough to fit the wings of a light aircraft, about 100 feet in     8    (wide). Road signs and mailboxes     9    (position) unusually low to the ground to avoid getting broken by     10     wings of the airplanes.

2022-03-23更新 | 524次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 较难 (0.4)

China has built a high-speed passenger rail network in recent years and will continue to enlarge     1     (rapid). By the end of 2017, China's railway mileage     2     (reach) 127, 000 kilometers, and 25,000 km of it are high-speed rail,     3     makes China's high-speed system the world's     4     (large) high-speed network.

China’s high-speed trains are similar to those of France's TGV, Germany’s ICE and Japan's Shinkansen. The fast trains with     5     top speed of 250 - 350km/h are called CRH, China Railway High-speed.

If you want to travel around China, the high-speed trains will be your ideal vehicle since they are clean, comfortable and modern. Unlike the traditional trains in China, no smoking     6     (allow) on high-speed trains, not even between carriages.

To meet the     7     (require) of different passengers, the high-speed railway operators have divided CRH tickets into three types. They are business, first class and second class. There's never a mad crowd with many people     8     (sit) in the aisles as well as in seats.

The ticket prices for China's high-speed trains are reasonable     9    , on most routes, the frequency of departure is very high, so it's quite convenient for people     10     (buy) tickets.

2022-03-29更新 | 211次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般