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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:94 题号:17272627

When my parents first told me I was going to a youth camp, I was not happy. And, to be honest, I was a little scared. My parents said they knew what was best for me. Most of my summer vacations were spent with family at home. I’d miss swimming at swimming pool, riding bikes to park nearby and picnicking there. Why would I want my perfect summer in the suburbs to be interrupted by some stupid youth camp where I wouldn’t’ know anyone? Would they be funny? What camp activities would there be?

I pouted(撅嘴) angrily in the backseat while my dad drove me to the youth camp for the first day. We went past the familiar city amusement parks and finally reached the destination— Lake Erie. I was also upset because the camp organization sent a list of things we should pack and a sari(纱丽) was one of them. As a tomboy(假小子) who lived in jean shorts and T-shirts, a girly fit wasn’t on my list of favorite things, not to mention the performance on the last day.

Wearing my best frown, I walked past screaming reunited campers and dragged my way to the girls’ cabin. Its tragic emptiness was a perfect match for my pathetic state of mind. I wanted to run after my parents and beg them to take me home, but instead I pulled my bag on an unoccupied bunk bed(上下铺) and unwillingly unpacked. Suddenly, the cabin door sprang open and Mishti bounced in. She threw a lot of questions at me. Where was I from? What school did I go to? Was I good at softball?

Mishti was an experienced camper there. She introduced me to all her friends. We all came from Indian backgrounds and grew up in the same region. We all used the same brand of mosquito repellent(驱蚊剂) recommended strongly by our Indian immigrant parents.


My initial worry disappeared and I had great fun there.


I even helped styling the girls’ hair on performance day.

【知识点】 个人经历 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been shy. The thought of talking to new people or being the center of attention made my heart race and palms sweat. As I entered middle school, this shyness turned into social anxiety, making it even harder for me to interact with my peers.

One day, during a class presentation, I stumbled (结巴) over my words and everyone laughed. I felt extremely ashamed. That only made my social anxiety worse, and I started avoiding speaking in front of others.

My parents noticed my struggle and suggested I talk to our family therapist (治疗专家), Dr. Smith. At first, I hesitated, but I knew I needed help. During our first period, Dr. Smith explained that social anxiety was a common issue and there were ways to overcome it. She recommended some effective treatments. Over the next few months, I attended weekly treatment with Dr. Smith. Slowly but surely, I began to feel more confident in myself. As part of the treatment, Dr. Smith encouraged me to take part in school events and clubs that interested me. It was terrifying to put myself out there, but I knew it was necessary for my growth.


A few days later, a school speech contest was to be held.


After the contest, I went to visit Dr. Smith happily.

2023-11-23更新 | 182次组卷
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My little brother Peter and I got permission from our parents to camp in a field close to our farm. But, being adventurous boys, we knew it would be more exciting to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river. Excited, we went away with our tent and food.

Carrying our heavy load, we walked along the riverbank, hardly noticing the distance or the burning sun. We were eager to reach our destination before lunchtime. Along the way, we saw some birds searching for food around a fallen tree trunk. As we entered the cool, shadowy woods, we began to search for a suitable camping spot. Peter wanted to stay close to the river at the edge of woods, but I insisted that we camp further away. Unwillingly, Peter followed me deeper into the woods. “This is really a wonderful setting! ” I said in excitement. We put up our tent, and settled down to eat the sandwiches we had made. About an hour later, we decided to find our way

back to the river to catch some fish.
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“Are you sure that this is the right way? ” Peter asked.
Returning home, we couldn’t wait to tell the anxious parents about our adventure story.
2024-06-15更新 | 16次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I didn’t know the lady, but I saw her often around town with her two small children. She appeared to be shy, always looking down, trying not to make eye contact. She often wore the same clothes, and so did her children. I felt her discomfort when I saw her at the supermarket checkout. She reminded me of myself years ago. We had to go through a tough time.

Back then, I couldn’t afford a new winter coat for my daughter, and I didn’t know what I was going to do. Luckily, my three younger children could wear hand-me-downs. One night, I said to myself in my heart that I wished someone to offer me help. I did it for the first time since my husband’s unemployment.

The next morning, a neighbour came into the place where I worked. “I know you must feel unbelievable, This morning, I had an overwhelming(无法抗拒的)feeling that you needed this,” she whispered. She insisted on giving me twenty dollars. My eyes started to tear as she continued, “I also have a box of clothes in my car that I was going to donate. Please take what you need. “It was really a shock of getting her help. Was this the response to my word the night before?

Going through the large box of clothes, I found several winter items for my children, including a dark purple jacket that looked like it would fit my daughter. Although grateful, I felt embarrassed. The woman must have sensed my discomfort. She raised my chin so I could look at her. “We all need help at one time or another,” she said. “One day, you’ll be the one helping someone in need.”

I thanked her and promised I would always try to pay it forward.


Looking at the lady at the supermarket checkout, I knew perhaps it was the proper time.

2024-03-13更新 | 15次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般