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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:83 题号:17347891

Today, the original Beetle has largely disappeared from the world’s roads since Volkswagen stopped producing it in Germany in 1978. But the instantly recognizable car was once everywhere. From the 1970s to the 1990s, more than 21 million Beetles were produced worldwide. Many adults in their 40s or above have a story about the Beetle, or at least a memory.

Part of its universal appeal is its unique look. There’s something about the car that just makes people smile: its happy shape, its cheerful colors, and perhaps its small size. However, the smiles that beetles evoke, in people are not simply due to their design. It has a character almost. It has a sort of soul in a way. It’s beyond a machine. For the better part of a century this car has been a part in people’s lives. Seeing these cars on the road is like a time capsule. It opens people to memories and stories that might otherwise go untold. By allowing us to travel back in time, they remind us of what’s important. In today’s world, this car represents something very basic and earthy and genuine. Exactly the kind of travel we need right now.

“My parents had three, a white one, then a red one, and then an orange one. It was the car I grew up with,” said actor Ewan McGregor. “They would put us in the back of the Beetle in Scotland and drive to France for camping holidays in summer. My first car was a 1978 Beetle and now I own two, parked at my home in Los Angeles.”

McGregor thinks the car’s future is electric. He has recently turned his 1978 model into a fully electric car. “Moving forward, maybe we’ll just have to think; smaller cars, low emissions (排放), and something that makes us feel happy,” he says.

1. When was the production of Beetles stopped in Germany?
A.In the 1990s.B.In the 1980s.C.In the late 1970s.D.In the early 1960s.
2. Which of the following best explains “evoke” underlined in paragraph 2?
A.To keep an unpleasant feeling in one’s mind.
B.To find out information about one’s character.
C.To bring a feeling or a memory into one’s mind.
D.To ask somebody to do something in a rude way.
3. Why does Ewan McGregor own two Beetles?
A.He wants to be reminded of his childhood.
B.They are used to decorate his new home.
C.He has too many children for just one car.
D.His parents have left one of their cars to him.
4. In which section of a newspaper does this text most probably appear?


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Self-help is a broad term that refers to improving mental health or personal wellness without much professional help.     1     For instance, people can overcome procrastination (拖延) through it.

Although improvement methods can vary, they often begin with a person realizing that he has a problem. Once a problem is realized, it is important that the person not blame others but take responsibility by himself.     2    

When looking for solutions to his issue, a person will typically seek guidance from a book, a magazine, etc.     3     A student having a problem of procrastination may refer to a brochure from an academic counselor (顾问). Someone with a stress management problem may choose a book from a professional.

Many self-help materials offer personalized tips to help guide a person.     4     Generally, a person will be advised to follow guidelines and then monitor his progress in a written manner to keep the original problem in mind. And these approaches can often be beneficial.

    5     Self-help is generally aimed at people who can be objective and have enough self-awareness to honestly assess their problems. If a person doesn’t admit a problem or doesn’t have the determination to change, the method won’t be effective. Besides, people with serious mental or physical problems are not recommended for self-help treatment. They should seek professional guidance.

A.This will finally make a situation better.
B.It’s necessary to acquire self-help skills.
C.But they also have something in common.
D.Generally, most people welcome self-help.
E.Self-help helps solve various issues in life.
F.What source to use depends on one’s issue.
G.Self-help, though, doesn’t suit all people or health issues.
2022-04-29更新 | 140次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Every year, there are birthday parties to plan, and moms take them very seriously.     1    However, as fun as they can be, they are also exhausting, and moms would likely want a bit of help to plan the next party.

What some moms don’t realize is that they can get their kids involved in planning their own birthday parties.     2    They can teach the kids some important skills that they will carry with them for the rest of their life.

According to Home Cleaning Family, having kids plan their own birthday parties is a great way to teach them responsibility, kindness and organization. It is a big responsibility to plan a party and have everything organized as they need. Kindness is used when kids send out invitations and think about what the guests want.     3    

Kids have a lot of stereotypes (刻板印象) working against them, one of which is their inability to focus. Helping to plan an event can help work on their focus.     4    If they write out a list, they can focus on one idea at a time. It is a great practice for them to focus on other projects that will come their way one day.

    5     But they may struggle with how they can include their kids. They are so used to doing everything themselves that they cannot give up the control. Moms can give them tasks the kids can manage either on their own or with minimal supervision. Before the moms know it, the next parties will be all their kids’, and they will be excited about it.

A.It’s because they will have certain tasks to do.
B.They want their kids to have the best birthday.
C.It is also a chance for them to use their creativity.
D.Moms may know that their kids should plan their own parties.
E.Moms can go through all the to-do items and listen to their ideas.
F.There are many lessons to learn when it comes to planning a party.
G.Moms are always working behind to make sure their kids grow up happily.
2023-09-08更新 | 146次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Getting out of my car one evening in late January, I met my neighbor Theresa, who had seen me drive in. “Mrs Taylor is in the hospital again,” she said. “I thought you’d like to know.” I had last seen Mrs Taylor a day or two before Christmas when I took her a little loaf of pumpkin bread, and she came from the back room in her wheel chair to talk with me. Mrs Taylor and I had been neighbors for 17 years. I remember the dog she and her husband used to have. They called him Beau. He greeted everyone who walked by, and Mr Taylor loved him.

Most of my conversations with Mrs Taylor had been incidental—visits by the mailbox, running into one another at the gas station where she helped me put air in my tire, quiet talks at the funeral home where we went to honor the memory of a mutual (相互的) friend.

When my husband and I moved here with our four noisy, laughing kids, it must have seemed as if the peaceful quiet of the neighborhood had been forever broken. But we showed our enthusiasm to the neighbors sincerely although. We had little in common with the mostly elderly folks on our street. Over the years they helped us love our children, picking them up when a bicycle overturned and sending the kids cards for their graduation. We have enjoyed the comfort of living beside people who help us if our tree falls on the fence and feed the cat when we’re away.

Mrs Taylor did not survive her latest set-back. Once again I walked into the funeral home to say good-bye to a neighbor. I remembered the barking dog, the chats by the mailbox, the friendly wave across the fence. I remembered, and I was sad, but I had no regrets. Now there is a new family moving into the Taylor place. I see children’s toys in the yard. It’s time to take a walk.

1. What can we know according to the first paragraph?
A.Mrs Talylor has a big and happy family.
B.The author likes Mrs Taylor’s dog very much.
C.The author would like to know Mrs Taylor is in the hospital.
D.Mrs Talyor had been in poor health before Theresa told the author.
2. What does the underlined word “incidental” refer to?
3. How did the author solve the difference with the neighbors?
A.She let her children be more rowdy and laughing.
B.She tried to know more elderly folks in her street.
C.She treated everyone in the neighborhood warmly.
D.She enjoyed the comfort of living beside neighbors.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The True NeighborB.Love from Strangers
C.Mrs Taylor—A Respectable WomanD.Expectation for New Neighbor
2023-05-18更新 | 58次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般