组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:246 题号:17390109

Growing up, I wanted to be just like my mom. She was kind and caring, and always made people comfortable in her presence. For years she was a volunteer in our community. I love going to the local nursing home to help with her when I was a child. However, once I became a teenager, I was too caught up in my adolescent world to worry about helping others.

One particular summer day when I was 12, Mom came into my room and told me to get up and meet her at the car. But I had planned to spend the day at the lake with friends. Why did she have to ruin everything? At last, I made my way outside with my mother. Angry and annoyed, I climbed into the car and shoot the door loudly. I sat in silence, too upset to talk. “Tasha, do you know where we are going?” Mom asked calmly. I remained silent. “Sweetheart, we’re going to the children’s shelter. I have been there before and I think it would benefit you,” she explained.

I feel a pain slowly form in my stomach. How was I supposed to help there?

When we reached the shelter, I was rather surprised. As we approached the front door, wind bells played a calming tune while trees and flowers welcomed us. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so.

Mom rang the doorbell. We were led to the front room, where all of the children were playing. Toys were spread out across the floor. I noticed a baby whose body was seriously wounded. Most of the children had noticeable physical scars such as cuts, burns and scratches. What a terrible life they must had had before they moved here! My heart sank. As I was looking around, I felt a gentle pull on my shirt.

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I looked down to find a little girl with brown eyes looking up at me.
I returned to the shelter with mum several times.


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

At around 6 pm, Jane and her husband, Charlie were driving on the road. They were incredibly excited because they would attend the dream wedding of her daughter Iris the next day. As they drove beyond a town heat their destination, the sky grew darker and darker and suddenly the rain poured down. When they were approaching a bridge,a wave of fast- moving water washed over the top of it.

Within seconds, the rapids had lifted the little white car into the river. It happened so   quickly that they were too shocked to scream. Finally, the car caught an object in the middle of the river.

Muddy flood water was pouring into the car and rising quickly. Jane knew they had to get out quickly before the water rose too high in the car. Forcing the door open, Charlie jumped into the flood from the back row. Meanwhile, Jane grabbed the front door handle and tried to open it but in vain."Try it again!" her husband shouted anxiously.

Hearing that, Jane took hold of the handle, using all her strength, and was able to pull the door open. She came out of the vehicle and finally reached Charlie, coughing and shaking. They leaned tightly against the back of the Car and screamed for help.

At the same time a truck driver called Joe was complaining about the bad weather in his truck parked in his yard near the river.He had planned a road trip.Suddenly, carrying over the roar of the water, he heard screams coming from the river and rushed out immediately,spotting a car in the river."I've got to do something,”he told himself.But how did he approach the car in such a complete darkness? Without thinking twice, Joe returned to his truck and drove to the river bank.Then he turned on the headlights and got a long rope from it.After that, he fastened the one end of the rope to the truck tight.


The water was still rising.


Joe finally reached the couple.

2022-05-09更新 | 378次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Last Sunday, I went shopping eagerly at the largest shopping mall in my town. My elder sister was accompanying me. As the important Christmas Day was just around the comer the shopping mall was crowded with people.

There were many girls and ladies who were hanging their handbags loosely over their shoulders. I also did likewise. Although my mother always advised me not to bring a handbag, or if I wanted to bring it, I must hang it carefully over my shoulder, I refused to do so. Her advice always fell on deaf ears.

As the shopping mall was having a big sale, I was absorbed entirely in looking at the goods of low prices, especially the clothes with cute little blue ribbons (丝带) which I wanted to buy for a long time. They were offered at the discount of up to 70%! This made me not keep an eye on my loosely-hanging handbag. I was also not aware that it had attracted the attention of a potential thief.

He was creeping (蹑手蹑脚地走) towards me but my eyes were fixed on the clothes and I did not see him. Suddenly, there was a pull on my shoulder. It made me lose the balance of my body and my arms hit the banger of the clothes. Consequently, I had a bad cut. Blood was streaming down from my arm.

After waking up from my shock, I let out a loud scream. “Stop him! My handbag! Thief! Thief!” I shouted in panic and then. I could not even speak a sentence properly. A man heard my cry for help and made a beeline for the escaping thief. The thief quickly ran down the staircase.

The determined man, without thinking, aimed at the thief and jumped towards the thief from the staircase. At the same time the security guards came running and lent him a helping hand. They caught the thief and took him away.


The man, my hero, came towards me.

2022-05-17更新 | 104次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I was a single mother in my 30s who lived down and out with my daughter Peggy in a small apartment struggling hard to make our ends meet (维持生计) .

It was a really cold winter day. Without a coat that is too expensive for me to afford, I headed to the downtown for an interview. I sat down in the streetcar, and there against those scats was a beautiful silk umbrella with a silver handle decorated with gold scrolls, among which there was a name carved.

On impulse (冲动) I determined to find the owner myself. I got off the streetcar and searched a telephone book for the name. I found it immediately and called it. waiting patiently, and then a lady answered.

“Yes,” she said in surprise, with extreme excitement. “It was my umbrella which had been stolen a year ago.”

So appealing was her pleasure that I forgot I was looking for a job and went directly to her small house. She took the umbrella with teary eyes, explaining with choking voice that the umbrella was given by her parents, now dead. She would like to offer me some reward as an expression of her gratitude. But I refused and left.

The following days were hard. I could only obtain temporary employment, for a small salary. What was worse, I had just lost my last job before Christmas, with only fifteen dollars left. Unless a miracle happened, I would be homeless in January, foodless and jobless.

The air was full of Christmas merriment, with the bells ringing and children shouting in the bitter dusk of the evening. But there should be no Christmas for me.

Thinking of this, I couldn’t control my tears on my way home, but I managed a smile so I could greet my little daughter. She opened the door for me and threw herself in my arms, dreaming joyously and demanding desirably for her Christmas gift. There I stood, frozen overwhelmed by sadness.

Paragraph 1:

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Peggy ran immediately to answer it, calling that it must be Santa Claus.

Paragraph 2:

Just when I was doubting whether the package had been addressed to the wrong place, a note attached to it caught my eyes.

2024-04-01更新 | 65次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般