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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:82 题号:17502056

    1     10:20 am, July 24, Saturday, 2021, the first gold medal of the 2020 Olympics was officially won by China’s Yang Qian in Japan. Yang Qian earned gold in the women’s 10-meter air rifle (步枪) to take home    2     long-awaited first medal. The 21-year-old is a rising star in the sport. Yang,     3     was ranked sixth in the qualification, scored 251.8 points in the final,     4     (beat) Russian Galashina’s 251.1 points to set off Team China to a fine start at the postponed Tokyo games. As the first champion of the 2020 Games, Yang    5     (award) her medal by International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach.

“It’s an    6     (believe) thing that I can be here.The competition was    7     (real) tight, but I’m so happy that I could win,” Yang said after     8     (claim)the first gold medal of the Games and for China. “I’m so happy that this golden medal is a gift for my country. I’m so proud.” But she had to keep calm     9     (do) it. “During the match, I was very nervous and my heart was beating very fast, but I just tried to be     10     (I) and keep my emotions in control.” the shooter added.

【知识点】 体育名人


语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

Shawn Cheshire is a blind cyclist who competed in the 2016 Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She lost her ability     1    (see) after an accident nine years ago. She has tried to become as     2    (depend) as possible in the last few years.

She said that,     3     a long time, she was in a really dark place and hated being blind. She said that sports and physical exercise gave     4    (she) another opportunity at living.

Earlier this month, Cheshire crossed 68 kilometers of steep and uneven ground in the Grand Canyon(大峡谷). She did so in 24 hours and 15 minutes,     5     is believed to be a record for a blind hiker (徒步旅行者). The     6    (early) record of 28 hours     7    (set) in 2014.

Three friends helped her during the Grand Canyon hike. They walked several steps apart. They guided and warned her of     8    (barrier). She listened for and followed the sound of a bell     9    (wear) by the lead hiker. She used hiking poles for balance.

Cheshire and her friends finished the hike on October 8, 2018. She said as the group neared     10     end of the trip, “I had a huge ball of emotion welled up in my chest –I cannot believe we just did that.”

2019-02-03更新 | 502次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲的是黎巴嫩滑雪教练Naim Fenianos在北京2022年冬奥会运动员入场仪式上跳舞后,在中国一举成名。他对中国举办冬奥会的工作也给予了高度评价。

The Lebanese ski coach Naim Fenianos made a name for himself in China after he     1    (spot) dancing at the athletes’ entrance ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Some compared him to Deng Chao, a popular star in China,     2     also likes to display interesting dance moves.

The 29-year-old coach, whose nickname is Nino, says he did not want to make     3     regular entrance during the opening ceremony. “I wanted to express,     4     my own way, the excitement and joy I felt for taking part in the Olympics,” he says.

Nino has been a ski coach for over three years now and could not be any     5    (happy) about his first experience at the biggest and most prestigious (有声望的) sports event in the world. He admires China’s perfect     6    (organize) of the Olympic Games and     7    (appreciate) the helpful and friendly volunteers. “The COVID-19 measures were absolutely perfect. We felt very safe and protected,” he notes.

“We need a budget to train for around eight to nine months every year in different parts of the world,” he says,     8    (add) that support is needed three to four years ahead of a big event for a Lebanese athlete to be able to be competitive.

Nino says his unique     9    (experience), as well as the friendly and warm atmosphere he felt in China, have encouraged him to revisit the country soon     10    (learn) more about its culture and people.

2022-05-08更新 | 135次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

When it comes to volleyball, we can’t help     1     (think) of Lang Ping. Lang Ping used to be a     2     (fame) player. Now she is also known as a coach who brings honor     3     glory to our country. Led by her, Chinese womenvolleyball team won the world championship in 2019,     4     made the whole nation excited.

Lang Pingwas born in Tianjin in 1960. She began playingvolleyballas a teenagerand     5     (final) joined the national team in 1978. Her height made    6     possible for her to play volleyball well. Lang Ping and her teammates playedsowell that theywon goldmedalsseveral timesin    7    1980s.

In 1995, she returned to China to work as a coach. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 WorldCup, her determination     8     (test).Her teamwas fallingapart, as she lost two important players. But Lang Ping did not lose heart. She     9     (face) difficulties before, and she knew that her young players could win if they worked together as a team. Two weeks later, they were world     10     (champion)!

2022-11-13更新 | 125次组卷
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