组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.15 引用次数:119 题号:17540310

It was commencement (毕业典礼) at our college. People were pouring into the hall as I entered it. Finding the choice seats in the center of the hall already taken, I pressed forward, looking to the right and left for a seat. Finally, I found one in the very front row.

Here a little girl moved along to make room for me, looking into my face with large gray eyes. Again and again I found my eyes turning to the rose-like face, and each time the gray eyes moved half-smiling to meet mine. Obviously , she was ready to make friends with me. And when, with a bright smile, she returned my dropped handkerchief, and I said “thank you”, we seemed good friends. “

Other persons now coming into the seats, crowded me quite close to the girl. Her face beamed with pleasure and pride as she said, “My brother is going to graduate. He’s going to deliver a speech. I’ ve brought these flowers to send to him”.

“That is my brother,” she went on, “that handsome one with brown wavy hair. There! He’s waving his hands now. You see him, don’t you?” “I see him,” I responded. “He’s a very good-looking brother.” She said with delight. “And he’s so good and studies so hard that he has an honor to speak.”

“His speech is a good one, and he says it beautifully. He has said it to me many times that I almost know it by heart,” the girl continued.

As the ceremony went on, my little friend became excited and restless. “Now, it’s his turn, “she said, turning to me with a face in which pride, delight and anxiety seemed equally mixed, She rose to her feet and tiptoed for a better view of her brother. By the way,her brother came up the steps and onto the stage, I also knew he was trembling. His face was pale and lips were blue as with a cold. I felt anxious that he might have been seized by stage fright. The little girl, too, seemed to realize things were not well with him.”

2.续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:
Something like fear showed in her face.
Paragraph 2:
Surprisingly, she came up to the president, asking, “Will you let my brother try again?”


书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

Sarah lived in a big family—four children with three sisters older than her. Father worked hard on the farm all day long to support the family. They had to save every penny to make ends meet.

One winter morning in March, Sarah put on her old spring coat to go out and play. “These buttons don't work,” Sarah said lo Mama. Just then, Mama noticed that this coat was too small for Sarah, She promised Sarah that after her sisters left for school, she would check the hand-me-downs (旧衣) for a coat that fit.

When the house was quiet. Mama went to the hall closet and pulled out all the old spring coats. But she could not find a suitable one for Sarah—Sylvia’s were too big, Susan’s too spotted, and Sally's too ragged. The coats were fine far play. But Sarah had no coat for church and (own and special occasions. Mama told it to Papa when he came in from the bam (布棚), after feeding the cows.

Papa sat down at the table. “Are you sure Sarah can't wear a hand-me-down?” he said. “It's either a new coat or a ragged coat,” Mama said. Papa frowned, staring out at the front yard. “Sarah has never had a new coat,” Mama added.

For a long while, nobody spoke. The fire in the wood stove crackled (发出劈啪声). Sarah looked closely at Papa. Then Papa cleared his throat. “A ragged coat won't do,”   he said. “Sarah,are you old enough to lake care of a new coat?”   “Yes, Papa,“ Sarah said, "I'm old enough to do almost anything.” Papa gave her a serious look. “Very well,” he said. “While we are in town today, we'll buy you a coat of your very own.” After they had eaten the soup, they headed for town in Papa's old truck.


“May I assist you?” the clerk asked, after they went inside the clothes store.


The pink coat fit Sarah perfectly, but it seemed that it would only fit one year.

2021-03-23更新 | 424次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

When Ruth was sixty-eight years old, she visited her daughter Judy and teenage granddaughter Marcy in California. They headed for their cabin, moving forty miles up and down the mountains in their car,along a narrow one-lane road that wound terrifyingly close to cliffs (悬崖).

After dinner, Marcy announced the water tank was low and that she would drive the car down to the pump and get water. Ruth was nervous about her young granddaughter driving down the narrow road by herself, but Judy reminded her that Marcy had been driving vehicles up there roads for many years

“Just be careful, Marcy”, her mother warned. “They’ve had a drought up here and the road along the cliff is pretty shaky. Be sure to hug the mountain side.”

Ruth and Judy watched Marcy from the big window where they could see the road winding down the mountainside. Fifteen minutes later, Judy was still watching when suddenly she screamed,”Oh no! She went over the cliff, Momma! The car and Marcy--they went over! We have to help her!Come on!”

Judy took off running desperately. Grabbing a three-foot-long walking stick against the cabin door, Ruth ran behind her, but Judy was quickly out of sight after the first turn in the road. Breathing hard, Ruth ran on and on, trying to catch up with her daughter. It was getting harder and harder to see anything at dusk.

Suddenly she stopped, not knowing where she was.”Marcy!Judy!”she shouted.

A faint voice .”Momma!”It was Judy.

Ruth screamed into the darkness “Judy,where are you?” Off to her right and down the cliff she heard, “Down here,Mother!Don’t come near the edge! I slipped on loose rocks and fell over. I’m down about ten feet.”

“Oh dear! Judy, what can I do?”

“Just stay back, Momma!”

Facing the situation, Ruth felt her heart was pounding, and chest pains almost took her breath away. She started to sob, totally at a loss what to do.

1. 续写词数应为150左右:
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。

At that moment, Ruth glimpsed at the walking stick, an idea striking her.


Ruth held her close and said anxiously. “Judy. We have to get help for Marcy!”

2021-04-19更新 | 561次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

About a half-mile behind our Minnesota farm lay a pond. In summer, my brother Harry and I would run through a stand of oak trees to skip stones there. The pond wore a collar of black mud. It was not a place for swimming.

In late summer, the pond would be covered by a green and bubbly scum(起泡的浮渣). Sometimes a strong, unpleasant smell rose from it. We stayed away.

When winter came, the pond was once again an inviting place. One day when ice covered it, Harry said to me, “Try walking across.”

The ice looked solid. No water showed through it, but I hesitated. “Go ahead.” Harry urged. “Try it. You’re lighter than I am. If the ice holds, we can run and slide carefully on it. It’ll be fun.” I wanted to please Harry, and I thought about the fun of a long slide on the ice. I began to slide across the pond.

In the middle of the pond, the ice gave way with a sudden crack(裂缝)! I stretched out(伸展) my arms. The next thing I knew I was hanging on to the edge of a hole in the ice by arms outstretched on the ice. From my shoulders down I hung in icy water. I thought of the bottom of the pond. I knew it would be black and awful down there, full of mud and maybe rotting creatures.

I tried to climb out of the hole, but when I got a knee on the ice, it broke like window glass. Again and again I tried to get out. Again and again the ice broke into pieces. The hole widened. I was wearing a coat of heavy material. As it became completely wet, it dragged me down. I was tired of the struggle and rested with my arms stretched out on the ice.

I looked at Harry on shore. He seemed rooted to the spot. “I can’t get out!” I screamed when I caught some breath.


Harry turned and ran from the pond.


The moment I crashed through the kitchen door, sobbing, mum rushed over.

2021-02-22更新 | 379次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般