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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:17638333

Playing online games late into the night will soon become a thing of the past for teenagers in China. The State Press and Publication Administration(国家新闻出版署) made the public know new gaming regulations for them on November 5.

Some rules have been put forward in the regulations. Real- name registration(注册) for online games is a practical requirement. Besides, the new regulations also control the amount of time they can spend on games. They won’t be allowed to play games bet between 10 p.m and 8 a.m. Their playtime will be limited to 1.5 hours on weekdays and holidays. Developers must add age information to their games. The regulations also required that children aged between eight and sixteen should not be allowed to spend more than 200 yuan a month on in-game purchases. Those between the ages of 16 and 18 will have a monthly limit of 400 yuan.

China is one of the largest gaming markets. Some point out that this could greatly influence the development of the industry. However, both parents and game developers welcome the new effort. They believe that these rules are a step in the right direction. The Chinese government has long been worried about the possible harmful effects of online games on young people.

“I think it’s good news for this industry,” said Lonkey Zheng, the General Manager, “we’ve done a lot of work in this area. And now the new regulations have given us clear guidance for our future work.”

1. How many rules have been mentioned in the gaming regulations?
2. The underlined word “this”in Paragraph 3 refers to “_____.”
A.the gaming marketB.the online game
C.the new effortD.the Chinese government
3. This passage is probably taken from_____.
A.a newspaperB.a science book
C.a story bookD.a guidebook


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Marketers assume the more choice they offer, the more likely customers will be able to find just the right thing. For instance, offering fifty styles of jeans instead of two increases the chances that shoppers will find a pair they really like. Nevertheless, research now shows when there is too much choice, consumers are less likely to buy anything at all, and if they do buy, they are less satisfied with their selection.

It all began with jam. In 2000, psychologists Sheena Iyengar and Mark Lepper published a remarkable study. On one day, shoppers saw a display table with 24 varieties of jam. Those sampling the jam received a coupon for $1 off any jam. On another day, shoppers saw a similar table, but only six varieties of jam were on display. The large display attracted more interest than the small one. But when the time for purchase came, people seeing the large display were one-tenth as likely to buy as people seeing the small one.

Other studies have confirmed this result that more choice is not always better. As the variety of snacks, soft drinks and beers offered at convenience stores increases, for instance, sales volume and customer satisfaction decrease. These results challenge our opinions about human nature and the determinants of well-being.

Choice is good for us, but its relationship to satisfaction appears to be more complicated than we assumed. What’s more, psychologists and business academics have largely ignored another outcome of choice: More of it requires increased time and effort and can lead to anxiety, regret, excessively high expectations and self-blame if the choice doesn’t work out.

Without doubt, having more options enables us, most of the time, to achieve better objective outcomes. Again, having fifty styles of jeans rather than two increases the likelihood that customers will find a pair that fits. But the subjective outcome may be that shoppers will feel dissatisfied, which creates a significant challenge for retailers and marketers. Choice can no longer be used to justify a marketing strategy. More isn’t always better, either for the customer or for the retailer.

1. How does the author mainly support the topic?
A.By quoting sayings.B.By giving examples.
C.By stating arguments.D.By making comments.
2. Why does too much choice sometimes bring challenges to customers?
A.It always wastes customers’ time.B.It’s difficult to accept the bad results.
C.It may result in some negative feelings.D.It makes the business more complicated.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.More choice leads to shopping themselves.
B.Choice plays an important role in marketing strategies.
C.Having fifty styles of jeans is extremely better than two.
D.More choice causes the decline in consumption to some degree.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Less choice does harmB.More isn’t always better
C.More purchase is betterD.Less choice favors consumption
2024-03-18更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】By now, it is pretty well understood that we regularly pay for things in ways other than using money. Sometimes we pay sill with cash. But we also pay for things with data, and more often, with our time and attention. We effectively hand over access to our minds in exchange for something “fee”, like email, streaming video or online shopping pages. As opposed to “paying” attention, we actually “spend attention”, agreeing to the view ads in exchange for something we really want.

The centrality of that deal in our lives makes it unacceptable that there are companies who seize our time and attention for absolutely nothing in exchange, and indeed, without permission at all-otherwise known as “attention theft”.

Attention theft happens anywhere you find your time and attention taken without permission, like the new, targeted advertising screens in hospital waiting rooms, the airlines that play full-volume advertising from a screen right in front of your face, or the advertising - screens in office elevators. These are just few examples in what is a growing category. Combined, they threaten to make us live life in a screen-lined cocoon(茧),shrunken and incapable of independent thought.

Then, what makes it “theft”?Advances in neuroscience over the last several decades make it clear that our brain’s resources are unconsciously triggered(触发)by sound and movement;therefore the screens seize rare mental resources. Meanwhile, in the law, theft is typically defined as the taking control of a resource “under such circumstances as to acquire the major part of its economic value or benefit. ” Given the established market value of time and attention, when taken without permission or compensation, it really is not much different from someone taking money out of your pocket. Thus, when the firms selling public-screen advertising to target audiences brag of rapid growth and billions in profit, those are actually earnings made by stealing from us.

1. What phenomenon is described in Paragraph 1?
A.Preference for cash.B.Consumption of attention.
C.Payments in shopping.D.Addiction to mass media.
2. How does the writer show the wide spread of “attention theft”?
A.By making a definition.B.By analyzing causes.
C.By giving examples.D.By predicting results.
3. Why is “attention theft” considered as a theft?
A.It brings a fortune to the thief.
B.It lays heavy burden on the brain.
C.It takes up mental resources secretly.
D.It brings about economic loss constantly.
4. What could be the best title for the text?
A.The Crisis of Attention Theft
B.The Price of Attention Theft
C.Ads:Source or Theft of Information
D.“Paying” Instead of “Spending” Attention
2023-04-12更新 | 40次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
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Today I thought I’d blog about a question that has been asked many times — how do you stay safe online and avoid bad experiences on the Internet? I’m not an expert, but many years as a blogger have taught me a thing or two.

First of all, there’s the golden rule of the Internet: If you see or read something that makes you feel uncomfortable, leave the site immediately. Don’t post comments or click on anything. Second, protect your privacy. Don’t give out your address or phone number. Someone might use the information to steal your identity. Identity theft is a common and serious problem. Third, be polite. Being online is no excuse for being rude, and you don’t want to become a target for a troll or cyberbully. A troll is a person who posts comments or questions in order to stir up trouble online. Trolls often use several false names so that they can stay on a site. A cyberbully uses the Internet to be mean to others. Like a troll, a cyberbully will also write something mean but it is usually directed at particular people. He or she may also post embarrassing photos and information about those people. However, the more polite you are, the less likely it is you will be attacked.

Have you had any bad experiences online, or do you have some good advice for staying safe? Post your comments below!


Last year, we were having problems in our chat room. Mean comments were being posted by someone we didn’t know. I think he or she was only trying to make trouble.

A girl at my school had a very bad experience online. A photo of her had been posted online and she was being made fun of. It seemed like a joke at first, but the girl was very upset.
Read the text again and study the organisation and language features.
1. Tick what the writer tells the reader in Paragraph 1.
definition of online safety
the writer’s knowledge
background information
the topic of the post
2. What words and phrases does the writer use to organise the information in Paragraph 2?
3. How does the writer end the post?
2024-05-04更新 | 3次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般